
May 1st, 2005

The web wave is here!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention

Lifecruiser is on the surfing board NOW. Come and surf with us! It’s only here you can find the best and most interesting waterproof reviews of what’s worth mentioning in the surf world.

Mostly it will be about the FUN and NICE things in life, planning to tempt you with:

- Play / Games
- Odd’s
- Travel / Vacation
- Money
- Love

We are going for an exclusive quality and not for quantity.

Take a dive in! (Your surfing spot 24hrs a day)

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:mrgreen: :neutral: :twisted: :shock: :smile: :???: :cool: :evil: :grin: :oops: :razz: :roll: :wink: :cry: :eek: :lol: :mad: :sad: