
June 16th, 2006

Taking off to Ireland

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel
Lifecruisers take off to Ireland

This Friday sure is a fun day! We’re taking off to Ireland! Wooohooo, our first trip again since december.

We don’t know if we get the time or opportunity to post during the trip.

We will try to post, but we’ve also prepared a couple of posts in advance, so be sure to come back and read them anyway.

We’re looking forward to read and answer your comments later and I promise we’ll think of you when we’re drinking our Guiness in Dublin….

Read our earlier post about our Ireland trip

Cruise list: Mandy, Kelly, Skye, Happy and Blue 2, Sisiggy, Chi, Pewari, Mrhaney, and Napfisk.
June 13th, 2006

The 9rules Network rules

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys, Useful
9rules Network

Time to celebrate! We were applying to be members of The 9rules Network a while ago and out of 700 sites, 111 were selected - and we’re one of them!

*jumping up and down in excitement*

We were quite surprised by this great honour. Of course we were hoping, but in this good company, how could we stand a chance? Maybe it was our passion and love that drawn their attention.

What is the 9rules Network then?

As stated on the website:

“The 9rules Network is a community of the best weblogs in the world on a variety of topics. We started 9rules to give passionate writers more exposure and to help readers find great blogs on their favorite subjects. It’s difficult to find sites worth returning to, so 9rules brings together the very best of the independent web all under one roof”.

Some members seems to be concerned about not being that exclusive any more since we, the newbies, have been selected, but is it really less exclusive just because of the increase? I don’t think so. The exclusive part don’t come from the amount of members, it comes from being one of the kind, passionated of what we’re doing, which we all are.

The benefits with 9rules is not only to increase our traffic to this blog, it’s a community which help each other with our common passion for building websites to be the very best, by helping each other to reach our goals. Making more friends, giving and getting advices or feedback and sharing projects or ideas.

They originally started in 2003 with a set of 9rules for living:

- Love what you do.
- Never stop learning.
- Form works with function.
- Simple is beautiful.
- Work hard, play hard.
- You get what you pay for.
- When you talk, we listen.
- Must constantly improve.
- Respect your inspiration.

For us, these rules are not only rules, it’s the way we already live and will continue to live - in cyberspace or in real life. Actually we think that the first rule “Love what you do” would be enough to cover in the rest of it.

We want to keep the passion of writing on fire as much as our love to each other. The only difference is that in our love to each other there isn’t much room for more improvements since it’s already flaming perfect ;-)

When it comes to this blog, the process is going on, we’re working on it constantly. We already update regularly, but we don’t think that’s enough. Oh no. We are determent to improve our writing skills further and also the design of this blog layout.

The layout has been an issue since the beginning of this blog actually, but since we’ve been busy travelling and being ill ;-), the re-design part have to wait a little.

Though the most important thing of all is our readers - yours - impression of us and the communication with you. We love your comments, short or long, fun or serious - as long as we get some kind of reaction from you.

So, keep coming back, it’s YOU that keep this blog alive!

Opening up the Dom Perignon’s to make a toast for us, it’s we together that made this blog to what it is today.

Cheers and thanks for being blogfriends!

Mrs Lifecruisers bowing

And thank you 9rules - together we rules :-)

Technorati Tags: 9rules

Cruise list: Sisiggy, Happy and Blue 2, Napfisk, and Chi.
April 3rd, 2006

Lifecruiser blog 1 year

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys, Photo
~ Lifecruiser 1 Year ~
The Lifecruiser Team is celebrating 1 year of fantastic and fun blogging today. You - all blogfriends - have all contributed to make it so fantastic, so hurray for you too!!!
Lifecruiser happy 1 year blogging birthdaycake
NOTE: This wonderful created birthday cake was from a shop window in Amsterdam, The Netherlands last year in April, the month Lifecruiser was born.
~ During the past year ~
We’ve been blogging about a lot of odd stuff from the bottom of our crazy hearts - very frank sometimes too, but we do hope that you’ve enjoyed reading it. We sure have enjoyed writing it!

Some memories from the year:
My wife is picking my nose
Solved drooling problems
Dont worry be happy
Dinner left overs
Housekeeping methods
Picking up interesting shit
Naughty film in the bedroom
Our staying awake record
Swedish bad language

Remember the fun war we had?
(Read in order)
1. Our bikiniblog
2. The hard on(e) at the beach
3. My wife is showing her tits
4. Update at the war zone
5. Smart War Strategy
6. Love is beutiful


Cruise list: Dotm, Kasia, Skye, Sharlet, TN Chick, Sisiggy, Fartin martin, Skittles, Napfisk, Mandy, and Walker.
March 12th, 2006

Upgrade Wordpress blog

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful
Lifecruisers heartshaped wedding flowers

We’re going to upgrade Wordpress to the latest version for this blog any moment now, so if there should be some problems during or afterwards - be patient please.

If you have the chance to set up your own domain at a webhost like Blue Host, you should definitely consider to use wordpress as your free blogging software. Be sure to choose a webhost that gives you Fantastico which offers you easy installation and upgrades of WP through your webhosts controlpanel. If you don’t want the webhost solution, you can have a free account at Personally I don’t like the free account there so much, but that’s probably because I have had the own webhosted variant already…. I’m spoiled :-)

NOTE: If you decide to get an own domain name, don’t forget to make sure that you get the privacy protection service. It’s not sure it’s for free, but if you don’t, your address details is available for anyone who does a whois look up in the internet!

The have very good information about all the stuff regarding WP, one of the best. I always read a lot there - especially now before doing the upgrade. To make sure not to do anything clumsy.

