
October 21st, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt Dreaming

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Photo
~ Dreaming away~
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Dreaming
The Fuerteventura Dream
This is what we’re dreaming of now, when the weather here is very grey and rainy and the snow nibble us in the heels…. Fuerteventura is one of the Canarian Islands in Spain, near Africa. There are many beaches with very fine sand and one area, Parque Natural (Dunas de Corralejo) El Jablo looks like a desert, filled with sand from Sahara.
And we’re stuck here. It’s not fair. I hate snow.
*heavy sigh*

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Cruise list: Desert Diva, Carmen, Tricia, Norma, Cat, Janet, Mitey Mite, GoofyJ, Leslie, Teena, Maribeth, Kim from Hiraeth, Heather, Pamela, Deb, Dave, MamaDuck, Beckie, Lisa, Sandy, Debbie, Wystful1, Mandy, Gattina, Caylynn, Mar, Suzy, Danella, Napfisk, and Josh.
October 20th, 2006

Ship wrecked

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys
(This is obviously not shot by us since we were too drunk…)
Wrecked drunken dog the day after Daves and Wandas birthday party
“Man, what a partay! Totally wrecked. Partayed with the Beagle Sisters all night! They are some tough chicks….”

We’ve got the taste for it now, after all it’s Friday! Let’s continue to partay! There is still some Dom left isn’t it?

No? Did we drink ALL the bottles? Oooops….

The chocolate? All gone to? Let’s see in the post below….

Cruise list: Mandy, Josh, Froggie, Debbie, Dave, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, and Happy and Blue 2.
October 19th, 2006

Thirteen Chocolates Champs

Posted by Lifecruiser in Food, Photo

We dedicate these champs to Dave Wanda over Here, there and back at Groundhog Mountain. Dave’s birthday is the 18th and Wanda’s the 19th of October, a perfect match for each other. Head over there to congratulate them!

[Hove over to enlarge & read the birthday wishes!]

This is 13 of our best chocolate shots from the Chocolate Festival last weekend. Hours of delicious chocolate to be stunned of, drool over - and taste! Some one throw me a big towel!!!

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Want to participate? (more…)

Cruise list: Mandy, The Shrone, Tbirdonawire, Debbie, N. Mallory, S@m, Norma, Beth, Denise, Barb, Moogie, Tammy, Leesa, Frances, My 2 cents, Cheysuli, Colleen, Kathy, Maribeth, Carmen, Dave, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Mar, Tina, Chi, Tracie, Chelle, Amy, Gattina, Lazy Daisy, Irish Church Lady, Geggie, Sobeit, Southern Girl, Carol, Sandy, Stephanie, Napfisk, Kay, and Happy and Blue 2.
October 18th, 2006

Wordless Lifeboat Cruise

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Photo
Cruise list: My 2 cents, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Kailani, Lynn Tucker, Lazy Daisy, Kdubs, Celfyddydau, Wendy, Rashbre, Babs, Sandy, Brony, Crickl's nest, Deb, Christine, Debbie, Michelle, Michelle, The Foo, Leesa, Mar, Gattina, Virginia, Beckie, Happy and Blue 2, and Chi.
October 17th, 2006

How to become an A-Team Cruiser

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Attention all cruisers: The captain of this ship has tackled some changes in the ship rules.

From now all regular cruisers have to start in the A-Swab Team. See the starboard deck if you want to join.

To advance to the A-Team Cruisers you’ve to fulfil some of these qualifications:

- Cruise with us almost daily
- Participate in many cruises
- Fit in the entertainment crew
- Have old cruiser merit’s
- Invite the captain to the cabin
- Cheer with the captain
- Offer Dom Perignon
- Dance funny all night
- Have a life jacket

It’s the captains decision if and when you’re ready to become an A-Team Cruiser. If you aren’t on the A-Team list right now, don’t be sorry - continue to cruise with us and you will soon be!

If times goes by and you don’t cruise with us, you’ll be moved to the A-Swab Team. This is because we want to reward an Active Team Cruising in front deck position.

Our temporary cruisers will be listed as usual in the Cruise list for every cruise (post).

Since I’m joining something called Tackle It Tuesday today, the work with that changing of rules is my first tackle this Tuesday. To come up with the rules, to name the teams and sort our cruisers.

