Archive for the ‘Roadtrips’ Category

Europe Trip: Blogger meet in Wijk aan Zee and IJMuiden, The Netherlands

July 29th, 2012 at 11:55 pm » Comments (3)

Day 3 of our one month long Europe trip, we landed in Wijk aan Zee in the Netherlands, to meet up with Ginnie and Astrid who lives in Gorinchem, The Netherlands. We also planned to meet another blogger, Cora and Ron in IJMuiden today (Day 4) in another very nice beach area. Ginnie ( and [...]

Europe Road Trip Day 2-3: Good bye Germany, Hello The Netherlands

July 28th, 2012 at 1:00 pm » Comments (1)

Our second day of our Europe road trip didn’t start well. Mornings are never our thing, but now we had to catch a ferry to Puttgarden, Germany at 9.15, way too early for us. We don’t function well, any of us, in the mornings, so naturally something went wrong of course… Breakfast were excellent at [...]

Europe Road Trip Day 1-2

July 27th, 2012 at 3:00 pm » Comments (1)

Our first approx. 790 km went pretty well considering that we didn’t sleep hardly anything last night. We were late as usual and suddenly realized that we better not go to bed at all, so we packed the car and did hit the road instead – around 2.30 in the morning! The thought was to [...]