
December 17th, 2005

In hibernation for the winter

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Do you know why we, The Lifecruiser Team, are so slow for the moment?

OK, maybe you think we are slow even in other times, but now we are even slower!!! Yes, that is possible!!!

The right answer:
We have gone into hibernation for the winter with the awful minus degrees. Now I can hear you saying: it is only animals that goes into hibernation. Well, then we are animals….

Hm…. What kind of animals are we then?

Mrs Lifecruiser - the human Hedgehog. How come? Well, I love the summertime, have very many spines out for the moment, have been collecting a lot of food resources lately, drag my legs behind me, have a long nose, I am slurping loudly when I eat, I am scratching myself like I have a lot of fleas.

And I like to consume frogs like Mr Lifecruiser…. His skin are smooth (at least on his butt :-), he likes insects, worms, spiders, have declined drastically since the 1950’s, he makes calls on me, makes good jumps with his long legs, like to be active during the nights, his skin sometimes hangs losely.

He is my frog that became a prince the day I kissed him the first time….. *smiling really big*

Miss Ass. Lifecruiser - The Batwomen is a true flyer that is flying back and forward a lot, trying to be with her Batman, most active during the nights, the eyes are poorly, has very good smell/hearing senses, excellent on locate things.

But I am not sure if she is a microbat that eats blood or just a megabat that feeds on fruits and nectar… So be aware when she is around!!!!

Have you too gone into hibernation? What kind of animal are you then…?

Cruise list: Deb, Mandy, and Captain Jeff.

6 Responses to ' In hibernation for the winter '

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  1. Captain Jeff said:

    I am not in hibernation! I be a pirate, and we sail whenever the wind be good or bad! Loot waits for no scalliwag!

    What should ye do if ye meet some cannibals, ye ask me? Eat em!

    December 18th, 2005 at 7:25 am

  2. Mandy said:

    I’m a cat, and even though cats don’t hibernate, I like to curl up on the sofa and nap every now and then. I like to wonder around the house, pottering about here, there, and everywhere. Dinner is always a treat, as are the little tidbits. I can stay in bed in the mornings if I wish to, but most of all I love the roaring log fire in the living room, flickering with orange flames as I get comfortable and reminisce. :-)

    December 18th, 2005 at 10:40 am

  3. Lifecruiser said:

    Captain Jeff:
    I have a feeling that you do not need to go into hibernation, because the weather is good where you are….?

    Mmm, the cats really can look like they are enjoying their sleep or the log fire! We envy you the log fire especielly, there is nothing that can beat that warm feeling you get from it.

    - Oh, no, that is not quite right - only love can of course….

    December 18th, 2005 at 1:27 pm

  4. Deb said:

    Sigh… I wanna hedgehog!

    I don’t hibernate. I just get grumpy, but I would like to point out that it’s bloody hot here in Australia.


    December 20th, 2005 at 11:53 am

  5. Lifecruiser said:


    That is NOT fair…. We want to have SUMMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR too!!!!

    Hmmm. Maybe our next trip will go to Australia….?

    December 20th, 2005 at 1:42 pm

  6. » Big Bear Hugs said:

    […] I think our hibernation is over now! […]

    April 11th, 2006 at 10:26 pm

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