Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

Movie Love

April 14th, 2006 at 8:28 am » Comments (1)

“When you have found a guy you go and see a movie with him and have children”.
[ Sandra, 7 year ]

1) I found the guy…
2) I’m seeing a movie with him…
3) I’m off making love…..
….not children

Big Bear Hugs

April 11th, 2006 at 10:26 pm » Comments (3)

I think our hibernation is over now!
But we’ll keep up the global warming effect, because that is pure pleasure…
Big Bear Hugs to you all

Hit by the bird flu

March 22nd, 2006 at 10:16 pm » Comments (5)

I thought that I should wrote about my biggest fear for the moment. The Bird flu. It’s spreading around the world rapidly. But, I’m not afraid for my own sake. As long as Mr Lifecruiser and I’m together I can face anything.
No, what I wonder is if maybe Cupido is in the risk zone of [...]