
December 27th, 2005

About Lifecruisers avatars

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful

If any of you are curious of how we look, you can just look at this avatars from yahoo - or take a peek under our About section in the menu above to see (and read) more.

Yahoo! Avatars full size under About    Yahoo! Avatars full size under About   Yahoo! Avatars full size under About

As usual, the pictures are a little bit (ok, not so little) flattering, but hey, allow us to be good looking at least for once in our lifes!!!

Do not miss the fact that the pictures can change from time to time.

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:mrgreen: :neutral: :twisted: :shock: :smile: :???: :cool: :evil: :grin: :oops: :razz: :roll: :wink: :cry: :eek: :lol: :mad: :sad: