
Welcome to the 6th international cocktail party meme: Drinks ‘Round the World, hosted by Lifecruiser Travel Blog & Travel Experta the 1st every month.

I still remember our 2007 Cyber Halloween Party – if you haven’t read about it earlier, I really recommend to click your way over there! It sure was fun!

Remember, there was a special drink: Boo (the barftender) recommended the Eyeballs On The Rocks!!!

…and for the really thirsty it was OK to order a whole Bloody Mary at once – the real Mary that would last for the whole evening and to be shared with ghoul friends. *giggles*

Other notable Halloween posts:

13 Halloween Trips Tips
Halloween Car Painting
Halloween costumes ideas for a future party

Have a horrorific Halloween my devil friends!

Do you have any drinks from somewhere in the world to share with us? Read How to participate in Drinks ‘Round the World Meme.

Lifecruiser Halloween Drinks

8 Comments on “DRTW #6: Eyeballs On The Rocks – Dracula Classic Drink”

    Mr Lifecruiser said:

    :cool: I love you


    Awwww… I love you more :razz:

    Mark H said:

    Our six month anniversary party…and here I was thinking a Halloween drink would be pumpkin juice. I reminisce about a tour of the fantastic Talisker whisky distillery on the Isle of Skye in Scotland this month at

    Puss in Boots said:

    Eewwww! That Eyeballs on the Rocks is too realistic for my liking…I really don’t think I could drink that with the eyes looking at me!

    Mar said:

    :mrgreen: mwahahaaa!!! I will stick to vinho verde since it is so easily available here!!
    Waving hello from Lisbon, quickly checking e-mail and off I go!!


    that’s gotta be the coolest drink ever!!!!!!!

    Charles Ravndal said:

    Hahahah it does look something scary to drink

    TorAa said:

    Once again, I must admit, we had no drink, only a bottle of Champagne….
    … The new Family member abd the Grandies from Germany did their first visit to Oslo and Norway this weekend…
    — I’m very up” but now must find my way to the Pillow

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