
September 9th, 2005

Animal victims of Katrina

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful, Pets

Finally, even we will write something about the Katrina disaster. It is so hard to get the words come out right. There is no proper way to say anything on the subject other than that we all feels the pain with the victims.

How ever, there is something we have missed in all the writing out there on the internet and that is mentioning of the other victims, the animals. They too suffer in this mess.

So we will instead urge you all to donate some money to save some of this equally innocent victims.

HSUS Katrina animal rescue

Cruise list: Mandy.
September 8th, 2005

Bar hang for hungry monsters

Posted by Lifecruiser in Food

I really like the way our kitchen turned out after we have changed the furniture. Now it is really practical. With problems in my back it is just awesome to have these more kind of bar-hang-out-style.

OK, I confess, it is more fun to drink beer at home now! There, I said it.

There is one more fact, that I had to point out for Mr Lifecruiser, who had not noticed the just marbellous discovery I had.

I can remained seated on my bar chair and still reach everything on the tables, the fridge (most important to refill my plate or glass!) and the drawers etc! Oh, boy do I just LOVE this!

If the kitchen just have been a tiny tiny bit smaller I could even have reached the stove without moving my tired body at all. It is a heaven for a hungry monster….. *Up on the clouds dreaming*

Our practical bar

We will not do anything at the dull walls, colors and such stuff, because we are not sure how long we will be living here.

After all, we are hardly living here now, travelling around the world so much and who knows where we are ending up….?

Cruise list: Mandy and Vigilant20.
September 8th, 2005

Winner or a Looser in Poker?

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

In which category do you want to be in? Winner or a looser? Of course you say winner!

Have you thought about what makes you to a winner in poker? If not, I will share some experience I have had at the poker table.

- Play poker is like standing in a queue, you have to wait for your turn if not it could damage for you. So wait for good cards before you make your decision and especially look at your opponents for what kind of draw they are doing.

- When you make a wager at the pre-flop you should be absolutely sure to win the stack. Do not go in and check, it is better to fold the cards in that situation. It cost too much otherwise and you will soon see your stack reduce very fast.

- Let your opponents be them who is wagering in every minute. They will presumably give it to you soon or later, so stand in the queue and wait, the money will come to your stack for sure.

When you play on internet remember a few important things:

- Do not look at TV at the same time it is more then enough with one display, I promise!

- Do not have a couple of children hanging around your legs. It is cute with kids but…

- Do not drink spirits, but you can with advantage enjoy a small beer and black olives………yum-yum…

- Do not argue with your wife/man, it can cost a packet!

At least when you play poker just do that and nothing else, then you can focus at the right thing: to WIN the pot.

Cruise list: Mandy.
September 7th, 2005

Dinner left overs

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Food

Mr Lifecruiser is a gourmet, and I have to confess that I am a gourmet and a totally food monster. No one would be safe left alone with me on a deserted island…. Quite often I just MUST have a sandwich in the middle of the night or my stomach will not leave me alone, it roarrrrr with an extremely loud voice that just can not be ignored.

And do not even try to make me do something when I am in the hungry stage (every 3-4 hour), the petrol is just totally run down and the engine is running only on the reserve tank.

Our strong interest of food is one of the reasons why we decided, on a early stage in our travelling, that we should take photos of the food we were served on our trips. Nicely put on the plates and everything.

It is always interesting to see what people eat in other countries, right?

The only problems is that we seems to be so very hungry when we get the food, so we often forgets to take the photos….!!!

It has gone so far now, that we even puts the camera on the table, without the camera case and is sitting staring at the camera - trying hard not to forget about it - and then when the dinner is served, we completely forget to take a photo of it anyway. Totally hopeless, severe cases of Altzheimers obviously.

So what have we done? The one thing to do in hopeless cases: adapt to the situation and do the most of it instead.

So here are our unsuccessful food photos:

Eaten food in Crete
This is one of our eaten dinners at our honeymoon at Almyrida Beach, Crete, a very small village. We found Crete just breathtaking, although we got quite covered in sweat very often . That was not because the food was too spicy, or the hot weather - it was beacuse of small roads and the hights in the mountains!

This was some awesome Tapas in Crete
This was some awesome Tapas in Fuerteventura. We really loved the Papas Arrugadas (canarian salted potatoes) with Mojo Picón (red pepper sauce), *drooling all over the pics now* the Gambas al Ajillo (garlic fryed shrimps), local goat cheese and tomato salad. Give me a towel some one!

