Mr Lifecruisers niece wedding bouqets
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We went to a wedding yesterday and I must ask myself if there is any more beautiful flowers than wedding bouquets…?

They’re giving so much inspiration, happy and emotional thoughts :-)

I love weddings. I’ve only been to my two sisters weddings before – and my own of course. People were not into marriage in earlier periods of my life – it was just not trendy!

I wish there were more weddings overall and certainly in the family, butt I can’t see that happening in a couple of years at least. *sigh*

Stay tuned to read more about this wedding tomorrow…

Captain Natura Lifecruiser

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15 Comments on “Thumb up for weddings”

    Mark UNITED KINGDOM said:

    Hi, Nice bouqets, florists can certainly do amazing things with flowers. You never know this wedding thing might catch on again, the trend is certainly reversing.

    Cheers mark

    claudie FRANCE said:

    Weddings are beautiful moments and often the moment where you can see persons you didn’t see since several years. It’s a great moment where everyone is so chic! There are some weddings I will never forget!

    Crafty Gardener said:

    Beautiful bouquets of roses. It is such a shame they don’t last but you have preserved them in time with your photo.

    ladyseashells CANADA said:

    Wedding bouquet are always beautiful. That sometimes I thought i should work at the flower shop so I’d learn how to make them. I have one wedding to attend this month. Best friend is getting married so I’m excited to see again the old friends who I haven’t seen for awhile. You wanna come?

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, they sure are and I agrre with you – it’s great opportunities to meet everyone again! Lovely party time :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Yes, I believe the best way to preserve them are by photo, it’s only there they look exactly like they did :-)

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Sounds terrific! You bet I want :-) Please let me know when you’ve been there and if you write something about it!

    Sara UNITED KINGDOM said:

    What lovely bouquets – I hope the wedding was lovely. I had red roses when I got married and then had them preserved afterwards so I can look at them everyday. Thanks for bringing back wedding memories on Green Thumb Sunday.
    Sara from farmingfriends

    MrBrownThumb UNITED STATES said:

    Those bouquets are really nice.

    Happy GTS

    Kasia POLAND said:

    Filed flowers bouquets are the most beautiful – they are modest and simple. flowers are the most graceful becaue of their destiny. :)

    Chigiy UNITED STATES said:

    gorgeous bouquets.

    Lifecruiser SWEDEN said:

    Ah, yes, you’re right, thereis hope :-)

    TorAa NORWAY said:

    Beautiful flowers.
    Wedding is something very nice – but it’s a fact only 50% here do last until death do they apart.

    RennyBA NORWAY said:

    I do agree and I know what I’m talking about since I’ve been married more than two times:-)


    Love the bouquets! Every time the traditional bridal look seems in danger of becoming a cliche, I attend a wedding and fall in love with the romance and grandeur all over again.

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