Lifecruisers Pyttipanna

We are both very found of traditional Swedish food. OK, being the hungry monster I am, I like to eat generally, but especially traditional food. I’m like a traditional gourmet. Or Gourmand. Or both ;-)

The strange thing is: we don’t plan too far in advance what to eat, but somehow, we just happen to prepare really plain dishes at the weekends. Normally, people prepare more festive food then – no, no, we’re not normal – we often end up eating really festive meals on Mondays or other weekdays.

For Sunday dinner we had Pyttipanna, translated it means like something small in a pan. It’s made of potatoes, onions, sausage/meat leftovers of past meals. You chop all ingrediants fine and fry it in a pan, served with fried eggs and pickled beetroot.

…..and of course, a Carlsberg beer to drink to it :-)

I haven’t found any information of when it’s dated from. I guess the dish started a very long time ago when there were leftovers from the Sunday meat veal. Swedish people or farmers were better to take care of all the food in the past, maybe because they were more poor.

When it comes to Pyttipanna it’s kind of created under the principle: you take what you have at home.

A very practical way to get rid off your leftovers!

7 Comments on “Swedish Pyttipanna”

    Chi said:

    That sounds really good but I am ambarrassed to say that I have no clue what pickled beetroot is. *s*

    Lifecruiser: No need of that, it’s not common, I think, in other countries. I believe they might even call the beetroot turnips in some places. It’s red though.

    Debbie said:

    I will have to remember this the next time I end up with leftovers! LOL Between a hungry all the time hubby and a growning 19 yo it is very seldom I have extra food in the fridge! This sounds like a great meal idea! Hope you are having a magic Monday!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, boy, Debbie, that must almost be like having a hungry monster like me in the household ;-) Hope you too have a magic monday. I’ll pop over to your place at once to check up.

    claudie said:

    i’m from France and walking on the web after have seen athletism in Göteborg on tv!
    i think swedish pyttipanna is a very good idea and i practise the same sometimes when i don’t want to go out of my countryside. Then i imagine and invent salad or strange cooking and they often like at home!
    good bye!

    Lifecruiser: Hope you had a good time in Göteborg Cladie. The strange cooking sounds interesting ;-)

    Kasia said:

    I love everything that is fried! And especially potatoes! It is my favourite vegatable, not mentioning Carlsberg is one of my favourite beers:)))

    Lifecruiser: Me too. I’m a potato the whole me ;-) Carlsberg is a very very good beer, so cheers to that!

    Napfisk said:

    No Swedish blood in me (as you assumed) but sure a lot of childhood memories and this certainly is one of them – together with the köttbullar and those tubes with the salmon paste in them (although those aren’t exactly the greatest culinary discovery ever :wink: ).

    Thanks for the flashback!

    Lifecruiser: Aha. That’s how it is. I can agree with the culinary comment, but somehow I actually CAN long for those anyway. It’s weird, but I’m weird ;-)

    INAMINI said:

    This sounds like something the Dutch would concoct! I will try it sometime.

    Lifecruiser: Do so :-) Actually, we ate today too, just a coincidence. *lol*

    Gina said:

    Beets are what they are called in the U.S.! we eat pittipanna at least once a month, with beets and fried eggs, of course! I didn’t have time to visit thursday so I am back to say that I enjoyed your site and would like to join your blogroll!

    Lifecruiser: Tjena Gina :-) Glad you enjoyed it. You’re on our blogroll now, welcome :-)

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