1) We have done it! Taken the first smart officially step for Lifecruiser’s blog makeover! It’s a deal!
2) We’re absolutely thrilled! Jumping up and down of excitement! Corking up the champagne bottle! Spraying the whole place with gigglewater!
3) I was pretty sure of which one I wanted to hire already before, butt as I’m very nit-picking I simply had to check around a bit at other blog designers too. Just to chill down my conscious…
4) And…. after checking around at blog designers all over the blogosphere, I finally came back to the number one choice I had in mind all the time from the beginning, so I could have saved myself a lot of work…. *giggles*
5) You’re all dying to know now, I know, so let me just say: Leanne, the goddess of blog designs has accepted!!!
6) If you don’t know her: Leanne Wildermuth, the extremely talented, humorous, super duper master photographer, painter, blog designer and blogger Leanne. Haven’t you seen her work? Oh, cruiser, then you have missed one of the big in the blogosphere!!!!
7) She makes so wonderful paintings, very realistic ones of animals, people, candy or peoples pets - Debbie ordered of her cats remember? I tell you these are real eye candy!
Don’t take a look at Leanne’s portfolio, because she’s a true artist by nature and you might get stuck there for ever!!! And the photography makes me green of envy!!! Especially of the Hummingbirds….
9) I love the fact that she has very reasonable prices too, considering that this is handmade pure artist work. No fast art exactly. She is so dedicated to her work and also use to show the proceeding in some of her ordered work at her blog. It’s amazing to follow one of her paintings from scratch!
10) The blog makeover will be started around the beginning of October, so some time in the middle of October she should be ready with it - if nothing unexpected happens.
11) I had a loooong list with whishes, so I hope she don’t think it’s too much steering from the Captain
12) Leanne was also the one that started the meme Thursday Thirteen and how fun haven’t that been to all the participants? Talking about spreading bloggers love hah?
13) More details about the blog makover will come later!!! Especially when all the FUN begins!!! Oh, and of course we will have a blog warming party to celebrate the new ship interior!!!
PS. Don’t forget to jump over to RennyBa’s Terella and experiencing ♥ Gaustadtoppen and Rjukan waterfall: Norwegian natural treasure! (by Diane!!!!)
Visit Velsen IJmuiden

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
♥ Mountain Life – The spirit of the Norwegian soul
♥ Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
Coming Cyber Cruise events:♥ The Royal Swedish Home Park (Sun 16 Sept)
♥ Maui, Hawaii, US(Sept)
♥ Uppsala, Sweden (Sept)
♥ Norwegian Mountains Hemsedal(End of Sept)
♥ France
♥ Mexico
♥ Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
♥ Denmark - Germany
♥ Algarve, Portugal
♥ The East Coast of Scotland
♥ The West Coast of Scotland
♥ Fuerteventura, Spain
♥ Riga, Latvia(Second half of October)
♥ Panama Canal (November)
♥ Buenos Aires - Argentina (Second half of December)
♥ Foz do Iguazu, Brazil/Paraguay (Second half of December)
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Want to participate in Thursday Thirteen?
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
I’m so exciting tooooo and can hardly wait: Our Captain rehabilitating The Ship.. and blog warming party!!
I really think you’ve done the right pick: Leanne is a wizard in both designing and blogging!
Thanks for the link love today too! Diane (and me!) are thrilled about the tremendous response she have had on her post about the girls trip into Norway’s mountains
How exciting! Looking forward to seeing the “new you”
It seems when our captain does anything, she only is satisfied with the very best! Leanne is awesome, I have seen a few of her blog designs, I can’t wait to see the new renovated first class makeover!
Oh, did you mention blog warming party???
I thought so, how wonderful
*checks cellar, grabs the phone to to order more Dom, goes back to her blog*
Oh, I thought this was it and I was ready to test the pool water. I guess I haven’t been here lately and so this is new to me. I’ll check back to see the make-over. Leanne is a sweetie pie.
Well, good for you. Can’t wait to see how this turns out. It is grand fun for sure. Another cruise so to speak. Have a great day.
It’s so exciting. I really wish I had half as much talent to create my own layouts!
I cannot wait to see the new look! I admire people who can design things like that!
Thirteen things about my brother in law
Can´t wait to see the new php-template!
Well now! This IS exciting news! Her work really is beautiful - I’m sure YOU … and we… will be VERY happy with the results! Can’t WAIT to see what the new ship looks like!
How exciting! I can’t wait to see how it comes out :).
Blog makeovers are always fun, and Leanne does wonderful work. Can’t wait to see the results.
Well, now that IS exciting. I am sure your redecorating will be very exciting and pleasing to all.
I can’t wait to see how it turns out…..you have chosen a very talented decorator.
How fantastic! Leanne’s got a great eye
Happy Thursday! Thanks for visiting me!
Coolio!!! Happy TT and thanks so much for stopping by ..
I can not wait to see what Leanne pulls out of her sleeve! I can only imagine how cool it is gonna be. This is gonna be so much fun added to all the fun already and then another party! Wahooo! Congratulations!
Hi Captain Lifecruiser!
Well you had to figure Murphy’s Law would set in wouldn’t you? Of course it did. I had NO ACCESS TO THE INTERNET WHILE I WAS IN MAUI. Can you believe it?
So I just posted my first day. We’ll just cruise Maui like I did every day…how’s that?
I spent four hours with some knucklehead one night who had me do the same thing over and over and over again…till I figured out he didn’t konw what the heck he was doing!!!!!!!!! But I have about 200 pictures…we’re in good shape. I get to relive my trip with you and my readers.
Course if they come back…oh well!
I am very curious about the result ! I know Leanne because she did little cat cartoons for me for my “Cats on Tuesday” group each tuesday, but then she hadn’t time anymore.
We leave around 9 am for our trip to the Garda Lake, with one overnight stop around Munich. It’s 1200 km from here and I don’t want to arrive there half dead, because we had always done it in one shot, but now at our age, lol !!! So suitcase is packed I just have to disconnect and pack my computer. It will be the first time since 20 years exactly (last time was 1987) that I put my feet on Italian soil again ! I had had an overdose, but now I am healed !
Woot! Looking forward to the new template and the blog warming party.
So, drinks all round when the new blog opens?
I’m a big fan of LeAnne’s work. Thanks for linking and visiting my IJmuiden TT. Sorry I’m this late for my return visit!
Oh, you are in for a treat! Leanne just finished designing my site. Come over and take a look! She is awesome, as noted in your TT.