1. Thursday aren’t just about this T13 things, Thursdays is also Mom’s day for me and Mr Lifecruiser. We always visit her (Lifelessions) at the elderly home and some other days too, but Thursday is a regular. Mr Lifecruiser plays the piano and we’re singing together with some others of the elderly living there. It’s really heartwarming (and sometimes heartbreaking) to see how much it means to the others that don’t get visits. One lady there is from Gotland and we’re thinking of visiting her home area this summer too see if we can bring her something back from there to remind her of it. Even a guy there who is having severe hearing loss and have been a little out of the fellowship, seems to relax and enjoy it now too. We kind of build a bridge between them and make them begin to talk to each other. It feels really good to do some good
2. We live in a small but cosy 50 square meter apartment in a very nice and quiet suburb of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. It’s hard to believe that we are so close to the city when there is so many animals and lush verdure around the house. We’ve choosen to live this compact living because we’ve planned to be travelling as often as we can. And of course so that we can avoid the cleaning business as much as possible… Even if we’re spicing it up with housekeeping method #2.
3. I repeat this since not many seems to believe us when we say it: we’re both sleeping in a bed that is 90 cm (35 inches) width and we’re doing it well too. When we’re sleeping. *lol* Don’t ask me how we’re doing it, I wouldn’t believe it myself if anyone had told me before this… Sometimes in the summer when we’re on the island FÃ¥rö, we even sleep in a smaller bed than that (80 cm), but that is a little bit too small I have to admit. Somehow we seem to fit in to each other like puzzle pieces and obviously does the right turns at the right moments. It’s magic I guess We love the closeness we get and I use Mr Lifecruiser as a radiator. He is the warmth in my life.
4. Both of us is cooking the food in this house, even if I have to admit that I might be a tiny monsterbit better at eating the food than cooking compared to Mr Lifecruiser…. The most amazing with our cooking is that despite the fact that our kitchen is very small, we’re never in the way of each other and we’re doing exact the right things the other one doesn’t have begin with. So it’s full of harmony, but it’s still speed cooking. It never stops amazing both of us. Very often we cook with some nice music on and have candle lights. Food is one of our lifes great joys. Even if we just eat something simple, it’s almost always homecooked. You can see our kitchen here. (Oh, boy, now I’m getting really hungry and have to have a short break for a kitchen raid…)
5. We have a livingroom that is very nice and comfy, but we hardly ever spend any time there. The TV is in there too, but we hardly ever use that either, we’re kind of free from TV. Only if Mr Lifecruiser is feeling sick or something and don’t manage to do anything else or if it is a poker program. I’ve switched the TV against the computer and blogging, he plays netpoker. Even then we sit side by side at our computers, in the bedroom. So it seems that we spend a lot of time in the bedroom hah? For the wrong reason? Well, who says we’re doing what in what room? *blink*
6. What we do to make a living? We live on Love Seriously, my last title were Consultant and Project Manager (IT), working with Systems Management and developments for TCP/IP Networks and IT helpdesks, but I’m on sick leave since 2001 (!) because of my back. During my sick leave they cut down the staff, so I had to go, which left me in quite a bad position. Even if I get well enough to begin to work - who want’s to hire someone with a bad back like mine? The only thing they offered were a fusion of the disks, but they didn’t give much hope and weren’t surprised when I said no… I’ve heard about too many bad outcomes to be willing to risk it and when not even the specialist give me hope, how can I agree to one? I’m just waiting now for another back investigation in the end of this year to see how things are evolving. Mr Lifecruiser has his own little business which he manage from home, educated as a marketing economist, but helping companys with safety data sheets for chemicals among other things. Nah, that sounded so boring, urrrk. Lets say: Lifecruisers, Enjoy’ers, Lovers.
7. We both love to travel as you’ve noticed, I’m sure. It has been quite an effort for me to manage the trips with my back and I’m totally devestated afterwards, but it’s soooo worth it. Heck, I’m always in pain so what if there is some extra :-). Since our last trip to South America that ended in the middle of December, we’ve been at home for once. It’s mainly because of my lack of iron with the going bald thing. It has been a lot of things to take care of around that, to take care of me. Trying to get in shape for next trip which is to Ireland the 16th of June. After that it’s celebrating the Swedish Midsummer and then off to FÃ¥rö, the island outside Swedens eastcoast the 3rd of July.
8. We don’t have any children living at home. Mr Lifecruiser has one growned up daughter and I never got any children for several reasons; not in the right relationship, not the economy or surroundings to support a child in. You have to have something good to offer children, not only being selfish. Many times people thinks that I don’t like children. I may give that impression, because I tend to keep a distance to them. The truth is that I’m highly susceptible to illnesses and always seem to get some illnessess from them sadly enough. They seem to have extra strong germs.
