Well, it’s Friday, what can I say, this is the type of jokes that use to pop up then…
“A man was obsessed with women’s breasts, so he went to a psychologist and told him his problem.
“Let’s play a little word association game,” the doctor said. “I’ll say a word and you say the first thing that comes to your mind.”
“Plums,” said the doctor.
“Breasts,” the patient said.
“Breasts,” the patient replied.
“Breasts,” said the patient.
“Breasts,” the patient said.“Wait a minute!” the doctor said. “I can understand the connection between plums, oranges, watermelons and breasts. But, automobile wipers? Where’s the connection?”
“Easy, doc,” the patient said. “One on the left and one on the right!”
*giggles x 100*
The only obsession that exists in this home is of each other and that has been going on for 3 years exactly today!
Or for 7 year, 7 months and 4 days if we use our brilliant Making Love Figures
Don’t miss them!
Happy, Happy Anniversary then! How cool and thanks for sharing them bloth:razz:
I’ve made the food ready, so do we celebrate together:
RennyBA’s Terella
Lifecruiser: Thanks Renny
Oh, yes, I saw the smorgasbord over at your place, very delicious, so i have to come back for more later! *lol*
Ummmm… I’m baffled! LOL!
Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs Lifecruiser!!!
I,m still laughing. No more to say than ha ha ha
I guess everyone has some type of obsession nowadays. Mine’s blogging daily. As for James Bond, I’m not a fan either.
Yeah, we all have our obsessions.
Lifecruiser: Yes, I can agree with that. Mine is Mr Lifecruiser