
February 21st, 2006

I have been Tagged again

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

I got tagged by Jenny over at Where is Jenny. So I had to roll up my sleeves and put the writers hat on. I took the liberty to change the tags a bit too.

Jobs I’ve had:
1. Post Office Cashier/Instructor
My first job (after College) required a ten month long education with graduation. Wow, you can’t even imagine how much money was sliding through my fingers at that short time as a cashier! Maybe that’s the reason why money isn’t impressive for me? I had my chances to escape with millions, but nah, money is not all that counts.

2. Help Desk Technician/Manager *)
Oh boy, how much people I’ve been in phone with and helped out! Been the Tech-Angel. Then I had to take care of all the worn out Help Desk Staff… Pheeew!

3. Remedy (Application) Developer *)
Now, that was a fun job to have, sit and hack on the computer in piece and quiet after all the Tech-Angel hassles.

4. System/Server Management *)
It was hard work to get the systems & server equipment AND the technicians to work efficient.

5. Project Manager, IT *)
Managing new stuff projects to get it going, especially kicking all the project participants in their asses to do their jobs in time.

*) Worked as a consultant within these competences too. Had, for quite a while, all the jobs #2-5 at the same time! No wonder I’ve got so much back problems, a burned brain, grey hairs and wrinkles already.

6. Lifecruiser
Today I’m living happily ever after… with Mr Lifecruiser and travelling the world when we’re up to it. Maybe we’ll move abroad when time is right – and we’ve found the right place. Let the rest of my wonderful life continue….

Movies I can watch over and over:
Our wedding movie, Mr Bean movies, all memories in my brain.

Place I have lived:
Stockholm, Sweden, Earth. Some one, PLEASE send me to a warmer place! (Preferably not to hell)

TV programs I love(d):
Friends, Gilmore Girls, The Vet’s (English), Discovery Channel. I hardly ever watch TV any longer, there are so much other more creative or humane things that I found better to do.

Places I’ve vacationed:
Sweden (a lot, but my favourite is: Gotland-Fårö), Norway (Oslo, Dröbak), Åland, Finland (Turkku, Helsinki, Tampere, Forssa), Denmark (Copenhagen, Aalborg), Iceland, Germany (Sylt), Portugal (Algarve), Italy (Milano), France (Paris), Scotland (east/west coast and highlands), Greece (Crete), England (London), Spain (Fuerteventura, Lanzarote), The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Haarlem), U.S (Cleveland, Niagara Falls) Paraguay (working ranch outside Asuncíon), Argentina (Iguazu Falls), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro & Natal).

My favorite dishes:
As the hungry monster I am, most of the home cooked meals is favourites *drooling* and get shovelled in to my big mouth. Better to keep the monster stomach as calm as possible!

Sites I visit daily:
Our bed (so nice, soft, warm and on top of that: Mr Lifecruiser, my teddy, is there), kitchen (with so much good food and drinks *drooling heavily* ), bathroom (well…the WC is a good thing to have sometimes and the shower makes me smell better…)

Places I would rather be right now:
Bathing in the Blue Lagoon (Iceland), safari in Africa, travelling around Australia, Mexico, Argentina, driving a cab (Corvette Stingray 1957 to please Mr Lifecruiser) on the U.S. west coast, on a sunny beach some where poking around with my toes in warm sand – maybe dip a toe in the ocean…ahhh… lovely hot dreams… Well, about every where but in the cold old Sweden - as long as Mr Lifecruiser is with me!

My motto:

People I am tagging:
1. Mr Haney
2. Dot
3. Martin
4. Sharlet

Come on, don’t be shy, do the tag dance…

Cruise list: Sharlet, Martin, and Skye.
February 20th, 2006

Lies for punctuality

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Wise words, Sports

“The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.”

[ Franklin P. Jones ]

That has happen to me a lot of times, as I’m very punctual of me. Have been anyway, not so sure any longer because people often get me to wait for them. I don’t like waiting. Who does?

Mrs Lifecruisers draws dressage horse

I once had an old friend, she was a pensioner. We shared a horse together and because of her skill, she was giving me private riding lessons too.

She was supposed to pick me up at the train station with her car and then we would drive to the stable. We decided a time to met. She never was there in time and she had the most fantastic stories about what have happened that had delayed her.

That wasn’t the biggest problem. It was the fact that she also should give me a lift to the station after the riding lesson and I had to catch a train to go to my work in the city - in time… Yes, as you have guessed, if I would have to relay on her, I would have been late every time.

So, what did I do?

I lied. Sometimes it’s necessary with a so called white lie. Instead of going through all that annoying stress mess every time, I told her that I had to make it to an earlier train than I actually needed. That way I was on the station about 10 min before the train should leave the station and I didn’t have to be stressed at all.

