Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

Blog of The Day in Blog Herald

September 11th, 2005 at 2:37 pm » Comments (5)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you The Blog Herald for choosing us to be the blog of the day….
We are moved in to the deepth of our hearts… Tears in our eyes… The champaign will flow freely all day long!
Cheers every one
At first we could not really beleive it [...]

Housekeeping methods

September 4th, 2005 at 10:02 am » Comments (8)

In the meantime, while waiting for you to wake up (helloooooo where are you???) and come in with some wishes of episodes for our new Odd Reality Soap, we are going to do a unofficial pre-start. Just to give us all some inspiration…
We will clearify the totally boring subject housekeeping methods - or how to [...]

Love is beutiful

September 2nd, 2005 at 5:42 pm » Comments (13)

What can we say? Other than: We kissed and……! Aren’t we cute???? War is officielly over. Peace man!