
September 15th, 2005

Life Before Technology

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

For us OLD people who still remember how it was:

- An application was for employment.
- A program was a TV show.
- A cursor used profanity.
- A keyboard was a piano!
- Memory was something that you lost with age.
- A CD was a bank account!
- And if you had a broken disk, it would hurt when you found out!
- Compress was something you did to garbage, not some- thing you did to a file!
- If you unzipped anything in public you would be in jail for a while!
- Log on was adding wood to a fire.
- Hard drive was a long trip on the road.
- A mouse pad was where a mouse lived.
- Cut you did with a pocket knife.
- Paste you did with glue.
- A web was a spiders home.
- And a virus was the flu!

Cruise list: Mandy, Mama Mouse, and Easywriter.
September 15th, 2005

Do not dare to say the words

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Whispering: You are not going to beleive this…. We hardly dare to say this…. The B-word striked on us again, right after the last post!!!!

Not only the other problems happened, the whole d*mn webhotel we are hosted at went down after we wrote that! And for several hours too!

We did not wrote this, you have not read this. We do not dare to challenge the B-word again…

Cruise list: Mandy.
September 14th, 2005

Comp problems or bad luck?

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Computer problems or bad luck?

Now we are laughing even more over here! When saving the post before this, the database seemeed to hang a bit….

The update went wrong… It did not want to take the code I had written…and on the top of that: my comp hanged with a blue screen as a result…..

Was this bad luck striking again because we wrote about it or…..?

*can not stop giggle*

Cruise list: Mandy.
September 14th, 2005

Is bad luck contagious?

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Miss Ass. Lifecruiser have as you know now, very bad luck with things. Lately we have begin to wonder if bad luck maybe can be contagious. Not really worried, more curiouos!

We have noticed a small portion of unluck coming in our way too here, that was not the case before. And it seems to increase in connection with visits from her. Hmmmm…

The latest, more big things, that happened was in June, when it was decided that she should go to the US. She would come to our place first and we would give her a lift to the airport the day after that. (Before she was able to come it happened a lot of other things too of course!!!)

Anyway, I got a terrible pain in my stomach that evening, really serious, I was very close to go to hospital, but it went away after maybe an hour and I then forgot about it.

Some how I was not really fit for fight during her visit here though, but I could not point out what the problem was at first. Then I got back the pain in the stomach but I kept it for my self, because I did not want to worry her. She has had enough with problems already….

So we went to the airport to say good bye and then straight ahead home where I told Mr Lifecruiser that it was something seriously wrong. I should try to rest a bit since we had not get much sleep in the night and then probably we had to go to the hospital.

Yes, it was then they had to surf around the INSIDE OF ME to remove my appendix. No big deal really, but the worrying issue was that this was exactly one week before we were supposed to go to Scotland! (< = Read more there about our trip to Scotland)

Miss Ass. Lifecruiser was worried about that, felt guilty that she somehow was bringing this bad luck on me… But I like to see things positive: I have had problems for a long time with it and I think it was very good to have it removed, because I do not want appendicitis when we are in Paraguay or Brazil!!!

Of course, that was nothing when you compare it to last year when Miss Ass. Lifecruiser got appendicitis her self and died and came to live again because there was huge complications…. She could not, like normal people ;-) just have her appendicitis. Oh no, not so simple things can happen to her.

Is there any vaccine for bad luck??? In that case we want to order it for her!!! Urgent!!!

Beginning to wonder: is it we or she that should be worried about visiting her soon….?

PS. Did we tell you what happened yesterday to her? She succeeded to damage her tooth when she was licking off the cream from the whisk… So now there is a piece missing of it…. and she has no money to go to the dentist! Looking really handsome now we bet! *LOL*

Cruise list: Miss. Ass. Lifecruiser and Mandy.
September 13th, 2005

Friends 4ever

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love

We have a friend that some how always are in the need of us more often than others. This is one of our closest friends and Mrs Lifecruisers best friend. Yes, you have met her here before, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser. She is going to be a part of our daily reality soap as a true lifecruiser.

Her life is enough stuff to be a reality soap on its own, there is certainly happening enough with stuff to her all the time. And it really is not her that is creating the stuff that is happening, they just seems to be drawn towards her…

I have said several times to her that she must write a book about her life or a script for a TV soap! So she has given us the permission to write about it here. We just do not know how to start tell her story, it is almost hard to beleive it. Some hard work is needed to get all pieces together! Be sure to come back to get it later!

As you may have noticed the postings have been rather thin lately, one of the reasons for that is that her current problems have taken some time to work on, our minds have been busy. She has had a really tough time lately. Friends in need are of course priority #1. Feelings are hard work.

Yesterday we came to a climax, at least we do hope so, it is just the one hundred of them ;-) Shortly about the facts right now is that she is a need of money. As usual not for her own sake (!), but for her friends there in US. They are in the fear of being evicted from their home because of unlucky circumstances.

So what to do? No one in their familys want to help them out, which for one fact is a big shame in our eyes. That is the ultimate treachery of them all, the one that should be their closest ones, the ones that they really should be able to trust and they are letting them down. We can not write the words we want to here…. Let us just say that we are pissed off.

