
January 12th, 2006

Stockholm was empty…

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

…the other day, except from us two, Miss ass Lifecrusier and Mrs Lifecruiser and a lot of tourists. We do think that people listened to our warnings and stayed indoors?!

It was nice when the town was not crowded, maybe we will try that warning some other time, just to empty the town before we go there.

We bought all the stuff we should in piece and quiet, went for a coffee because we were freezing so very much that we would not have been surprised if there were coming polarbears walking down the street.

After we were done with the shopping we went for a well-earned beer and had a nice time :-)

Nothing more happened, it was quite surprising. We think….

Except from the fact that there was a bunch of policemen running around us with their hands on their guns and a lot of police cars, but we did not think about it first. I mean, we felt so safe ;-)

They must have read our earlier warning and had put up a very high state of alert, they probably were prepared for everything!

Maybe it did happened something *b* around us that we are not aware of….? Hmm…. Something MUST have happened, it would be the first time it did not! We can not believe it!

Please report if you have noticed any *b* things.

Cruise list: Happy and Blue.

2 Responses to ' Stockholm was empty… '

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  1. Happy and Blue said:

    I am glad they were prepared for you and no one got hurt, ha,ha..

    January 12th, 2006 at 3:54 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Well, it was pretty close that Miss ass Lifecruiser hurted her self when she slipped on the sidewalk and the porcelain gifts we had purchased too….

    She was making a joke about it just minutes before it happened. But she managed to get in balance again. Pheeew.

    *wiping the sweat from the forehead*

    January 13th, 2006 at 2:45 am

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