There are some people that just can’t be in time.

Sometimes it’s better to look for another, not so obvious solution.

Cruise list: Skye and Mrhaney.
February 19th, 2006

Have some Googlism

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

I had nothing better to do (well, I had, but didn’t want to do it), so I’ve been playing around at a bit. You can enter what ever you want and see what Google found about it.

Some of the results are fun, the rest is just silly or boring. I’ve shortened the lists, picked out some of them just to show you what it’s about. I couldn’t resist to comment some of them.


For nosepicking:
nosepicking is a frequent topic
nosepicking is a job that needs highest concentration and precision in order not to damage the nose while digging for some delicious clots
nosepicking is now a sin
nosepicking is in europe
nosepicking is nothing to sneeze at
nosepicking is prohibited in the cave
nosepicking is strictly a forbidden activity
nosepicking is pretty normal unless it’s obsessive
nosepicking is an artform *)

*) Especially if it’s not even your own nose!!!

For swedish:
swedish is cykel
swedish is in skaåne
swedish is just like english
swedish is one of only 16 hospitals in the country that has both a traumatic brain *)
swedish is a medium sized bird that weighs between 6 ½ and 8 pounds
swedish is like no other rally in the world championship
swedish is da bomb
swedish is easy to use and completely up
swedish is a relaxing form of massage
swedish is the mother tongue of over 8
swedish is a 328 bed acute care hospital and general care facility

*) That’s because we’re all crazy in Sweden

For whisky:
whisky is a food
whisky is good for your soul
whisky is for weaker stomachs *)
whisky is a serious business
whisky is to alternate sips of one with gulps of the other
whisky is also spelled whiskey depending on the country from which you are drinking

*) Whisky is medicine for toothache too

And I did a few others too, as you’re going to notice in our future posts…

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser.
February 19th, 2006

Miss Ass. daily horoscopes

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

I don’t know what special connection Miss Ass. Lifecruiser has, or if it’s some one she knows that writes her daily horoscopes she is getting, but they are scary accurate striking EVERY TIME!!! It’s just unbeleivable…

“Feel the need to escape from everyday life? That’s understandable. The stars say it’s a great time to get away from it all. If you’re able, grab a suitcase and run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit”.

That’s sooo her, she always grab her suitcase to run somewhere, seldom unpack it.

*shaking my head in disbelief*

NOTE: I’ve tried it, but I never got any interesting, accurate or striking horoscopes, just plain dull ones. So I unsubscribed. It’s no fun…..

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser.
February 18th, 2006

Drinking whiskey in the car

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Odditys
Hot car because of whiskey steam

I don’t know if I can recall this memory in any good way, because it’s so…. strange… but I’ll give it a try!

We were visiting some people we know in a forreign country. There was a lot of unusual strange weird things going on around that family and our visit there, but I’m not going to tell you all about that now, simply because it was too strange to even write down!!! I know I’m making you curious here, but I’m sorry… The full story would take about ages to write and you would still not understand a thing - we still don’t understand ourselves.

There were no seightseeing to talk about there, we still don’t count our visit there as we actually have visit that country. Anyway, one evening they were taken us out for a ride in their car and we were grateful to come out and at least see SOMETHING. Even though we at that time were a little bit frustrated of the situation, to put it mildly. We had travelled so far away to get there and for what…?

To begin with, they handled over a whiskey bottle to us in the back seat. (The same bottle Balvenie he got from us as a gift when we arrived, we know that’s his favourite brand). To drink in the car. They wouldn’t have any themselves, it was for us. OK, I can give them a little bit credit to say that it may had something to do with the fact that I had a tooth ache at the time, but that was not the whole reason. No, I’m sure that, at least one of them wanted something to accuse us of. And that was: us having drinking habits…

I really had a bad tooth ache, but we both also were stunned over the situation and quite frustrated, dejected over the whole stay there. So, I guess we both simultaneously just had enough, we started to drink whiskey in the car. I don’t even like that whiskey! It always the first time for everything. I’ve never been drinking in a car before, except from maybe some beer in my youth.

The main reason for driving around was that they should look at some house prospects. They wanted a new house. That was OK for us, if it had been one of the reasons for taking us out, but that was about the only thing we did. Driving around in the darkness looking at small streets and houses that we hardly could see anything of…

And drinking a lot of whiskey…

What could we do? We were tired of not doing anything, not having a nice time, so we got a little drunk. We decided to have fun anyway and we did. It’s a matter of attitude, ha? The only thing is: I don’t think that they understood that we had fun at them, how they could do this to us! Sometimes I couldn’t look at Mr Lifecruiser, because I may have reveiled the whole truth of why we were laughing so much under that actually so boring trip. We were even singing, despite none of us have any good voices, that was fun.

