
September 22nd, 2006

When Friday become Momday

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Today is the big M day as in Moving Momday! Almost 80 years old she is moving. Again.

Not to a luxury home.
Not to Spain.
Not to Greece.

Just further up on the road.
Just to a new building.
To a new elderly home.

She deserve that first alternatives we can’t give her, but we can give her our love and support.

So we’ll be at the elderly home, where we really fit in!


The new house actually is very good, it’s bright, nice air, more space, more modern. But the staff were rather confused over a lot of things, very many new ones in the staff which isn’t a good thing when it comes to handle things properly.

My Mom were tired of course, but also feeling very confused, not only because of the fact that she is on a new place, but because a lot of things is not wellknown to her.

Unfortunately they seem to have placed her among strangers only, she could see no one from her old group around the dinner table.

Most of the staff is strangers for her and on top of everything, they put out the light in her room tonight. That is a catastrophy. She always have the lights on in the nights, so she doesn’t get scared. Luckily my oldest sister went there to check things up.

Tomorrow, my two sisters will be there and on sunday my brother. Good thing that we’re several siblings and can alternate!!! Phew!

Cruise list: Dot, Froggie, Irish Church Lady, and Kasia.
September 21st, 2006

Thirteen sexy posts

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys


1. Our bikini blog
2. Does elephant condoms exist
3. Swedish bad language
4. Swedish use of sex
5. Swedish sex and sin
6. Housekeeping methods
7. Shower activities
8. My husband in stayups
9. The mooning poker widow
10. Garbage men whistles
11. My wife is showing her tits
12. Naughty film in the bedroom
13. Adult naughty favorite song


NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

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Cruise list: Irish Church Lady, Danielle, MommyBa, Astrocoz, Jenny, Chelle Y, The Shrone, Jenn, Incog, Janet, PaxilPrincess, Mandy, Kasia, Mar, Gattina, Meredith, Norma, Colleen, Carmen, Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira, Kailani, Tink, and Dave.
September 20th, 2006

Wordless point of view

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo
Cruise list: Fruitful Spirit, Kasia, Kailani, Lynn Tucker, YellowRose, Carey, Kdubs, O Mama Mia, Flipflopmamma, Brony, Frances, Virginia, Mar, Connie, Heather, PixiePincessMom, Chana, Gina, Guppyman, Laura, Lazy Daisy, Eph2810, MamaDuck, Friday's Child, Chi, Claudie, Just2difficult, Tricia, Michele, Michelle, SilverWillow, Pass the Torch, and Ma.
September 19th, 2006

Yesterdays blog problem

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention

If you experienced something odd with our blog yesterday, it’s because it was hijacked!

No nice experience I can tell you, when suddenly your database tables are gone and someone take over the control as WP admin.

I think that we might got it under control again, with assistance from the webhost and a backup. Pheew.

Consequences: If you left any comments here yesterday, they may be gone if it were after the backup was taken. Sorry!

It can happen to anyone and is difficult to completely avoid.

I hope that you never have to experience the same!

Cruise list: Irish Church Lady, Martin, Fruitful Spirit, Chana, Mrhaney, Eph2810, Tricia, Wolfbernz, Mar, Chi, Jean-Luc Picard, Froggie, Happy and Blue 2, and Melli.
September 18th, 2006

Dentist memories with a bite

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health

Even though memories of the dentist isn’t exactly sweet memories, I still can see some amusement in them…

The first memory of the dentist was when I was about 6 years old. I had a terrible toothache for several days. I didn’t want to go to the dentist, I had never been to any one and I had heard nothing good about them.

My mother had to literally drag me there. I was screaming at first, but went along finally. I remember that I hold on to my bed, refusing to let go of it…

It was caries between two teeth and a severe inflammation around both of those teeth. They quickly decided to pull them out, since it were my first teeth, not the permanent ones. Problem was that the anaesthetic didn’t work…

So what they did was to just hold me down in the chair while pulling it out without the anaesthetic. Of course I cried. And my mother cried. She thought it was an awful experience. The most awful was the taste in my mouth afterwards, all the blood. So I just couldn’t swallow it.