9. We only have strange unreal pets (read more under category pets), even though both of us really love animals. It would be nice to have them, but they demand to be taken care of and we don’t have that time or possibilty right now. Health issues and travels put an end to that - for the moment. When we’re getting old and grey we’ll probably get some pet friends
10. My best friend and Assistant Field Reporter on this blog, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser and I speak to each other almost every day. She has been in Sweden since January now, involuntary stuck here due to healt issues. It’s about 30 Swedish miles (about 187 miles) between us and both ill, so it’s hard for us to visit each other. I don’t know what it is, but she always get the most unusual problems or illnessess. She is followed by such a bad luck. As an example: if other people get appendicitis she get an appendicitis that bursts and actually were dead for a short while, followed by other severe complications. Now she has been in and out on the hospital the last months trying to convince the doctors that they had to let her stay there and investigate why her blood pressure went up like a skyrocket (and I really mean a skyrocket!) all the time. It couldn’t only be the infection she had earlier and never seems get rid off. They tried to claim that she got a virus after that infection. Finally they took her serious and is now waiting for blood test answers which includes hormones. They saw on the x-rays that one of her adrenal glands is enlarged, a very unsual illness. They may have to do a surgery to remove it. We’ll see what they say when they know for sure.
11. Our interests: Love, travel, photographing, music, cooking, architecture, animals (Mr Lifecruiser is one, I’m just a hungry monster ;-), nature, dancing, good movies, educating reading, poker and golf for Mr Lifecruiser, blogging and horses is mine, even though I can’t go horseback riding like I used to… Let’s just say: anything in life - it’s much easier *lol*. We find almost everything interesting or educating, we’re rather openminded.
12. Please send us some warmth and sunny weather… It’s cold over here, not even near to be called summer yet. We’re freezing. Despite our method to contribute to the global warming effect. Anyone have anything else to offer to give us some warmth?
13. We try to really live, enjoy, love life today - you’ll never know if it’s too late tomorrow…
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
35 inches of bed for two? YIKES! I don’t know how you do it! At least you must stay warm!
I’m still envy all of your traveling. Lucky woman!
Lifecruiser: Yeah, I know! *lol*
What a sweet T13. I can tell you really enjoy the simple things in life; never missing a moment. I really enjoyed this one. -Margie
Lifecruiser: Thanks Margie, that was kind of you to say
I enjoyed, so much, reading this post!!! Especially #1, tho…when my Dad’s mother was in a nursing home, after she passed, we went to the nursing home to collect her things and the nurses, all of them, said how much they missed Tilly, how she loved to play the piano and sing and her upbeat spirit was infectious. I miss her so much!
My 13’s up
Lifecruiser: It sounds like she was wonderful, how fun she would have thought it was to play doublehanded with Mr Lifecruiser!
Ron and I love to cook together too, I am the better cook now, but he used to be. We have been living on love for quite some time. We may not have much, but we have each other. Great list, mine is up!
Lifecruiser: Sounds like you’re like us yes, it’s always nice to hear that others have it as well
Oh wow… I wish I could send you some warm sunshine! It’s HOT here in West Texas! Loved your T13!!!
Lifecruiser: I sure wish that too!!!
I love reading your posts. They are always filled with such goodness & love that I feel it. Probably sounds silly but I can definately tell that you & Mr Lifecruiser are a happy & in love couple. It’s so neat!
I do wish something could be done about your back pain. Keeping that in my prayers.
My 13 is up.
Lifecruiser: Thanks. You make me (almost) blush with your kind words. But I guess it’s true, I’m writing from my heart and there seem to be a lot of Love nowadays
I could NEVER share my bed if it were that small. I’m a bed hog! LOL
Well, since you never had kids and I never really had a Mom…how about we adopt each other in cyberspace?
Lifecruiser: Hehe, sounds like an excellent suggestion to me, where shall I sign? But maybe not for you, have you really thought this over, I mean to have a crazy Mom…? *lol*
wow, nice post.
are you swedish?
I had a great-grandmother that came from Sweden to the U.S.
Lifecruiser: Yes, we both are Swedish. We’ve grown up in Stockholm both of us and lived around here our whole lifes - so far. Do you know where from she came? There really was a lot of Swedes that did immigrate to the U.S. in the past.
I love to cook with my fiance. It’s nice when we split up the cleaning afterwards too!!! I can’t believe that you have such a tiny bed!! Yikes. I love having my room to sleep! I loved this post!
Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s surprised us too in the beginning. We just established after a while that we didn’t want any bigger bed, because we love this one so much…
Loved reading your TT, you are all heart - doing your nr 1. A 50 sq-m appt is small, but your bed is tiny! I don’t know how you do it, it must be true love, lol. Sorry to read about your back but you are very brave. Sending sunshine from Spain, feel it?
happy TT, mine is up.
Lifecruiser:Thanks. It really is true love, so it’s possible thats why we can do it. Aaahh, yeas I can feel the spanish warmth, thank you, thank you *lol*
You have a beautiful life!! And I love reading your posts…so full of love!
Now the bed thing, I don’t know how you do it!! My hubby and I sleep in a king size bed and we complain when we travel if we end up in a queen! lol
Great list!! Happy Thursday, my TT is up!