The second tackle is that I created a blogroll for Tackle It Tuesday. I’ve mentioned it for Janice, the founder of Tackle It Tuesday and we’ll see what she says. I want to have it myself anyway because I find it easier to find the participants to visit that way. Let me know if you want the code for it you too!

Cruise list: YellowRose, Mandy, Mar, Erna, Napfisk, Janice (5 Minutes for Mom), Debbie, Wystful1, Tricia, Tammy, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Janice (5 Minutes for Mom), Stephanie, Martin, Chi, Jenn, Eph2810, Irish Church Lady, Dave, and Happy and Blue 2.
October 16th, 2006

Afraid of the dark memories

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

When I was a child, my siblings were telling me bedtime stories. Scary horror stories which didn’t exactly made me sleepy. They did made me afraid of the dark though…

We were sleeping in the same room, my siblings and I, when I grow up. It was rather contradictory, because on one hand it was making me feel very safe and on the other hand, not at all safe. They were excellent horror stories tellers - older than me as they were, their stories were like true professional horror stories.

You know, all the good stuff, murderers, hunting of victims, blood that dripped, heads shopped off, body parts laying around, surprise moments that made me scream loud and so on. We all had very high level of imagination. We had a lot of fantasy bubbling.

Despite the fact that I begged them to tell me these stories, I was at the same time terrified and ready to pee my pants. You have to remember that they started at a very early age to horrify my mind…. (No wonder I am like I am today ;-)

I was so afraid of the dark that I didn’t dare to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without putting on every light on the way. One evening when I had gone to bed and the others were still up, they could here me coming up, putting on the lights during my way to the bathroom.

Then there were a very long pause in the bathroom and after that I went straight out of the entrance door, out in the common entrance hall and put on the light out there. Then I went to bed again. I was doing it in my sleep, because I fell asleep in the bathroom. Still I wanted the lights on.

I also remember that when I should go home from a friend in the evenings, even if it were on the same street, I’d always run home the fastest I could, just because I was afraid of the dark. Oh, and how I hated it if the light were not funtioning somewhere! I guess that even our bitter neighbour contributed some to my fear of the dark.

I was afraid of the dark even when I had growned up and moved in with my boyfriend. We lived in a very small apartment with just one room and a kind of kitchen. The light to the living room where the same as for the hallway, so when going to bed in the nights, we had to put out the light in the hallway and get all the way to the bed in darkness…

You got the picture, I never wanted to put out the light for the night, so I always throwed myself in the bed before my boyfriend. One night he decided to change that and nearly beated me. Call it even then, but I refused to recognize that, so what happened? We woke up the next morning with the light still on!

I also made my dog afraid of the dark. When I was out walking him in the evenings and it were dark, I was always on my toes all the time and sensitive as he were, he started to wondering if there might not be anything dangerous after all if I was so nervous.

That meant that every time there were any noice of any kind, I went nervous which made the dog nervous, so in the end, he did always snarl at any noice, just to be on the safe side. As he thought - me - I just become even more nervous….

To be afraid of the dark is a very strange feeling. As a grown up I knew that it was quite silly to be afraid. What was suppose to happen? And just because it was dark? I couldn’t explain it.

I didn’t think that there was some murderer or monster who wanted to attack me, it had grown to a more general feeeling that the dark was dangerous. It was the darkness in itself that scared me. Like a black hole you didn’t know anything about.

It didn’t help much to reason with myself, my mind was still clogged up with the old horror stories. What you experience or learn as a child are very strong memories obviously!