I didn’t swallow for a whole week!

So, how did I manage to communicate? I wrote notes… At the end of the week I realized that this way was rather time consuming and uncomfortable with all the spitting out business, so I took the big step to begin to swallow my saliva again.

I was a bit of an original already in that age. Strange thing was that I didn’t get frightened of the dentists, not more than usual kids.

My next really bad pulling out memory was about 7 years ago when my wisdom tooth were making real trouble. This time I got antibiotics before the pulling out, so there were no problem with the anaesthetic that way.

The big problem was that it had been crooked around the jaw and had to be splitted into smaller parts. And I have a very good tooth quality obviously. Very strong teeth….

The anaesthetic was beginning to fade out and he had struggled so he were covered in sweat to get it out and I only felt how it was firm as a mountain rock. My gums were hurt of the sliding instruments and I was getting really tired. He actually had to straighten up his instruments several times, because they got bent in the procedure…

He did succeed at last, but I was kind of demolished. While writing the bill out, he looked at my sad face and probably felt sorry for me, because I did notice that the bill were much lower than it should be. I guess he didn’t feel like he had done a good job. He also phoned home later that evening too, to hear how it was going.

What surprised me where that he didn’t sew the hole. No stitches. Just a big hole right down. I couldn’t eat other than very light or fluid things, but this time I actually began to swallow my saliva right at the beginning ;-)

I did switch dentist though. The next wisdom tooth they took from me, the hole after it were stitched together. No problems. They say that it’s the wisdom teeth in the lower jaw that can be a problem, if you’re unlucky.

I had a very dumb dentist once. I didn’t like her at all. She was not a nice person. She was a sour old hag to be exactly.

She were holding her fingers in my mouth, asking me to bite around something, but I couldn’t because I felt that if I did, I would bite her in the finger! So she said, several times: bite! The last time she said it she sounded really angry on me, so I thought: What the heck, she says that I shall, so she have to blame herself then.

So I did bite the dentist. Hard. With my rather sharp teeth. It felt good. No regrets. And she didn’t say a word.

Last Wednesday when I was at the dentist, he asked me to bite and I remembered that other biting, so I started to laugh, it didn’t go so well. I had to stop laughing so I didn’t bite him. This one is another - nice - dentist.

If they exist. I’m not so sure.

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Monday Memories-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

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Cruise list: Chana and Mar.
September 17th, 2006

The green simplicity diversity

Posted by Lifecruiser in Nature
♥ Join GTS ♥

I often find that people miss the green plants in the gardens and only have eyes for all the colorful flowers. Some of them make statements like that they find green plants simple and dull.

The photo above is one of my absolute favorite ones, so “simple”, but yet so full of life and vibrant color. Actually I find nothing simple about this.

Every green leaf is a complicated creation. Every green plant is different from the other and that is like a new invention to me. It’s the wonder of mother nature and I can’t understand why people don’t grasp this more than they do.

They’re walking around with their eyes half closed.

You make the judgement: is it really simplicity?

[Click to enlarge the pictures]
holland 224haga butterfly house 001haga butterfly house 102haga butterfly house 115

♥ Join Green Thumb Sunday ♥

Cruise list: Lucy, Zingtrial, Fruitful Spirit, Teena, Dave, John, Mandy, Pam, and Kasia.
September 16th, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt Looking Up

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Photo
~ Looking Up To Christ ~
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Looking Up
The Statue of Christ
Here we stand, looking up to him, blessing the city with open arms, on the mountain of Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on our trip in Nov-Dec 2005. The Corcovado mountain (looks like a hunchback) is 710 m tall (about 2,400 feet). The Statue of Christ stands about 30 meters high (100 feet), covered in a mosaic of soapstone. You have a wonderful view from up there, over Rio, Copacabana and Sugar Loaf mountain. This time I was not only covered in sweat because of the scary height, it was hot outside and a lot of walking in stairs too!
Whisper: Probably the only time I’ll get the possibility to get a shot of Christ…