She is unusually goodhearted and has been helping them out already, but as she only has a small disability pension of her own, she has been making them to count by magic so far. She is a hell of economic person, that really can “cook soup of a nail” as we say here in Sweden. A real survivor.

She do not like to borrow the money, she want to make it by her own, but sometimes the will is not enough. We do not have much, but of course we had to scratch together some of the amount so they can pay half the rent today to avoid the eviction.

Money is not all, friendship and humanity is worth more.

So what, if we have some problems to get the money to count for a while, we will survive!

Heart We have something else, that is worth much more than anything else. Our friendship and love.

Some words about true friendship:

- By being a good friend you get good friends
- A friend is some one that you can rely on no matter what
- A good friend do not judge or hold something against you
- A good friend listen and supports you
- Good friends are always honest to each others
- A good friend understands and accepts you as you are

It is worth much more to have just one truly good friend then many superficial so called friends.

Hey, we have our own “Day of friendship” here - or let us say, that it is that day every day shall we?

Do not forget your friends, take good care of them.

We have two favourite clips about friendship for you to take a peek at here, why not send them to a friend of yours TODAY?

I Like You
Between friends

Cruise list: Miss ass.Lifecruiser and Mandy.
September 12th, 2005

The Party is over

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Mrs Lifecruiser disappointed that the party is overNot any one who want to continue partying…??? My, oh, my what tired people I have around me… Can not keep up with my party capacity obvious. *heavy sigh*

I must confess that yesterday was a fun fun fun day - and night - and morning! It was a a good party here to celebrate us for being “The Blog Of the Day” and all. But not enough people to say cheer to, that was a pity….

Our good friend Miss Ass. Lifecruiser was out partying in the US for us too , that is a truly good friend :-)

Today at the phone she sounded like she had a really good evening yesterday!

Cruise list: Mandy and Miss Ass. Lifecruiser.
September 11th, 2005

Blog of The Day in Blog Herald

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Love

Kisses from Mr Lifecruiser Kisses from Mrs Lifecruiser

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you The Blog Herald for choosing us to be the blog of the day….

We are moved in to the deepth of our hearts… Tears in our eyes… The champaign will flow freely all day long!

Cheers every one :-D

At first we could not really beleive it was the truth, was it someone making fun of us? But, no, there it is in The Blog Herald!

Wow, we are so proud. Speachless for a moment.

Cruise list: Mandy, Buzzoodle Ron, and Miss Ass. Lifecruiser.
September 11th, 2005

Pushing all the right buttons

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

I really like to push some buttonsThis weekend I have been a
totally surf freak. I confess, I
almost got addicted to surfing…

I just could not stop pushing
the buttons. “Hey, if there is
a button, surely I must push
it…” My arms is so tired, my
eyes reflecting the display
like a square, my mind so
tired, so tired. But yeeahhh,
I am in the top surfers league
in the blog traffic exchange
thing now. Hmmm…
So what? What now?

Done that part, now I can relax and just enjoy all the other nice things with the net. I must admit that it was kind of fun there for a moment. And yes, we got some more visitors to the blog - but is it the visitors that really gonna READ our blog? And furthermore: what visitors do we want for our blog?

So the benefit of it is that I got a feeling of what we really want with this blog - the same conclusion I am sure that the rest of you already has done - we just want to share our thoughts with who ever who happens to come across it and read it! As simple as that. No fuzz about it.

And face it: there are much more fun buttons to push ;-)

But I still wonder: What is it that drags me to the computer like a magnet all the time….?

Anyone who like to answer?

Cruise list: Mandy, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, Thom Singer, and Mr Lifecruiser.
September 10th, 2005

Mrs lovely morning

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Mrs Lovely Morning
I do not know what I am doing here now, because I do not do mornings. I skipped the mornings. Does it looks like I enjoy this?

Who want to brush my very tousled hair? Good luck with it…

I often wonder what is happenings in the nights, just because of the look of my hair in the morning. Even Einsteins sister would not have had this kind of tousled hair I guess.

Am I out partying without knowing it? That could explain my tired and totally out of control body in the mornings.

If you have spotted me somewhere - please tell me if I had any fun!

Cruise list: Mandy, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, and Lonnie B Hodge.
September 9th, 2005

Tagged for the very first time

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Whispering shy: I have been *giggles a bit before I dare to say the word* tagged… for the very first time in my life. I have been a virgin in that field until now. *blushing*

I know, that is not something to be ashamed of. But all the others girls have already done it. It feels like I am the only one in the whole world that still is untouched. I have been dreaming about this day in my life.

Worrying a lot. I mean, how do I do it? I am already covered in sweat just at the thought of doing it. How do I begin? Must I do everything that is expected of me? What if I not want to do certain things, will that be accepted?

I am sure that the memory of this very first time will haunt me for the rest of my life, so I think I have to wait a little longer before I let me be tagged all the way. At least until a proper, special moment.

I am sure that the moment will come soon, I just must be in the mood for it….

I am sure that Mandy at A penny for them - that fixed this up for me - is just dying of curiosity to hear about it all, but now I am teasing her a little bit by letting her wait for the yummy details….

“Like a virgin, touched for the very first time….” *singing Madonnas song loudly*

Cruise list: Mandy.
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