December 17th, 2006

Weblog Awards 2006 Best Diarist

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Lifecruiser thanks for votes

Thank you all of you awesome friends that voted on Lifecruiser, YOU ROCKS! It will be remembered for a long time, warming our hearts in this dark wintertime…

I know that there were a lot of trouble to vote sometimes and that’s not good at all, but hey shit happens and it was a very big event with thousands of voters attacking the polls at the same time.

There were 526,974 votes cast in 45 categories. There was some really big differences in the amount of the votes - as it was in the blog styles.

1) Raymi The Minx 2281 (!)
2) Dooce 1379
3) Green Apple Martini 621

Lifecruiser ended up on seventh place in the Diarist category - or Diarrhist as I prefer to call me ;-) We’re very pleased with that result. Really. No bullshit.

There were 296 votes for a while, but we ended up with 226. They took 70 votes away from us, because they were from the same IP-adress. I noticed that even others had the same happening to them. Some supporter obviously got carried away - or if it was voters on a network with the same IP-address? (I know that several of our supporters have that).

I don’t know and I can’t say that I think that it’s matter since we weren’t in the lead. Though I found it interesting to see how this little ant stood us in the competition with the elephants :-)

There is always a lot of cheating, whining, accusations and argues around competitions, which is one of the reasons for why I normally don’t attend competitions at all.

Sure, I could suspect cheating in some cases, but since I’ve no proof I have to believe that they will be discovered by the Weblog Award team and if not, what can I do? It’s not the end of the world even though it’s always bad if cheaters get away with it. But that’s life.

I am however, very, very proud of being one of the finalists and getting that 296 votes is the very best, the most heartwarming in this whole competition. You actually love Lifecruiser. Wow. We love you too! ((hugs))


And thank you to the Weblog Awards team for all the work! The final, official results will be announced the 18th. They have to make sure that all the votes are valid first. What a hard work hah? Phew!

Nominations for The 2007 Weblog Awards will begin in September with voting at the end of October 2007 and the 2007 Weblog Awards will be hosted at the BlogWorld Expo 8-9 November 2007 in Las Vegas at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Now THAT would be something I would be very interested in, going to Vegas! Not so much for the BlogWorld Expo, but to have a blast in Vegas! It’s on our wish-travel-list.

NOTE TO SELF: Must go there, another time, another year, with another wallet! *lol*

Cruise list: Mar, Marie, RennyBA, Neil, Irish Church Lady, Happy and blue 2, Deb, and Maribeth.
December 14th, 2006

Joyn Crack Me Up Friday

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

13 Joyn Crack Me Up Friday…

1. Welcome here tomorrow (Friday) to Crack Me Up!
2. Crack Me Up with hilarious storys, jokes, comments…
3. Anything fun you can come up with.
4. Bring your best crazy mood
5. Bring all your friends
6. We’ll crack up lots of Dom Perignons - giggle water
7. Eat gigantical amount of yummy food
8. Dancing in our most fabulous outfits
9. Surprise me and I might surprise you
10. Bring joy and friendship
11. This is a camouflaged loser party for the Awards…
12. …which only you can make a winner party by voting!
13. We’ll have a bloody marvelous Friday whatever :-))

JOYN CRACK ME UP FRIDAY 15 DEC!(For me Friday from the afternoon to late night/morning, for U.S party people Friday day and evening)

TIP: post your outfit and other fun stuff on your own blog too and tell us about it!

Dress code: What ever you like, formal, informal, masquerade or nude if you so want! *lol*

Help the ants to fight the elephants by support Lifecruiser in The Weblog Awards 2006!

♥ Vote every day to Saturday for us here ♥
(Why don’t make it to the startpage in your browser?)

Get the Thursday Thirteen Code here

Visit other participants

Cruise list: Colleen, Chi, Irish Church Lady, Tricia, Eric, Lonnie, Christine, N. Mallory, Jane, Beth, Pink Chihuahua Princess, ChupieandJsmama, Shannon, Danielle, My 2 cents, Kukka-Maria, Laura, Carmen, Sanni, Incog, Mar, Chelle, Gina, Gattina, Chana, Rashenbo, Thebluestbutterfly, Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira, Skittles, Melli, and Happy and blue 2.
December 8th, 2006

Weblog Awards Vo(mi)ting 2006

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

The Best Diarreahist (see the post below to understand) has now gone over to the vo(mi)ting issues.

Voting facts:

- The voting lasts 7-15 December
- You can vote once a day
- You can vote every day on our blog

It’s to give blogs with lower daily readership a chance against these famous blogs with giant amount of daily traffic.

That means I’m allowed to send you back to the polls every day. So what do you say, shall we give them some more competition?

You do love Lifecruiser, don’t you? Then support the fight of this little ant against the big elephants!

Why don’t you write something about our elephant fight on your own blog? Spread the word, gather all the ants to a massive attack against the elephants!

I’m still feeling sick and I’m just very glad that this vomiting didn’t last 7-15 dec! So that’s why I haven’t been around visiting you as much as I use too.

I even went to the doctor yesterday, but with my shitty doctor I don’t get much help, only disappointments. Yes, I will change doctor again, as soon as I find some one better… Which isn’t that easy. I’ll write more about this parody later!

♥ Vote every day here ♥
(Why don’t make it to the startpage in your browser?)

UPDATE: Wow! I had no idea that the contest was that popular! Seems to be trouble with the overload. Try in the morning or during the day is my tip .-)

Cruise list: Chi, Eph2810, Gattina, R'acquel, Irish Church Lady, Happy and blue 2, Melli, and Mar.
December 7th, 2006

Weblog Awards Finalist 2006

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys
Cruise list: Gennie, Marie, Mar, Frances, Nathalie, Maribeth, RennyBA, Fro, Happy and blue 2, JenLo, Edrei, and Irish Church Lady.
October 17th, 2006

How to become an A-Team Cruiser

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Attention all cruisers: The captain of this ship has tackled some changes in the ship rules.

From now all regular cruisers have to start in the A-Swab Team. See the starboard deck if you want to join.

To advance to the A-Team Cruisers you’ve to fulfil some of these qualifications:

- Cruise with us almost daily
- Participate in many cruises
- Fit in the entertainment crew
- Have old cruiser merit’s
- Invite the captain to the cabin
- Cheer with the captain
- Offer Dom Perignon
- Dance funny all night
- Have a life jacket

It’s the captains decision if and when you’re ready to become an A-Team Cruiser. If you aren’t on the A-Team list right now, don’t be sorry - continue to cruise with us and you will soon be!

If times goes by and you don’t cruise with us, you’ll be moved to the A-Swab Team. This is because we want to reward an Active Team Cruising in front deck position.

Our temporary cruisers will be listed as usual in the Cruise list for every cruise (post).

Since I’m joining something called Tackle It Tuesday today, the work with that changing of rules is my first tackle this Tuesday. To come up with the rules, to name the teams and sort our cruisers.

The second tackle is that I created a blogroll for Tackle It Tuesday. I’ve mentioned it for Janice, the founder of Tackle It Tuesday and we’ll see what she says. I want to have it myself anyway because I find it easier to find the participants to visit that way. Let me know if you want the code for it you too!

Cruise list: YellowRose, Mandy, Mar, Erna, Napfisk, Janice (5 Minutes for Mom), Debbie, Wystful1, Tricia, Tammy, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Janice (5 Minutes for Mom), Stephanie, Martin, Chi, Jenn, Eph2810, Irish Church Lady, Dave, and Happy and Blue 2.
October 10th, 2006

Push up support for breasts

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Health

You see some wonderful breasts. You fall in love with them. You’re like hypnotized of them. You’re drawn to them as they were magnets. You wanna touch them…..

STOP! Hold that feeling!

Click on the buttons below instead to support the continued life of breasts, you wanna keep them, don’t you?

Come on guys, it’s just a little click on the mouse, you know you wanna do it, don’t be shy!

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Rose, Kasia, Happy and Blue 2, and Debbie.
October 4th, 2006

Wordless Going Pink

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Health
Mrs Lifecruisers Going Pink Badge
Join Going Pink
Come on guys - you like boobs don’t you? ;-)


Cruise list: Rose DesRochers, PixiePincessMom, Sandy, Bobbi Jo, Lynn Tucker, Wystful1, Liz (Looney Mom), Deb, Froggie, Christine, The Foo, YellowRose, Flipflopmamma, Brony, Cat, Michelle, Chaotic Mom, Mar, Babs, Happy and Blue 2, Abaniko, Kasia, MamaDuck, Napfisk, Kdubs, Debbie (Fruitful Spirit), and Chi.
September 25th, 2006

Our Emmy Award Speach

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Awesome fellow bloggers.