It truly was a hot car - because of the whiskey steams from the back seat ;-)

And yes, we were actually accused of being alcoholics later and for drinking beers and having fun in the evenings!!!

That was the first time in our lifes that we actually have been ACCUSED of having fun….

Whispering a secret: Actually we did have one habit that alcoholics have: we did hide a bottle of alcohol… It was that old bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne that we attended to give them as a gratitude for our stay there. We decided to keep it for ourselves, they wasn’t worthy of it, so the bottle flew back home with us again!

Cruise list: Mrhaney, TN Chick, and Walker.
February 18th, 2006

Locked doors for Politicians

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Wise words

“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.”

[ Doug Larson ]

I can’t even imagine how many politic blogs there are out here. Too many, if you ask me. That’s why I decided right from the beginning that there will be NO politic stuff in this blog.

Except that now I’ve broken that golden rule. Temporarily. I’m mentioning the horrible P-words.

Personally I don’t give a *fill in the word you want me to say* about politicians. They can say what ever they want and I won’t listen to what they say.

Why? (Isn’t that obvious…?)

You can’t trust them, they would sell their mother if they thought it would benefit them. They decide a lot of totally inhuman stuff that no normal, hardworking person, with some empathy and decency left, never ever would touch unless under gun threat.

They don’t play fair, gaining benefits for themselves and screw the rest. They tend to forget that it’s the rest that makes the world go around.

Oh, I forgot, they don’t give a *fill in that word again* if this world goes down the drain, because they won’t be around then….

No, I’ll stick to the more humane stuff - that’s worth more than a million politicians!!!

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser.
February 17th, 2006

My wifes nose stuff continues

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Pets

Oh boy, do I have a icky wife… She continues to do her nose stuff obviously. No wonder I’m pulling my hair in frustration what to do with her and getting grey hair - the hair I still have left… Remember the earlier post about My wife is picking my nose.

She seems still to be consistent with the icky habit to put things in her nose. This morning she was pouring coffee in to her nose (I swear, it’s the truth!) and one of her eyes!!! At first I thought that she was just very hungry as usual, before I realized that she was in to the nose thing again.

At least, this time it was her own nose and not mine!

She states that it was like two antennas going up to her face from the coffee and it must be aliens trying to break in to her nose and up to the brain to suck out the content (good luck I say, there is nothing there for them!). Or maybe our net pet Basil that have turn in to some nasty big spider with other awful habits, like breaking in to peoples brain and eat them up.

OK, we are a little bit worried that Basil maybe isn’t the sweet little pet we thought, he has been lurking a good time now, maybe he will come forward soon and has been growing in to an enormous size. Maybe we brought him with us from Brazil….? The world’s most dangerous poison spider….? Getting really worried here….

So, no wonder that I’m tired all the time, think of what I have to live with, one monster after another!!!

Cruise list: Dave and Happy and Blue.
February 16th, 2006

18th Century Wedding Clothes

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Photo
Lifecruisers heartshaped wedding flowers

Our wedding photos from 28th of August 2004 is now added, but I’ve not done any comments to them yet. I’m not sure if I’m going to comment all of them, it’s a lot of work.

