Comments on: To a ranch in Paraguay Swedish humor travel in the nature with useful odditys, love, food, photo Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:11:18 +0000 by: Lifecruiser Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:36:51 +0000 Hey Jenny, good to have you visiting our blog and leaving a nice reply. As you can see if you click on the top picture in the main page, we have several pics changing there and one of them is a waterfall. That pic is taken on Iceland last year. A truly amazing island that I highly recommend to visit! We can tell you more about it if you are interested, just let us know. Probably we will write something about it later on in this blog anyway. Thanx for the invitation - it goes the other way round too of course! Funny that you should mention TX, my best friend has been there before but I never got the chance to go there and see her then. Actually, we MAYBE will go to Ohio in september some time, but it is not definitive yet. But we are going to be rather busy so the "look-around-trips" will have to wait for the next time we go there I think. US have soo very much to offer in seightseeing! And we want to see it all! Pheeeeewww! Hey Jenny, good to have you visiting our blog and leaving a nice reply.

As you can see if you click on the top picture in the main page, we have several pics changing there and one of them is a waterfall. That pic is taken on Iceland last year. A truly amazing island that I highly recommend to visit!

We can tell you more about it if you are interested, just let us know. Probably we will write something about it later on in this blog anyway.

Thanx for the invitation - it goes the other way round too of course! Funny that you should mention TX, my best friend has been there before but I never got the chance to go there and see her then.

Actually, we MAYBE will go to Ohio in september some time, but it is not definitive yet. But we are going to be rather busy so the “look-around-trips” will have to wait for the next time we go there I think.

US have soo very much to offer in seightseeing! And we want to see it all! Pheeeeewww!

by: Jenny Mon, 22 Aug 2005 04:21:44 +0000 You'll have to let me know how it is in Paraguy and what you think of Iguazu Falls (did I spell that right... i always mix up the letters)... anyways. I've heard its best to see Iguazu from both the Brazil and Argentina side. I love waterfalls, so part of my trip around the world is to see all the great waterfalls. Well, thanks for leaving your footprints on my blog. If your ever in Houston, TX within the next year look me up. You’ll have to let me know how it is in Paraguy and what you think of Iguazu Falls (did I spell that right… i always mix up the letters)… anyways. I’ve heard its best to see Iguazu from both the Brazil and Argentina side. I love waterfalls, so part of my trip around the world is to see all the great waterfalls.

Well, thanks for leaving your footprints on my blog. If your ever in Houston, TX within the next year look me up.