There is a lot of information to get about wordpress in Technorati tags too.

NOTE: We need to upgrade this blog several WP-versions in steps, so keep this post in your mind for a while.

Cruise list: Sharlet, Sisiggy, Mrhaney, and Miss Ass.Lifecruiser.
March 7th, 2006

Copyscape your blog

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful

This post will be about Copyscape, which I’m sure, a lot of you already know about. But I think this is such a great tool, that I want to spread it as much as I can.

I think that all bloggers are like me, we don’t like the idea of some one actually stealing our blog content, which we have been struggling so hard with - in sweat, blood and tears to create. Right?

Copyscape is so simple to use, you just enter your URL and it will search for copies of your content. It’s a free service so why not use it? They also have a paid option if you want a more automatic scan frequently, but the free service probably is enough for the average blogger.

Why use this service and not Google? Well, in Google you have to enter proper search frases and stuff to actually look for your content. With Copyscape you just put in the URL and it will do a search on a lot of your stuff at one and the same time.

Go there and do a check up of your own blog!

Let Copyscape scan for copies of your blog

Read Global Web Rights at Copyscape
Forum post about what to do When All Else Fails

Plagiarism Today

Cruise list: EV and Chris.
February 9th, 2006

Promoting an older blogger

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys, Useful
Mrs Lifecruisers Mom Lifelessions blog

We’re going out all day today, testing our car (!), shopping and visiting Mom Lifecruiser. So I will share another blog with you so you get something totally different to read in the meantime.

I don’t normally do this, but as it runs in the family, I would like to introduce you to my old mothers blog, Lifelessions.

There should be a lot more of older bloggers out there, it’s so educational to read!

Go to Lifelessions, the old chick blogger

Cruise list: Sisiggy, Dot, Mrhaney, and Dirty Butter.
February 2nd, 2006

Flickr debute for our photos

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel, Useful, Photo

At last, done with our Flickr Pro account!!!

We have a lot of photos to choose between so I suspect that we’ll have a lot to do for a long time ahead sorting out the good ones and uploading all of them to flickr….

The first ones out is from our journey to the guest ranch in Paraguay and Iguazu falls, after that it will be a few from Brazil and then from our other passed journeys too.

Take a peek at our Flickr photostream at their site OR by the cool photo badge (flash) in the right sidebar on this page. We have even added a menu choice “Photo” in the top of this blog, which will take you to our flickr photostream.

Enjoy our photos :-)

Cruise list: Happy and Blue.
January 12th, 2006

Stockholm was empty…

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

…the other day, except from us two, Miss ass Lifecrusier and Mrs Lifecruiser and a lot of tourists. We do think that people listened to our warnings and stayed indoors?!

It was nice when the town was not crowded, maybe we will try that warning some other time, just to empty the town before we go there.

We bought all the stuff we should in piece and quiet, went for a coffee because we were freezing so very much that we would not have been surprised if there were coming polarbears walking down the street.

After we were done with the shopping we went for a well-earned beer and had a nice time :-)

Nothing more happened, it was quite surprising. We think….

Except from the fact that there was a bunch of policemen running around us with their hands on their guns and a lot of police cars, but we did not think about it first. I mean, we felt so safe ;-)

They must have read our earlier warning and had put up a very high state of alert, they probably were prepared for everything!

Maybe it did happened something *b* around us that we are not aware of….? Hmm…. Something MUST have happened, it would be the first time it did not! We can not believe it!

Please report if you have noticed any *b* things.

Cruise list: Happy and Blue.
January 9th, 2006

Warning here we comes!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

RED ALERT for everyone that is going to be in Stockholm Town Monday afternoon and evening!

Mrs Lifecruiser and Miss ass Lifecruiser is going to invade the town and you will never know what they will let out over the town or will leave behind them.

Keep inside with the door and windows locked and listen to the radio broadcasting for more information.

Cruise list: Happy and Blue.
January 7th, 2006

Bad luck strikes again

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys

Ok, we just know that something would happen…

Miss ass Lifecruiser has only been here for about 24 hours and already a couple of things have happened.

I got a really bad headache - and it will not go away with the painkillers. The only thing that use to help for my headache is…. No, I will not describe it in details here ;-)

OK, maybe the fact that we played cards until 5 this morning contributed to the headache too….

My stomach feels like there is popcorn popping inside it. (Maybe it is?) I was foolish enough to eat popcorn the other day even if I know that I can not eat it without trouble…

Miss ass Lifecruisers back got really bad. She is operated in her back and it did not go well, as things usually not does for her. From time to time her back comes in to imbalance and it is really difficult for her and of course that happened now.

She had to stay alone at our home when we went away to my niece’s birthday party. On the way there the heating in the car just stopped functioning. At once I phoned her and asked what she had done to our car, but as usual she has never done anything ;-)

It was a nice birthday party though. We are surprised that nothing b** happened there. (Do not dare to say the b-word, that is to challenge it). We even did bring back a doggy bag for Miss ass Lifecruiser with the loveley dinner and a yummy cake.

The thing is that our car have been on the car repairshop recently, remember? The problems began with problem with the heating, then suddenly the engine broke down… They have fixed so many things, it is like a new engine. (And we need a new wallet! )

Except from the fact that it has not been quite well since we got the car back. It obviously got some cold over there - it is coughing… On monday Mr Lifecruiser is taking it back to the car repairshop for further investigation. We are so sick and tired of it.

We do hope that it is something simple this time…. We need the car early in the morning on wednesday when we shall drive Miss ass Lifecruiser to the airport!!!

So now we are really nervous….

This is just day 1. What is next to come?

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