The fear has kind of faded away gradually during the years - or maybe when getting older, you also see the advantages with the darkness ;-)

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Monday Memories-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Monday Memories code
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Cruise list: Dot, Happy and Blue 2, Cece, Chi, Janene, Lazy Daisy, Sandy, Irish Church Lady, Friday's Child, Chana, Viamarie, and Debbie.
October 15th, 2006

Greenhouse Thumbs

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo, Nature
Cruise list: Napfisk, John - Melbourne, Tricia, Irish Church Lady, Norma, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Chana, Debbie, Zingtrial, Alice, Shoshana, Mandy, Christine, Lynn Tucker, Happy and Blue 2, and Deb.
October 14th, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt Lost

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo, Swedish
~ Lost Time ~
Grab the Scavenger Hunt code.
Photo Theme. Join the blogroll.
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Lost
Magazine Ad from Husmodern 1923
This is an Ad from an old women magazine in Sweden called Husmodern (Housemother).
The text below the child says:
“Look how much water and I who have forgotten Sister Ellas children soap at home!”
I found it in a year book of the magazine Husmodern, at the elderly home where my Mom lives. It did belong to someone that lived in this elderly home, but has passed away.
Conclusion: This is a child from a lost time who have lost the soap. The owner of this book is lost too. My digital camera lost it’s battery power while taking the shot, so I lost my mind ;-)

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Cruise list: LibertyBelle, Ma, Lorna, Rose, Deb, Tricia, Kdubs, Mandy, Mar, Gattina, Lynn Tucker, Carmen, Philosophical Karen, Chi, Pamela, Melli, Teena, Faerylandmom, Happy and Blue 2, Chana, Leslie, Eija, Eph2810, Heather, Wystful1, Irish Church Lady, Mitey Mite, Sandy, and Debbie.
October 13th, 2006

Dig big back cracks

Posted by Lifecruiser in Health

This is a back crack hug that I get from Mr Lifecruiser that is crucial for my daily life.

If I even try to do some ordinary household stuff, like take care of the dishes - or just is standing too long, my upper back is locking itself somehow and he has to crack my back to get me back in life again, so I can handle the lower back pain.

Yesterday I had another back crack. I went to the place where my upcoming big back investigation (so I thought) shall take place. This was just a first time to study their working methods and what’s coming for me.

Behold of my big surprise and extreme misbelief when I enter a place where it feels like you’ve been thrown back in time for about 40 years or so…. It turned out to be a place for pure work rehabilitation and the very worst kind in my opinion. And in very old boring and worned out premises.

You’re supposed to be there for at least 6 hours a day and sew pot-holders, first aid kits, put together birdhouses, work in the kitchen or the reception that didn’t even look like a real reception. If you’re lucky you may get hold of one of the computers for a little while.

If you only could have seen the premises. It was a very depressive look even for me that’s optimistic of my nature! And with a very depressive atmosphere from the few people that were there - they looked like zoombies.

I’m actually chocked. I didn’t think that these kind of places existed any more. It’s like a frantic joke or something.

Except from the fact that this should be a very serious matter. This is people who have been on sick leave and still have their illnessess, that come here - is this the right place to get encouraged to begin to work again…? They can’t be serious?

I’m thinking of people that maybe have been on a sick leave just because of depressions or being burned out, how the heck will they be able to put up with this? I find it insulting.

For me, this is totally wrong too. I’m in no shape for rehabilitation work and I thought I’ had made that pretty clear by describing my problems to them even in writing, even with a doctors certificate. I wonder if they can’t read? I won’t bother you with all the details, let’s just say that they’re many and I’m bored sick of being so sick ;-)

I’m having trouble to just get through the day with ordinary life things. I can’t do any household work (poor Mr Lifecruiser!) and it would be quite a struggling for me to just get to this place every day within certain times.

I thought this should be a serious attempt to do a proper investigation of my back. A combined investigation led by a doctor, a physical therapist and maybe a occupational therapist. Some kind of experts.

I don’t count a house doctors 2 minutes look on my back for an investigation, do you? So they just sent me to work rehabilitation directly, hoping to save some money?

Believe me, If I were anywhere near a chance of being able to work, I would be out there already. I can assure you that my back is not anything anyone want to have. And if I could start work training, I had already done it myself. This writing is, as a matter of the fact, the result of me trying all the time.

I obviously have to talk again with my handling officer, I wonder what it was that she didn’t grasp? I asked her about this place, what it ment and she was sounding a bit vague in her answers. I should have known then that something were wrong. Of course, she is not available until Tuesday… They’re always so hard to catch.

Actually, so far, I’ve only bad experiences of our health care (except from my appendix surgery last year, that was an easy one), the only person that have helped me, is Mr Lifecruiser and myself!