There is no photos of us before the wedding, sitting at home, eating lunch, unbelievable calm both of us… We were not nervous until we come to the chapel. Months before that I had been nervous, because of my habit of giggling hysterical when I’m not allowed to laugh. I did it on the rehearsal… Total breakdown.
The main reason for that was that I started to imagine things that could go wrong, because the priest had an artificial arm you see. I saw it in my fantasy, how it would come loose and fly all over the chapel, landing rough on some one. Sometimes fantasies are no good…
Of course I had to tell every one about my fantasies in advance, which resulted in that I couldn’t look at them in the chapel, because it would have started me to giggle (and probably them too) and I could definitely not look at Mr Lifecruiser more than very short moments. Which was a big pity.
Did I giggle in the chapel? Well, I managed almost through… Just when the wonderful words were said and I thought I’ve made it, the ring didn’t fit Mr Lifecruisers finger! I couldn’t get it on his finger, no matter how I tried and of course that made me giggle enormously! Help me, I managed to say and then I broke down totally, folded double. NOTE: the priest did NOT even smile a little. *heavy sigh*
We did get him to at least smile a little when we’re supposed to give each other a little kiss. The kiss was not little, it tended to be longer and longer, we totally forgot were we were… We woke up when they all started to laugh a little. Hm. That’s us in a nutshell. It comes so natural for us to show our feelings to each other.
The thing was that the priest had no humor, he was as boring as any person can be, but it was the only one that was free at that time to marry us. We couldn’t change date because all the other weekends we were away travelling. He was very difficult to communicate with so that made it worse of course.
Then when the music started that was choosen for the leaving of the chapel, Mr Lifecruiser didn’t recognized it, so I had trouble to get him understand that we should go out now. That didn’t help me from giggling either…. I had to drag him in the arm and it went faster and faster as we came closer and closer to the door, because otherwise I would have had a second breakdown in there. He was on his way to the wrong door too… Well, it was fun. Afterwards.
The wedding was hold in Drottningholm Palace (The Swedish Royal Familys home) Chapel, with the bridal party in the old Ljunglöfska Castle (colonial Portuguese-Spanish style mansion) afterwards. We had a white 1955 Cadillac drive us there.
We had 18th century clothes (in Swedish 1700-tal) , which was a total surprise for our guests, as we hadn’t told anyone about it. It was fun to wear something totally different! And it was so suitable for the chapel that was from that century and had a wedding at that date about 250 years earlier.
It was a small wedding with just the family and our closest friends, but it was so very nice. We had a trumpeter and guitarrist in the chapel, very beautiful. Then at Ljunglöfska we started with champagne and cheers of course, then we had a magician around and made some magic card tricks with the guests.
There was a lot of good food and speaches to us too. And then it was the heavy duty of openening all the wonderful wedding gifts… Wow, I didn’t think of that part before, what time it took!
After that the dance started. My husband is excellent on the Wienerwalz, worked like a charm, even though I was a little bit worried to stumble on my long skirt…. (Almost did!) Then it went over to more modern dance.
Every one seemed to be very happy with us, so there was a total success. It surely was a amazingly happy day for us. We couldn’t stop kissing, they almost had to break us apart.
I never thought I would say this, but my husband was straighten up his stayups (!) all night long, because they were sliding down all the time!
As we would have ordered it, it was a wonderful full moon that night, very romantic indeed. The moonlight was shining on the lake down below the balcony.
The night ended with quite an impressive fireworks (no good photos of it unfortenately) out on the lawn below the balcony at the seaside and right after that we disappeared mystical in the dark night. No one knew that we had rented the bridal suite there, so we just had to go over the lawn to be “home” and relax in the jacuzzi and have some romancy of our own….

Comment: Yes, we know that we should have had horses to transport us from the chapel, but we had to be practical, it had taken too long time to get to the dinner castle. We had to be realistic…

Cruise list: Dot, Martin, Dave, and Mrhaney.
February 15th, 2006

Hot or not questions

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love
Mrs Lifecruiser hot or not

The question about being hot or not, really is a tricky one. What is it that makes a person hot?

Is it the common believe of certain criterias that makes us think in that way? Does it exist such a frase? I mean in some persons eyes it’s beautiful with a woman slender like a model, but others may want a women with more curves. There is so many different tastes.

On top of that there is a lot of other things that influence the impressions on us. OK, good looking can make us think that this person is really beautiful - at first sight. But what about if the good looking person is a really mean and selfish person? Is he/she still beautiful then?

Is the person hot just because he/she is trendy and maybe even a celebrity? Or is blond and have big boobs?

Can a person that don’t make a good impression at first sight, grow and become beautiful to you?

Is it really the truth that beauty lays in the beholders eye….?

What if that beholder takes a beer or two or three or four….and the woman he first experienced as plain ugly becomes more and more beautiful during the night? Is it still true?

What about opening our eyes and actually SEE people for what they are and not look at the surface at all? Maybe we will be surprised?

Hm… Maybe not soo good idea when come to think about it… Maybe Mr Lifecruiser suddenly will discover the reality of me and scream: - Help! I’m married to the ugly witch!! *running away*

Schhhh, don’t you dare to tell him!!! He thinks I’m a sweet princess….

Cruise list: Poopie, Mrs Lifecruiser, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Deni, Dot, Mrhaney, and Happy and Blue.
February 14th, 2006

Happy Valentine Day & Night

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love
Cupido flasher

We do hope that Cupido has visited you all and if not, he will come. Ouch, he could need some help removing that accidental shot, any one volunteering?

Hmm… Come to think about it, I wonder if Cupido will drop his pants if the arrow is removed…? Suddenly I got curious what Cupido has there, just as curious as every one is about the scottish men’s kilts. Surely there is nothing because he is the pure Cupido after all. Or what do you think?

Mr Lifecruiser and I have our arrows deep in our heart and not somewhere else. They are stucked there for ever and ever. We’re lucky. We just Love to Love each other. We never get tired of Love. We’re good at taking care of our Love too.

Think Love all day today and don’t stop for anything. Or write Love in your forehead, wear heartshaped lenses, clothes with hearts on it, what ever works. Just make Love.

We wrote a post about promoting Love with Valentine earlier here, which even contained a bunch of really good quotes about Love and they deserve to be read again.

♥ Happy Valentine hugs all dear ones - and the rest of the world!

Cruise list: Mrhaney, Dot, Dave, Martin, and Happy and Blue.
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