Eaten food in GB
One of our favourite lunches in Scotland, Soup of the day, which could be almost anything.

Eaten food in GB
Another soup of the day, both this soup photos were eaten at a Community Center near Great Britains most westerly point, Ardnamurchan. The best thing with that was that afterwards, we asked the ladies there if we could take a photo of the soups directly in the pot since we missed. And that was the beginning of a very nice talk where we got to know a lot of things about Scottish things that we did not know before.

Eaten food in Scotland
We must confess (sorry you GB citizens, do not hit us) that we are not too fond of all the chips that comes with dinner in GB.

Eaten food in Scotland
Oooops, all we did manage to get on picture this time was half a bread with garlic, boy, we must have been extra hungry that day in Scotland!

Eaten food in Scotland
My eaten baked potatoes vanished in to my big monster stomach.

Eaten food in Scotland
Mr Lifecruiser still had his half left at this moment. He was a little bit worried about that, would I dare to take his?

Eaten food in Scotland
Among other things, this is our absolutely favourites of the scottish breakfast: the grapefruit segments! We bought some ones with us home too. Note that this was the second bowl I ate this morning. Of course.

Eaten food in Scotland
What can we say? We just love the real scottish breakfasts with bacon, eggs, tomatoes, cerials, and the tea is so very tasty preferebly with scones or toasts. Yummy!

Eaten food on Gotland
Medevial food on Gotlands Medevial week, where the mugs where paid entrance to the feast the last evening. We admit that the lamb we got there was not quite so good as it can be if it is properly done - and of course with a good lamb…

Now you see that it is a hard work to photograph our dinners before we shovel it in to our big mouths!

Cruise list: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, Mandy, and Miss Ass. Lifecruiser.
September 7th, 2005

We do not do mornings

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Warm mornings
Do not like mornings….
We do not do mornings….

Everything can goes wrong
and usually does… That is
why we stay in bed for as
long as we can.

Can not do things right and
can not speak understandable.
Luckily we are both the same
way, so we often ends up just
laughing and laughing crazy.

I use to say to my best friend, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, that Mr Lfiecruiser and I complement each other, together we have ONE brain. Then she just laughs at us like we were her children or something and do not at all sounds like she agree with that.

OK, So maybe it is not a complete brain, but it is pretty close!

Cruise list: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser and Miss Ass. Lifecruiser.
September 6th, 2005

Earth quake and bad weather

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Useful

When out travelling around the world it could come in handy with this Earthquake Monitor - hey, it is not our meaning to scare you up, but it is good-to-know-facts!

We had booked a journey to Malaysia and the Philippines in Januari this year. We were going to stay in Malaysia for two weeks at a Golf & Spa Resort Hotel and really get spoiled. Then we were suppose to head for The Philippines and The island Boracay and stay there for 1,5 month…. *dreaming*

Now, it is a strange thing here. Mrs Lifecruiser seems to have some kind of spell put on her, beacuse where ever she goes - where the weather conditions normally would be good - she get bad weather. We do not know what evil she has done to deserve this, other from being a freak and a hungry monster we can not think of anything.

This time, what happened just before we should leave? Yes, you have guessed right, The Tsunami came. It smashed in over the same coast line in Malaysia where we should stay. Luckily for us, this time, we were not there yet, but this still ment that we did not get the pleasure of enjoying this trip! There was no way that we could go there and enjoy anything after seing all the news from the tsunami, pictures of the hit rolling around in our heads.

So we did stay at home and instead donated money to all the poor victims that were there.

Afterwards we did a check up with the facts of earthquakes and tsunamis in all that area and yes, it could be a risky area to visit, but then of course: how could you ever know in advance about any disaster???!! Ever so often the nature beats us. Just look at the Katrina disaster now.

You will never know where nature hits, but you can not go around and thinking about that all the time either. We must do what we came to the earth to do: just LIVE the best way we can.

We maybe will go there another year instead, The Philippines seems so very beutiful. We have friends that use to go there every year, for many years now, that is how we became interested of going there. They have only good things to say about it!

Another strange thing is: when we go to places where we NOT expect the weather to be fine, it has been better than it use to be… For example when we went to London and Iceland it was surprisingly fine weather there! Even when we were in Scotland it was not as bad as it could have been.