Come to think about it, maybe he should have it as a profession, because he has become an excellent physical therapist ;-) He knows exactly how to deal with my different kind of back problems, lower/upper back, shoulders/neck and what alternative treatment to use in what case.

He has become an expert on different massage techniques *lol*, massage oils, massage equipment, painkilling spray’s and lotions, cushions supports, heat cushions, painkillers and obstruction of muscle inflammations.

So now you also know who my crack dealer is ;-)

Secret whisper: You should only know, how long it takes for me to get a post like this together… I have to work with it all day with a lot of breaks.

Cruise list: Haylynn, Rose, Melli, Sandy, and Happy and Blue 2.
October 12th, 2006

Thirteen Mental Illness Thoughts

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health


1. It’s time to sweep out the bad sound of the words “Mental Illness”. Are we living in an enlightened time or in the Medevial time?

2. Mental illness is an illness just like any other illness and is nothing to be ashamed of - or to judge. The brain can get ill just like the rest of our body.

3. Persons that suffer from mental illness are humans just like the rest of us, it’s just that they happens to have the misfortune to inherit mental illness or develop one because of other factors trigging it. It could be you or me!

4. They need all our support not judgement, because they’re dealing with a very tough situation. They’re not getting the right help or acknowledge and on top of that without the same respect than the rest of us.

5. I grow up with a father with Schizophrenia of Paranoid type from posttraumatic stress because of his bad experiences during the war. At that time, the treatment was even worse. He got electric chock treatments too. A lot of strange things. They pulled out all his teeth and he never got any replacements. As a kid I just accepted it, as a teenager I was ashamed, as a grown up I felt sad and sorry for him.

6. A person close to me went in to a deep Physochis because of a very stressful unhappy life full of problem during many years. This person won’t recognize how bad it is and were locked in to be keept safe and got medicine. No other treatments, no conversational therapy and were let out after not even two weeks. Without any safety net. No following up that the person continue to take the medicines, nothing. This was not at all long ago. I don’t call that treatment or care, I call that human storage and careless!

7. Because of the points above, I’ve come in contact with the treatment of such illnessess, but I really don’t call it treatment. Not in this country and I suspect that it’s about the same in the rest of the world. They are sadly put aside, sometimes just behind locked doors. It’s amazing that we haven’t come further in the research about mental illness and especially the treatment! I call it a scandal.

8. I’m very chocked over the fact that they’ve begin to use a kind of electric shock treatment again. They now call it Electroconvulsive therapy, but frankly I can’t see how it could be a therapy when it’s an electrical currentis that is passed through the brain to cause a controlled seizure, which lasts for 20 to 90 seconds. They say that this procedure probably works by a massive neurochemical release in the brain due to the controlled seizure… What I hear is that it can result in a terrible memory loss that is permanent. I wonder if there really exists a sufficent documented following-up?

9. Do you know, really know what the different kinds of mental illness really are? How you get it, the symptoms, if there is a cure and so on? I recommend you to read a little about it. You may become surprised, enlightened and maybe a little frightened.

10. If you know more about it, you may discover that a person you know, probably have a mental illness or is on the way to get some. If we know more about mental illness, we can catch some cases earlier, before it get to the worst. It would be so great to not have to bring out the sharpest artillery like medicines with heavy side effects or electric chock treatment.

11. Another thing that worries me is that there is so many young people today that got panic attacks or anxiety disorder. Why is this increasing so fast? How is this going to evolve in the future? We need to learn how to prevent mental illnessess just like any other illnessess before it’s too late for the next generation.

12. Kudos to Brony at Parenting with a mental illness that started to create awareness of what it is like to have a mental illness and to show others that they are not alone. She is trying to reach 100 new people, to generate 100 comments to celebrate her 100th post. Go to Bronys 100th post and show your support by leaving a comment!

13. I send 13 billions hugs out in the blogosphere to those who lives with mental illness!

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Want to participate? (more…)

Cruise list: Kailani, Mary (Mert), Janet, Bubba, Silver, Zingtrial, Frances, Dave, N. Mallory, Chaotic Mom, Colleen, My 2 cents, The Shrone, Tug, Brony, Carmen, Debbie, Sandy, TC, Caylynn, Tink, Shoshana, Chana, and Happy and Blue 2.
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