We’re standing before you as very proud Lifecruisers tonight. Our hearts are full of love and a never fading believe in blogging, our heads with sleeping problem since it’s 04:50 in the morning in Swedish time.

We have spoken to you, to the whole Blogosphere about our crazy lives. We have defended our honor and won peace and bloginality.

We dare to say: “Blogosphere, this day is the new beginning for all the blogger people, we have built a bridge of understanding through the blogosphere that is blog solid.”

It has been a great pleasure to participate this evening and to hear all the heartwarming things that have been said about bloggers and therefor also about the blogosphere.

We want to thank all our regular readers for all their support during our blog year, without it our blog would not be alive today. You have stood by us despite our sometimes in your eyes probably very strange posts.

We want to give big bear hugs to our special voters who believed us being Magickal: Tricias Musings, Yellow Roses Garden, Are We There Yet, My Two Cents, Maremagnum, Patchwork Anahata and The Foo Logs.

We also want to thank our Emmy Award Host Mysterious Lady for a marvelous event and for all the extra work she has put into this.

For those who didn’t won tonight I just wanna say, that you all deserve it too, so I’m convinced that your turn will come!

What the Blogosphere mean to the world is obvious to all of us, especially to those who was participating tonight.

We know that without our blogs, without blog posts to comment, we’re nothing. Gone. Lost in cyberspace.

In real life on the other hand, we’re all very nice ordinary people :-)

♥ Congratulations to all the other winners ♥

Cruise list: Irish Church Lady, The Foo, WendyWings, My 2 cents, Lazy Daisy, Fruitful Spirit, Melli, Mar, Tricia, and Kasia.
September 24th, 2006

Tonights Blog Emmy Awards

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

We’ve been nominated for a Blog Emmy Award!

Quite surprising - and touching. Who would think of little Lifecruiser? And as a Magickal Website too. That’s a huge compliment. It was our post about our Magical Iceland trip that did it.

There is a lot of good bloggers out there, so there really could be a lot of Blog Emmy Awards competitions too - it’s fun, it’s free - what more could we demand?

The voting is still going on - thank you from the bottom of our crazy Swede hearts to the ones that already have voted for us - we love you too :-)

We did put on our Emmy outfits (from the 18th century) and are now just waiting for the outcome.

c_ljunglofska (13)

Ready to shower the winners with the good old champagne - Dom Perignon - what else? Oh, and I do have olives hidden all over my outfit, just for pure survival…

But no nervous wreck biting nails over here, I’m calm as a dead woman at her own funeral.

Wait a minute… Maybe I am dead and that’s why I have this terrible migraine? I haven’t had one for about 4 years, so maybe this just is a kind of phantom pain? It sure feels like my head is cut off…. Uhum…

No, it’s probably because all the problem I had to vote myself. I don’t like voting generally. I like too many bloggers! I don’t like the idea that it seem like I have cut off the others I didn’t vote for. Which I haven’t. So I had big problems to choose and voted late.

So, if you don’t find that I voted for YOU, blame it on that damn migraine!

See if you find some one you wanna vote for, hurry up to the mysterious lady that started it, the voting closes at 6 p.m EST Sunday night!

Oh, and don’t forget to have FUN :-)

The Emmy Award Blog

Cruise list: Zingtrial, Gattina, Napfisk, Tricia, Melli, Mar, and Fabrizio.
September 19th, 2006

Yesterdays blog problem

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention

If you experienced something odd with our blog yesterday, it’s because it was hijacked!

No nice experience I can tell you, when suddenly your database tables are gone and someone take over the control as WP admin.

I think that we might got it under control again, with assistance from the webhost and a backup. Pheew.

Consequences: If you left any comments here yesterday, they may be gone if it were after the backup was taken. Sorry!

It can happen to anyone and is difficult to completely avoid.

I hope that you never have to experience the same!

Cruise list: Irish Church Lady, Martin, Fruitful Spirit, Chana, Mrhaney, Eph2810, Tricia, Wolfbernz, Mar, Chi, Jean-Luc Picard, Froggie, Happy and Blue 2, and Melli.
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