Lifecruiser: Yes, I hear rather many persons that says exactly the same thing as you, but never the sam as we…. *lol*
it’s so lovely that the both of you visited your mom and had fun, i believe both of you are meant to be that’s why you can fit in that 90cm bed hehehe besides it makes you more closer to each other hehe. I love travelling too!
Happy Thursday, mine is up.
Lifecruiser: We very often think that too, that we are made for each other. That’s for sure. We are so alike in a lot of other things too.
Wow, loved your list….living in harmony and insync with each other! Love that you visit the elderly on a regular basis. I admire that greatly. My TT is up.
Lifecruiser: Yes, this really is insync, we even say the same things at the same time - and we’ve done that from the very beginning, it’s not because we know each other that well.
About the visiting, my siblings is visiting the other days we aren’t, so she always have a visit every day.
That’s neat that Thursday is Mom’s day!!! It’s always great to read these kinds of things happening in this ol’ mean world!!!
Drop by and see the 13 new banners I made. Take one take all!!!
Lifecruiser: Thanks Wystful1, I will check up your banners for sure. that’s generous of you to put it up for us all
I think I might know why your back hurts, Ms. “when we sleep” and housekeeping method #2.
Ha ha. I’m wishing warm weather to come your way.
Lifecruiser: Do you… Well, I have to say that these “activities” gives us some nice endorphines which says to be killing pain, but maybe we overdo this? *lol* Thanks for the weather wish, it seems so begin to work!
What a wonderful T-13 ! I feel like I know you a little better now. *s* I think it is great that you have such a great relationship with each other & have so much in common. *s*
Lifecruiser: I’m glad that you say that Chi, because that was of course the purpose of it
Yes, we truly are blessed to have found each other.
from reading your blog i can see you truly live the moment and enjoy life’s little things! that is wonderful. I don’t think i could sleep at all if i had to share 80cm of bedspace - i tend to toss and turn a lot at night - so we have a HUGE king size bed. So there are times when it is more like: where are you dahling?
men det er rigtig hyggelig! it is also freeeezing in Denmark!
Lifecruiser: Well, we didn’t think so either until we met each other. We were surprised how well it went and still does
I hpe you get better weather too, they claim that it’s on the way here now, the summer. I hope they’re right!
That was very informative! I can relate having some limitations myself but making the best of it. Someday I’ll tell you the story of how my family lost our last name, which should be Lunquist, which I’m told means little branch. My paternal great grandfather was from Sweden…a black sheep, who was apparently wealthy and had some royalty in his family…maybe a knight.
Get in a hot bath to warm up!
My 13 are obeying the speed limit.
Lifecruiser: That story seems interesting enough about your family name, maybe you should dedicate a whole post to it! Well, I would get a hot bath - if we had any, only shower
Wow - that is a small bed. Too cool that you live in a big city that is very interesting (not like here). I remember ‘compact living’ from Germany. Traveling is a nice thing - just a little expensive. Living real life - hm - have to think about that one.
Thanks for stopping by
Lifecruiser: Well, I guess every place has it’s own charm. And of course I would want it both ways. A place in the town AND out in the countryside would be very good. I love the countryside too. Yes, trevelling is expensive, but there is some ways of downsizing the costs which we practise a lot.
[...] Other T13 participants: Mar, Fated Hearts, Laura, Janice, Friday’s Child, Ma, Kailani, Lifecruiser, [...]
It’s always so refreshing to read what the Lifecruisers are about. The back pain I’m sure is not fun but you remain so positive. You are living proof that with love all things are possible. It’s rather cool on the mountain today so the best I can send is warm wishes.
Lifecruiser: Well, nothing get better from being negative, so better to do the best of what you’ve got. As I can tell that you two are doing as well. Warm whishes may help a little, at least the sun has been shining today, always a good start!
This was so interesting. I could never sleep in that size bed. Dh and I have a KING and sometimes that is not big enough. I would love to travel. I am so sorry about your back and your friends illness. I so know about weird appendix things.
I’m Playing!
Lifecruiser: It’s funny, most people say the same as you. Maybe you just need some adjustments and some glue to fit in to each other? *lol*
What a wonderful list, I got to know you a bit better. I wish I could email you all the sunshine and warm weather we’ve been getting lately. Have a lovely Thursday. Be Well….
Lifecruiser: thank you Ardice. The sunshine wish may have worked, let’s hope it keeps that way
What a lovely life! How enjoyable. Your words are filled with happiness.
Except I’m all about having my own space while I sleep. The bigger the bed the more room to play and rest.
Lifecruiser: Well, I admit that sometimes, but it’s very rare, we’re almost falling off the bed *lol*
I’m in the mood for looking at things I could have done instead, and form here your life sounds lovely!
3 foot wide bed though - wow, I’d need to be enviably slim I think.
Lifecruiser: Or maybe tooooooo much in love…. *lol*
Lifecruiser: Better late than never