You see some wonderful breasts. You fall in love with them. You’re like hypnotized of them. You’re drawn to them as they were magnets. You wanna touch them…..
STOP! Hold that feeling!
Click on the buttons below instead to support the continued life of breasts, you wanna keep them, don’t you?
Come on guys, it’s just a little click on the mouse, you know you wanna do it, don’t be shy!
Ifound a photo of a bitter old man among my mothers photos yesterday. I couldn’t publish his photo here out of respect of any living relatives to him, but I can tell the story.
These memories goes back to the time when I was growing up. We lived in an apartment building at first floor and besides us there lived an old man (Mr Larsson) that was very bitter and sometimes mean. He yelled at all the kids playing outside and threatened them with his cane, shouting to them from the window.
He wasn’t popular and in fact so impopular that his own growned up son stopped visiting him. Which of course made him even more bitter.
He did enjoy to scare us kids. One time when the light were off in the entrance hall and I rounded the corner, he jumped forward screaming at me - I almost pee’d my pants. I was very afraid of the darkness and that didn’t make it better.
It did have positive side effects - it made me practise my singing. From that day I was afraid of going around that corner in the entrance, so I always were singing loudly, because if something happened to me, the others should hear my singing suddenly stop and wondering why. What an idea! *lol*
As a grown up I’m sure that he just wanted to “be funny” and had no thought of how a little child could react to this scare he performed. He didn’t know how to properly make contact. Maybe his own childhood had been bad? He obviously were unhappy about his life. Maybe he was envious of our lifes?
I remember the most awful smell of him. Ingrained dirt, pee and moist snuff (running from corner of his mouth) mixed to a lovely “hold your breath” kind of smell.
The few times he was nice, he gave me a pear or a little sugarfree dark chocolate. I thanked him politely, but never could eat them because of the smell of something very old and moist snuff. I went around the nearest corner and throwed it away. I can feel the smell even today…
My Mom worked in the home-help service for elderly and didn’t normally go to people so close of her own home, but since every one else always got into quarrel with him and refused to go to him anymore, she did.
It was no picnic. He accused her of stealing his money among other things, luckily she had proof of that she hadn’t. Actually she had paid some minor things for him with her own money! He was difficult to deal with, but he couldn’t walk over her. She got self-confidence and ability to bite off if needed, so he were forced to back off.
There were no wonder that he were smelly, because he never wanted to change clothes. They had to be two persons to get the clothes off him by force and then cook his underwear very carefully to get them clean.
When he ended up ill in hospital in the end, he got no visitors other than my Mom and my two older sisters. They were older than me and both worked in hospital care at that time.
He was alone at the bitter end.
His earlier life and the way it ended, really was so sad - and unnecessary. Why being such a bitter old man when he could have had a much better life than that?
I don’t know what he wanted or expected from life, but he could at least have kept the contact with his son. He could have done the best he could with his situation. Instead he actually did choose to have this miserable alone life.
He was the total opposite of my Mom. Yes, he did have some difficulties in his life, but not even half of what my Mom has suffered and she is still laughing, despite the fact that she now is more ill than he ever was.
We all have a choice to do when it comes to our own lifes. The one that suffer and lose most from a negative attitude is the one that’s keeping that negative attitude.
No one is going to serve you a good life on a silver plate.
YOU are responsible for your own life, to make it worth living. It’s as simple as that. Or hard, you choose!
I won’t end up alone, bitter, with ingrained dirt, pee and moist snuff, regretting that I didn’t live my life the best way I could!
NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Monday Memories-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments :-)
I love butterflies and I’ve never heard of anyone stating the opposite. Who wouldn’t be touched, stunned and fascinated by these beautiful and multicolored creatures?
I remember having a lot of butterflies in my lost garden. Though it wasn’t entirely my doing - I had a plant school as a neighbour and they drawn a lot of butterfly species over to my garden too :-)
I’m sure that some of the butterflies wasn’t even common in our country, they had sort of “hitchhiked” with the big transport of flowers from the Netherlands they got. (Together with the spiders!)
I know, that if I ever get an own garden again, I will definitely plant a lot of flowers to make it to a paradise for the butterflies!
It’s just a matter of having enough of different plants which produces nectar and provides blooming flowers from mid to late summer, because that’s when most butterflies are active. In the southern Sweden butterflies is active during May-September.
Did you know that butterflies can see the color of the flowers? Plants that is established for butterflies visits has certain colors and pattern, especially those that produce nectar has visible spot, honey signs. They can even smell the scent and is testing if they are tasty!
Butterflies don’t just suck on any flower - oh no, they are connoisseur’s like myself - they often prefer certain plant species or choose after what the season has to offer. Some prefer rotten rised fruits, sap from newly fallen trees or even excrements or rotten cheese. (Not my taste exactly…)
A butterfly’s lifetime is on average 2-5 weeks. The male butterfly usually has a shorter lifetime than the female and very often he dies after the mating. (Sorry guys ;-)
There probably is as much stunningly beautiful butterflies as there is flowers, if not more. However, as long as I stay in Sweden, I’ll never ever be able to attract any Hummingbirds with any plants, since we don’t have them over here ;-(
The photos below are butterflies we’ve spotted at the islands Fårö and Gotland outside Swedens east coast.
[Click to enlarge pic and get facts]
Some useful links about Butterfly Gardening:
Fact sheets about Butterfly Gardening
Creating a Butterfly Friendly Garden
Butterfly Gardening
Butterfly Garden Plants (They even have a table for which butterfly caterpillar eating which plant!)