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Cruise list: Tricia, Eph2810, Trista, Presentstorm, Teena, Barman6, Pam, Caroline, Jazzy, Deb, Marti, Maribeth, Carmen, Michael, Kasia, Lisa, SilverWillow, Gina, Stacie, Jan, Lazy Daisy, GoofyJ, Sariah, Irish Church Lady, Leesa, Frances, Kim from Hiraeth, Expatraveler, Ma, MamaDuck, Dawn, Wystful1, Gattina, Martin, Viamarie, Pat, Janet, Mandy, Pamela, On the Rock, Tnchick, Suzy, Happy and Blue 2, Philosophical Karen, Pass the Torch, Barbara, Friday's Child, and SunshineBlues.
September 15th, 2006

A wedding invitation

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love

“It is the man who propose, because he likes women very much”. [ Sinem, 8 year ]

Or, in this case it should be:

“It is the woman who propose, because she likes woman very much”.

What am I talking about?

Today we received an invitation to a wedding between Mr Lifecruisers niece and her girlfriend in Adolf Fredriks Church in Stockholm City. A very nice church, which use to have wonderful choirs with children from a nearby music school.

The church is built in the 18th century and got it’s name after The Swedish King Adolf Fredrik, which laid the first stone.

At last we’re going to a wedding! We’ve been waiting for wedding invitations, since we have several youngsters around us :-)

It’s not until the 16th of June 2007, but still, it’s nice to have something so joyful as a wedding to look forward to.

Who doesn’t want to go to a wedding…?

So all we have to do now is:
- Make sure we don’t plan any trip that date
- Thinking out a really good wedding gift
- Buy a new dress (good excuse ;-)

Take a peek: Panorama view over Adolf Fredrik Church
(If it doesn’t start, try to reload the page)

All you need is Love :-)

Cruise list: Fruitful Spirit and Happy and Blue 2.
September 14th, 2006

Thirteen middle-aged plus

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys


+ My career is already taken care of.

“Computers are worthless. They can only give you answers”. PABLO PICASSO

+ Life has build my selfconfidence to the top level.

“An expert is a person who has done all the mistakes that can be done within a certain field”. NIELS BOHR

+ I can take care of my self and know how to relax.

“I don’t care what is written about me, as long as it isn’t true”. KATHERINE HEPBURN

+ I can manage to travel with a light baggage.

“The jump to heaven can be done from any corner of the world”. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus

+ I know what I want 98% of the time.

“There is only one thing that Im sure of and that is that it is very little you can be sure of”. SOMERSET MAUGHAM

+ Finally I’ve got wrinkles that gives my face a history.

“I am proud of my wrinkles. They are the life in my face”. BRIGITTE BARDOT

+ I can be blind to things I don’t want to see.

“My husband and I have discovered a really good system for housekeeping. None uf us are doing it. DOTTIE ARCHIBALD

+ I can be deaf to things I don’t want to hear.

“The only way to keep your health is to drink and eat the things you dont want and to do the things you rather dont want to do”. MARK TWAIN

+ My experience makes it easier to handle difficult things.

“There is only two kind of persons that never can do the same mistake twice - the virgin and the parachutist”. Gunnar Oldin

+ I’m satiesfied and happy with the person I am.

“It’s every humans damn duty to be an original. Albert Engström

+ I know for sure that love is the most important in life.

“All you need is love”. John Lennon

+ Exercise to me means more love activities ;-)

“There is no remedy for love but to love more.” –Thoreau


NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Want to participate? (more…)

Cruise list: Danielle, Kasia, Jenny Ryan, Francesca Gray, PixiePincessMom, Zingtrial, Chana, Froggie, My 2 cents, Something blue, The Shrone, Dane Bramage, Lindsey, Chi, Happy and Blue 2, Sunshine Blues, Colleen, Raggedy, Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira, Caylynn, Norma, Kailani, SilverWillow, and Ma.
September 13th, 2006

Wordless Break

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo
Cruise list: Froggie, Frances, YellowRose, Zingtrial, PixiePincessMom, Deb, Mysterious Lady, Michelle, Chana, Wystful1, Tricia, and Sunshine Blues.
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