But we still wonder: will there be bad weather on our next trip? In that case maybe The US should put up an early warning systems for visitors with a spell on them….?

EARLY WARNING! Lifecruiser is coming to the US, Ohio the 19th of September!!!!!

Cruise list: USA Posting and Mandy.
September 5th, 2005

Poker prevents Altzheimers

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

If anyone is wondering WHY we are playing around so often at pokersites, here is the answer…. *LOL*

“Several recent studies have shown that mental and physical exercise throughout life may significantly reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s.

Mental exercises such as crossword puzzles, brain teasers, chess, or card games help keep the mind working in top shape. This helps build what is called a cognitive reserve. Formal education also helps build a person’s cognitive reserve. In fact, each year of education reduces a person’s chances of getting Alzheimer’s by an average of 17%. Scientists believe this is because people with a large cognitive reserve are better able to adapt to neurons that are killed by the disease. The more neural connections you have, the longer it takes for the disease to make a significant impact.

It’s important to note that mental exercise cannot do much help once Alzheimer’s has already set in. A person must have a lifetime commitment to learning in order to build up their cognitive reserve. It is probably not possible to completely prevent the disease in genetically susceptible people, but it is possible to delay the onset by long enough that it will not occur in the person’s lifetime”.

[Cut from]

Cruise list: CaptainJeff.
September 4th, 2005

Housekeeping methods

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

In the meantime, while waiting for you to wake up (helloooooo where are you???) and come in with some wishes of episodes for our new Odd Reality Soap, we are going to do a unofficial pre-start. Just to give us all some inspiration…

We will clearify the totally boring subject housekeeping methods - or how to make it more fun.

We have implemented simply brilliant methods for housekeeping, that will keep the subject out of the usual nagging or fighting between married couple - or unmarried couple for that matter.

The method #1 is simple: None of us are doing it!


Here are some sample pics of the cruel reality, just to get you in the mood of not cleaning:

Kitchen thingsJust left it where I was standing
Stuffed bag still packedShopping bags from our Gotland trip
Beachbag, other things from our tripA tiny share of the laundry from the trip
Washed clothes lays drying all over the livingroomCrap in the hall

[Place the cursor over the pic to see comments about it]

Sorry, could not catch our pets the dust rats on picture, they just keep fly away whenever we come close. Or the suitcases which where standing there too, still packed with some items. I guess we will have to empty them totally before the next trip….?

Now, we comes to method #2 which is more enjoyable: Do the cleaning up nude!

As you already are wet in sweat (and maybe from other things to, what would we know ;-) , grab the fantastic oppertunity to make love in front of (or where ever you feel like) the vacuumcleaner, dishwasher or washing machine.

Ohhh, and take your time, the dirt is not going anywhere but in your minds ;-)

And under NO circumstances are we publishing any pics from this method, no matter what your arguments or begging methods are!

You naughty ones….!

To Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, Mrs Lifecruisers best friend, we have to say: sorry that you do not have a husband and do be careful with the buttons on the machines, hey, it can be to much vibrations even for you to handle ;-)

And to the rest of you: Please feel free to come clean and confess other methods of yours.

Cruise list: Martin, Colleen, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, Miss Ass Lifecruiser, and Mandy.
September 3rd, 2005

Welcome to our reality soap

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Now we understand why we were sharing our little battle with you all! It is our new Odd Reality Soap! Of course, that is it!

We stopped watching TV along time ago, as we wrote in our earlier post, so we are creating our own reality soap here.

I mean, come on, it is just as crazy/bad as the other soaps - so why not….?

OK, I admit, we MAYBE are just a little bit uglier, but apart from that I think our lifes is good enough stuff.

What do you say? Have any suggestions of what episodes you want to “see”?

(No, no, no naughty thoughts here, our bedroom is private *lol*)

Cruise list: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, Miss Ass Lifecruiser, and MomyblogR.
September 2nd, 2005

Love is beutiful

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love
Love is beutiful - Mr & Mrs Lifecruiser kiss and make up!

What can we say? Other than: We kissed and……! Aren’t we cute???? War is officielly over. Peace man!

Cruise list: Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, Miss Ass Lifecruiser, Akms, Dr. Fil, CaptainJeff, and Mandy.
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