Our heart goes out to Tor, who has got the shocking horror message that he has lost his son Ruben. We’re all feeling the tremendous pain with you and your family.
That must be one of the hardest things to go through and so is the matter of informing others of what happened, because it makes the open wound bleeding again…. Tears of blood…
Life just isn’t fair. *crying* This just should NOT be happening. Kids should never go before the parents. Our deepest, deepest from the bottom of our hearts and most sincere condolences to you and your family.
I know that this is no comfort for you right now, but the sun will shine upon you again, just let the clouds empty themselves of the raindrops first….
Raindrops can create heartbreaking, beautiful rainbows – just as bittersweet as the memories can be. Let the memories shine like sunbeams and warm your hearts.
Captain ♥Hugs Lifecruiser
Theme: Candy
This is from our Spain trip in March and it’s truly my kind of candy! I’m not having much of a sweet tooth, more like a salty one! Olives is my absolute, absolute favorite candy above all! I’d surely DIE without olives…
…and what would it be without some nice cold beers to go with it? We did drink Coronita Cerveza as you see – notice the lemon slice in the top of the bottle too! Verrry tasty a warm day. (OK, I’m drooling now!)
The difference between Spain and Sweden are that the olives we were served in Spain mostly were stuffed with anchovy, which is not one of my favorites. I also prefer them with the seed left, it’s more tasty that way.
That’s probably also why I succeeded to get a photo of them, otherwise they would have been gone already! *giggles*
Dos Cervezas y aceitunas sin anchoa, por favor
For Mr Lifecruiser who is having his birthday 17th of May – and for our Norwegian friends on Norway’s national day:
Captain ♥ Mr Lifecruiser
Oh, such stories this boat could tell us, I’m sure!!! Worned out by life, in the need of a spring refresh as much as I need it too. Does it looks sad to you? Not to me.
Isn’t that what spring is all about? To get new energy and be refreshed!
That’s what I’m doing. Loading my batteries in the spring sunshine, well, it might not be so very much of the sun over here, but I’m sooo glad to see it the few hours it shows itself.
It’s definitely spring in the air and tonight we’re taking a boat trip, remember me mentioning it in the last post?
I’ll report about it as soon as possible. I do hope that I’m going to be able to take some photos to show you.
Stay tuned and you’ll find out if I was too occupied dancing to the live music or got too (grande!) drunk
Captain ♥The Sea Lifecruiser