August 31st, 2005

My wife showing her tits

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

Mr Lifecruiser: OK, I will cover my flanks now. The battle is in full action! She is gonna get…

I must post this picture of my wife, to take some landmark back after she posted that beach thing of me.

- Remember, I am only defending my self! No one can blame me for that. OK?

This is a really naughty one - caught in the very act of showing her tits in public!

Mrs Lifecruiser showing her tits

- Yes, it is insane of her, but as you have noticed, I am sure, she is a freaking maniac. I mean, she must be, she is married and living with me…..

Cruise list: Mandy.
August 31st, 2005

Update at the war zone

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

Mrs Lifecruiser: I’m doing some nice day dreaming about the revenge….

War zone update

But this is not a possibility in our war. *heavy sigh*

Why not?

Well, the answer is quite simple for once:

1) We do love each other very deep.
2) We seems to have problems spending any time apart.
3) Our sofa is not big enough to sleep at.
4) I have mercy with my man after all.
5) I need him to keep my back warm.

…...OK, I confess, that is not the main reason…our only bed is 90 cm width. ….. It is true, I swear! (I think this is about 35,5 inch, I am not sure)

We have been sleeping in that mini size bed for about 1,5 year now and is just loving it. The bed is the main reason for us to get home sick when we are on our travels. Yes, we are crazy, told you so before, now do you beleive me…???

I will think of something else for getting my revenge…

Any one having any naughty suggestions……?

Come on, be creative, spit it out now, something you always wanted to do your self maybe…?

August 30th, 2005

The hard on(e) at the beach

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

Mrs Lifecruiser now declairs WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

War reason: To get revenge on Mr Lifecruisers earlier post down below.


Better tell the truth and nothing but the truth: Did Mr Lifecruiser forget to tell you about what really happened that very day at the beach…?

It’s best described in pictures, so here it comes:

Mr Lifecruiser ashame of him self

PS. That’s why Mr Lifecruiser is so red in his face, it’s NOT sun tan….. Ooooh, and he do has a funny walk after that incident, so how was it actually….?

Cruise list: WiLL Garcia and Mandy.
August 28th, 2005

Our bikini blog

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

It seems to be so very popular with bikini blogs and with blogs that have girls in even more less clothes than bikinis, so we’re thinking: what about us? Should we contribute too? We also want to be trendy….

But could we dare…?
To show us so bare…?


So here it comes - Mrs Lifecruiser half naked in her bikini:

Mrs Lifecruiser in bikini

PS. This could more than likely happen again since Mrs Lifecruiser is suffering of a severe case of Altzheimers disease and probably even a little bit of dementia…. *LOL*

Cruise list: ChrisM, Deb, and Mandy.
August 28th, 2005

1 year wedding anniversery

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love

Lifecruiser wedding
to Mr and Mrs
Lifecruiser on
their 1 year
wedding anniversery.

They have promised
each other to be in
love for at least
44 years to come
- after that they will
negotiate for
another 44 years…

At that age they will probably not even remember that they have married, so they can re-marrying as many times as they like to ;-)

Cruise list: Mandy.
August 27th, 2005

The naked truth about your life

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys, Love, Food

Life is rushing fast, so do not let it to just rush by you. Stop for a moment NOW – and keep doing it every second – think hard about what it is you are doing and if it could be done in some different or other better way.

You only get one life and it is you that shall take care of it the best way you possible can. It is only YOU who can do something about your own life. That is the naked truth.

Do not hesitate about that and do not let the time just go away. The days are not coming back.

Surely, you are given certain conditions from the beginning of your life, but that is not an excuse to not influence your life as much as you can in a positive way. Start today!

:: PAUSE for a moment, THINK hard, and BREAK the routines! ::

Do not stress, do not go with the big mass, follow your own path in your own pace. The one that is good for you. It is only you who in best way can take care of your self.

Have you been thinking of what a magnificent gift and invention your body is? Take care of it in the way you should, to stay vital as long as possible and bring you joy during many years to come.

Do not dedicate your whole life to your work, live your life instead, because one day it can be too late….!

Pause and enjoy all that life has to offer you, do not take it for granted. Next time you shall eat a good dinner: really feel the good smell and taste of it, enjoy it. Mmmm, yummy, does not certain things taste just divine? Take the time to expand the enjoyable moment, enjoy every crumb of it.

Recognize your feelings and enjoy these feelings, every inch , every second, what ever it is! Close your eyes if needed, but always do everything with feeling and heart and not just by routines.

LIVE every minute, ENJOY, LOVE………

We are!

Sangria, Gambas al Ajillo

Cruise list: Sharlet.
August 27th, 2005

Live every minute

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

”The humans that have got out most of life is not the ones that have lived a century, it is the ones that have lived every minute”

(Gabrielle Colette)

August 27th, 2005

Free from TV

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Yes, you read it right. FREE from TV. We have not been watching TV for about a long long time now. At least not for 6 months or more.

The last time was, of course, news and a poker program. And nothing before that for very very long either. That is it. No more. We are telling you the truth.


How chocking that may be, it is the truth. We promise. Just turned off the button - poffff - it was gone…..

Yeah, we know that we are totally crazy and we are proud of that. Do you dare to be crazy too? Think about it, what would you be doing if you were not watching TV? Do you think about some other exciting things to do? Then you are as crazy as we are! Maybe it is contagious?

chairsleepLet our imagination and
fantasy flow and create
other ways of living life
instead, not just sitting
their staring in the sofa
and get mentally and
physically drained by
watching poor TV.

What would have become of the world if TV was not invented? All these passive hours that people could have done something more human or useful instead. It is driving me insane to think about it!!!!

There are soooo many other really nice, cool, funny, challenging, selfgrowing, educating, human, loving things to do in our lifes, so how could we resist it…?

It is all about exploring. Explore the world, your body and soul….. and of course internet.

Turning off the computer - that is a completely other matter…..

August 25th, 2005

Dinner suggestions

Posted by Lifecruiser in Food

Empty fridge
What would YOU make for dinner with this empty fridge…? Send us hungry monsters a suggestion before we starve.


Ok, if we really beg you too? *sending you begging eyes*

Please….? No…..?


Cruise list: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser.
August 25th, 2005

Morning wake ups

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

To get the feeling of how we are doing this morning:

“Doctor, every morning when I get up and look myself in the mirror, I feel like throwing up. Whats wrong with me? He said: I dont know, but your sight is perfect!”

(Rodney Dangerfield)

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