February 12th, 2006

Congratulate niece & girlfriend

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

We’re on our way out to congratulate Mr Lifecruisers niece and her girlfriend. There will be some drinking (coffee) and eating birthday cake involved here, which makes Mr Lifecruiser happy. He likes sweats which I don’t, so he never gets any at home the poor one.

Come to think about it: I wonder what use he actually has of me…..? (No, don’t answer… Or yes do that!)

I hope they will like their birthday presents, it was difficult finding something suitable and some of them are a little bit strange….

Schhh, don’t tell them, but it is:

- Toiletpaper who looks like 1000-swedish crowns bills
- A comic book to keep on the toilet for reading there
- A little book with scottish tea recipes
- A little heartshaped frie pan
- Candles that put out themselves
- Two cuffs with red glass hearts for candles
- Napkins with a heart on it + nice text
- Heartshaped nougat chocolates

February 9th, 2006

Promoting an older blogger

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys, Useful
Mrs Lifecruisers Mom Lifelessions blog
We’re going out all day today, testing our car (!), shopping and visiting Mom Lifecruiser. So I will share another blog with you so you get something totally different to read in the meantime.

I don’t normally do this, but as it runs in the family, I would like to introduce you to my old mothers blog, Lifelessions.

There should be a lot more of older bloggers out there, it’s so educational to read!

Go to Lifelessions, the old chick blogger

February 2nd, 2006

Flickr debute for our photos

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel, Useful, Photo

At last, done with our Flickr Pro account!!!

We have a lot of photos to choose between so I suspect that we’ll have a lot to do for a long time ahead sorting out the good ones and uploading all of them to flickr….

The first ones out is from our journey to the guest ranch in Paraguay and Iguazu falls, after that it will be a few from Brazil and then from our other passed journeys too.

Take a peek at our Flickr photostream at their site OR by the cool photo badge (flash) in the right sidebar on this page. We have even added a menu choice “Photo” in the top of this blog, which will take you to our flickr photostream.

Enjoy our photos :-)

January 13th, 2006

Miss ass Lifecruiser in Chicago

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel, Love

Miss ass Lifecruiser has reported that she arrived safe in Chicago, nothing *b* happened, no hijacking of the airplane, no airplane crash - nothing - except from a little bit of stomach pain. (We think she was a little nervous to meet her Love again :-)

She did go there with suitcases that were totally stuffed, so we wonder how long she will be there this time….?

Yahoo! Avatars
January 12th, 2006

Stockholm was empty…

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

…the other day, except from us two, Miss ass Lifecrusier and Mrs Lifecruiser and a lot of tourists. We do think that people listened to our warnings and stayed indoors?!

It was nice when the town was not crowded, maybe we will try that warning some other time, just to empty the town before we go there.

We bought all the stuff we should in piece and quiet, went for a coffee because we were freezing so very much that we would not have been surprised if there were coming polarbears walking down the street.

After we were done with the shopping we went for a well-earned beer and had a nice time :-)

Nothing more happened, it was quite surprising. We think….

Except from the fact that there was a bunch of policemen running around us with their hands on their guns and a lot of police cars, but we did not think about it first. I mean, we felt so safe ;-)

They must have read our earlier warning and had put up a very high state of alert, they probably were prepared for everything!

Maybe it did happened something *b* around us that we are not aware of….? Hmm…. Something MUST have happened, it would be the first time it did not! We can not believe it!

Please report if you have noticed any *b* things.

January 9th, 2006

Warning here we comes!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

RED ALERT for everyone that is going to be in Stockholm Town Monday afternoon and evening!

Mrs Lifecruiser and Miss ass Lifecruiser is going to invade the town and you will never know what they will let out over the town or will leave behind them.

Keep inside with the door and windows locked and listen to the radio broadcasting for more information.

January 7th, 2006

Bad luck strikes again

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Ok, we just know that something would happen…

Miss ass Lifecruiser has only been here for about 24 hours and already a couple of things have happened.

I got a really bad headache - and it will not go away with the painkillers. The only thing that use to help for my headache is…. No, I will not describe it in details here ;-)

OK, maybe the fact that we played cards until 5 this morning contributed to the headache too….

My stomach feels like there is popcorn popping inside it. (Maybe it is?) I was foolish enough to eat popcorn the other day even if I know that I can not eat it without trouble…

Miss ass Lifecruisers back got really bad. She is operated in her back and it did not go well, as things usually not does for her. From time to time her back comes in to imbalance and it is really difficult for her and of course that happened now.

She had to stay alone at our home when we went away to my niece’s birthday party. On the way there the heating in the car just stopped functioning. At once I phoned her and asked what she had done to our car, but as usual she has never done anything ;-)

It was a nice birthday party though. We are surprised that nothing b** happened there. (Do not dare to say the b-word, that is to challenge it). We even did bring back a doggy bag for Miss ass Lifecruiser with the loveley dinner and a yummy cake.

The thing is that our car have been on the car repairshop recently, remember? The problems began with problem with the heating, then suddenly the engine broke down… They have fixed so many things, it is like a new engine. (And we need a new wallet! )

Except from the fact that it has not been quite well since we got the car back. It obviously got some cold over there - it is coughing… On monday Mr Lifecruiser is taking it back to the car repairshop for further investigation. We are so sick and tired of it.

We do hope that it is something simple this time…. We need the car early in the morning on wednesday when we shall drive Miss ass Lifecruiser to the airport!!!

So now we are really nervous….

This is just day 1. What is next to come?