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~ Chick’s Beauty Sleep ~ Photo Theme. Join the blogroll. Visit participants. |
Paraguyan chic chicken sleeping at a local family’s hacienda where we were invited to eat lunch (not chicken!) one day. But I’m afraid that we ate one of their pigs… They only had one pig left poking around there and what we ate most certainly were loin of pork. Paraguay is a very poor country and the people live a “simple” life that not always is that simple. So we were very proud over the honor to have lunch in their home. The paraguayan people is very friendly. |
NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments :-)
Fact is: I had a blast yesterday! Tired today from all the love. Or was it the champagne….? Spoiled rotten all day, from morning to morning! No wonder my smile is so big it’s up over my ears by now :-)
Thank you dear blogger friends for all your fantastic birthday wishes for me, a lot of them came true and I can’t think of any better birthday.
Well, OK, if I were on a trip around the world would be better actually, but…. I’ll keep on dreaming about that and it will come true eventually. I’m a true optimist!
That goes for the aging thing too. Yes, I’m growing OLD. I’m 47 years OLD now, but that doesn’t bother me that much. Never had any 30 or 40 crises and won’t have any at 50 either, Im sure of that.
It’s because of my personality. I’m a realistic person out in the fingertips. I see reality and adjust to it in the best way I can. I wanna make my life the best I can.
It’s my own responsibility. No one else will serve me a good life on a silver plate.
[Together with Mr Lifecruiser, no need to say]
My Birthdate: October 5
I have many talents, and I’m great at sharing those talents with others. Most people would be jealous of my clever intellect, but I’m just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, I’m usually thinking up cutting edge ideas. Quick witted and fast thinking, I have difficulty finding new challenges.
My strength: My superhuman brainpower
My weakness: My susceptibility to boredom
My power color: Tangerine
My power symbol: Ace
My power month: May
These “blogthings” are quite meaningsless reading, yet we are attracted of them. Why?
Partly it’s because we love ourselves, to hear and read about ourselves and especially when it’s good things about us. Who wouldn’t be flattered by the above statement? Come on, superhuman brainpower? *lol*
Maybe if it was saying superhuman ♥ lovepower I could believe it…
So I’m not only going pink, I’m also going 74, but it’s actually feels like 47… Or was it the opposite…?
NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments :-)
Want to participate? (more…)
We have been together for 2 years , 9 months and 4 days.
Let’s figure out our real Love time. (Don’t peep in the end!)
Mr Lifecruiser and I met each other the 29th of December 2003. It was two days left of that year. During 2004 we had 365 days of Love together and so even 2005. For 2006 we have had 275 days of Love together with the 2d of october included.
That is a total of 1007 Love days together.
1007 days = 24168 hours = 1.450.080 minutes = 87.004.800 seconds of 100% Love.
Average time weekdays and weekends awake: 17 hours.
Average time weekdays and weekends not awake: 7 hours.
Time we slept together: 7049 hours. (wasted time ;-)
Total time awake: 17119 hours.
Time that we have spent together awake:
713,29 days = 17119 hours = 1027140 minutes = 61.628.400 seconds.
Time that a normal “Svensson” spend together with his/hers woman/man during corresponding period:
8 hours sleep = 5754 hours weekdays = 239,76 days.
10 hours sleep = 2877,5 hours weekends = 119,90 days.
Trips to and from work, working time + shopping = 10 hours = 7192,5 hours = 299,68 days.
1151,5 hours separated from each other, with friends, other interests = 47,97 days.
Total 1007 days:
Average time weekdays awake: 719,25 *6 hours = 4315,5 hours = 179,79 days.
Average time weeends awake: 287,75 *10 hours = 2877,5 hours = 119,90 days.
Total time awake: 7193 hours = 299,69 days.
Time that Svensson slept (together) hum, hum 8631 hours (wasted time!)
Svensson sleep 1582,5 hours more than us during a 1007 days period, which is 10,99 hours more per week = 1,57 hours more per day.
Conclusion real Love time:
In comparison with Svensson seen in a time perspective, the amount of time that has been spent together awake, we would have been together corresponding 7,1 years = 2386,59 days comparing to Svenssons 1007 days.
7,1 years Love intensified during 2 years, 9 months and 4 days!
And we have already skipped the 7 years crise ;-)
I Love You was said by us 20 times per day (probably underestimated) = 20140 times.
♥ If you then consider the fact that we have had sex…. (more…)
I remember when I worked hard. With IT. It’s so hard to believe, but I spent 20 years of my life on IT! 20 years!
Climbing the career stairs from bottom to the top of my capacity.
1) IT helpdesk operator.
2) Working in IT project to develop new systems.
3) Helpdesk Manager for the new systems.
4) Helpdesk Manager/Technician for IT Network.
5) Remedy Application Developer.
6) Server Management.
7) IT Project Manager.
8) IT Consultant.
I was beginning to feel burned out. Then my back stopped me about 5 years ago, just like that, in a middle of a project and I’ve not been working since then.
I remember working too hard. There were no limits in my efforts. Working all the time. A lot of overtime. Coming early in the mornings, leaving office late in the evenings. Or working from home in the end when they did begin to allow work from a distance.
The competition were tough. You were forced to keep yourself up to date with all the news in your expert field and a lot more around that. The rules were tough. Your co-workers very tough. A lot of intrigues and unfairness. It’s no picnic for sure.
Yes, the salary was very good, but you had to work like a dog for it. In my opinion, it’s not worth it. It’s no life. The back problems gave me time to stop and think about my life, which I did. Before that everything were just rolling faster and faster.
Now I have a life and I will never go back to that kind of life no matter what. If I begin to work again it’s not gonna be at the same work. I’ve learned my lesson what’s important here in life.
Love, humans, family and friends, that’s what’s really counts.
That is the Life I want to Cruise.
Goodbye for ever professional IT Life!
NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Monday Memories-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments :-)