
We did wake at 10.30 am today – that was even before the alarm went off, so of course we came up with the very unusual thought that we could sleep until it should go off.

The only problem was that the alarm didn’t go off. We still don’t know why.

We woke up at 3.35 pm with a feeling that it maybe was late…

It was expected to happen, because we went to bed rather late yesterday, at 1.30 am. That’s nothing you say. We agree, thats even early for us crazy ones.

Mind the fact: we had been awake for 37,5 hours!!!

We sort of never went to bed at the New Years Eve. And then in the morning around 10.30 we sat in front of our computers and said that we could not begin to sleep during day time, beacuse then we would screw up diurnal rhythm totally.

So we stayed awake and it was surprisingly easy. Sure, a couple of times we yawned but no more. The brain was working a little bit slow, but on the other side, that’s normal for us (that only have one brain together), so no big deal.

Maybe it was someone who got tired of us being slow and put something bracing in our champagne… or maybe we just are that crazy, who knows…

Now afterwards I can’t remember if we ever went in to the shower during that time, I hope we did. … How fresh we looked. I avoided the mirrors, but I still could see Mr Lifecruiser… Unshaved, with his very red eyes and with the hair standing straight out. So cute.

Fresh Mr Lifecruiser  Fresh Mrs Lifecruiser

So this day is gone, it was already getting dark outside.

Now to the most important stuff here in life: to choose between breakfast, lunch or dinner, or all at the same time?

Any yummy suggestions?

2 Comments on “Our staying awake record”

    Happy and Blue said:

    You could have cereal with bacon and eggs in it..
    Let me know what it tastes like..

    Mrs Lifecruiser said:

    We may test that one, sounds fantastic, we LOVE english breakfast…!!!

    Hm.. no, better to wait a little just in case there is someone else with another suggestions, then we can do a total mix with everything.

    Yes, I’m hungry enough for that!

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