January 6th, 2006

Miss ass warning!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel, Odditys

WARNING: Miss ass Lifecruiser is on her way here! Everything can happen…

Just thought that it would be fair with a little warning. It always happens things around her. Not her fault, it just does for some strange unkown reason.

I wonder what will happen this time…. ? *nervous wreck*

Remember what happened the last time? I certainly does, it left a ugly scar on me!

Better not to think about it. We are going to have SO FUN!

After all, she is flying back to Chicago, Illinois again, to her Love and we really don’t know when we are going to able to meet again.

So if we are not writing new post in the same pace as usual, there is 2 alternatives:

1. We are having way to fun to have time to write.
2. Unusual things are happening us that keeps us occupied.

Both alternatives actually is bound to happen…..

December 31st, 2005

Crazy Happy New Year

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention

Happy Crazy Loving Shitty Drooling Nosepicking Many New Years Everyone :-)

- But Live and Enjoy as It would be your last year!!!

December 27th, 2005

About Lifecruisers avatars

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful

If any of you are curious of how we look, you can just look at this avatars from yahoo - or take a peek under our About section in the menu above to see (and read) more.

Yahoo! Avatars full size under About    Yahoo! Avatars full size under About   Yahoo! Avatars full size under About

As usual, the pictures are a little bit (ok, not so little) flattering, but hey, allow us to be good looking at least for once in our lifes!!!

Do not miss the fact that the pictures can change from time to time.

December 27th, 2005

Lighten up christmas

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

One of the best features of christmas - except from all the yummy food (I am drooling heavily now) - is the lights and candles we use everywhere. It really lights up the winter darkness a lot here in Sweden.

Sometimes involuntary, a little bit too much…

Brighten Santa

It happened to me on the christmas eve, well not exactly as on the picture above, but never the less a frightening brightening.

There was living candles in a lamp hanging down from the roof that I managed to get in a little bit too close to without noticing it. Suddenly my brother and Mr Lifecruiser shouted: watch your hair! Luckily enough I reacted fairly fast and got away from there with my big tousled hair.

But I did have a nice sparkling going on there for a little while - probably the only time in my hole life that I will have a real halo around my head ;-)

Or maybe I am a real Angel without knowing it…?

And no, I had not decided to get a hair cut, even though the say that it is effective to burn your splitted hair ends.

I guess that they were scared that I was going bald, a horrifying sight that could kill anyone… I mean, how would I look without my hair….

Oh, boy, with my face and big potatoe nose…!!!

*falling down on the floor laughing myself to death just on the thought of it*

December 24th, 2005

Christmas flashers

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Here you can see what we are doing this christmas:

Mrs Lifecruiser as a flasher Mr Lifecruiser as Santa flasher


December 17th, 2005

In hibernation for the winter

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Do you know why we, The Lifecruiser Team, are so slow for the moment?

OK, maybe you think we are slow even in other times, but now we are even slower!!! Yes, that is possible!!!

The right answer:
We have gone into hibernation for the winter with the awful minus degrees. Now I can hear you saying: it is only animals that goes into hibernation. Well, then we are animals….

Hm…. What kind of animals are we then?

Mrs Lifecruiser - the human Hedgehog. How come? Well, I love the summertime, have very many spines out for the moment, have been collecting a lot of food resources lately, drag my legs behind me, have a long nose, I am slurping loudly when I eat, I am scratching myself like I have a lot of fleas.

And I like to consume frogs like Mr Lifecruiser…. His skin are smooth (at least on his butt :-), he likes insects, worms, spiders, have declined drastically since the 1950’s, he makes calls on me, makes good jumps with his long legs, like to be active during the nights, his skin sometimes hangs losely.

He is my frog that became a prince the day I kissed him the first time….. *smiling really big*

Miss Ass. Lifecruiser - The Batwomen is a true flyer that is flying back and forward a lot, trying to be with her Batman, most active during the nights, the eyes are poorly, has very good smell/hearing senses, excellent on locate things.

But I am not sure if she is a microbat that eats blood or just a megabat that feeds on fruits and nectar… So be aware when she is around!!!!

Have you too gone into hibernation? What kind of animal are you then…?

December 14th, 2005

Photos in this blog

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Now we have exchanged our front page photos we had earlier against new ones taken on our journey in Paraguay and Brazil.

Nothing wrong with the old ones, but we like to see the new ones for a while - until we take new ones on another journey probably :-)

Every photo on this blog is taken by us (copyright Lifecruiser of course) or at least with our camera, sometimes we get help, for example when we are going to be on the photo both of us or when we were on the horseback in Paraguay.

You do know that we have the front page photo changes randomly every time you enter this blog?

Try it by make a click on the front page photo. There is five different ones to random with.

December 11th, 2005

Back in town!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Back in town again, since friday evening actually, but we had to sleep and rest a bit after our long journey before we could find the strength to write something here. Pheeeew.

We can not say that we like the weather we find here in Sweden… cold and moisty, rainy yesterday. We are freezing. Coming from 32 degrees celsius and with 29 degrees in the sea in Brazil - how could we….????


At least to Paraguay, we liked that part of our trip the most even though we did not have the sea there. The stay at the guestranch were a wonderful experience, hard to find the right words for it.

As you already guessed, it was hard for us to write during the trip, trouble to find internet connection and have the time to sit down and write too.

We will write all about it now, but it will take some time for us. It is so much to tell about this journey! And we have to sort our the best pictures to show you - we took almost 1000 pictures!!!!

So please have some patience with us before you nag on us that you want to read about it here….

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