
September 1st, 2006

2 bad things happened

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health

There have been 2 things stopping me the last 24 hours.

1) Webhost server problem
2) Bad bad bad cold again

So, if you noticed anything unusual for Lifecruiser, there you have the reasons…

*fainting backwards in bed again*

UPDATE: Read more about the 9noserules here

Cruise list: Tnchick, Danielle, Froggie, Dave, Napfisk, Claudie, and Gina.
August 25th, 2006

Brain Wanted

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health

Almost functional, but with big memory leaks, severly overloaded with crap, corresponding half a normal brain and compatible with Mr Lifecruiser’s half a brain.

At the time of the loss it was grey, shrunken (and maybe drunken) and might suffer from severe Altzheimers or Dementia. Either way, it’s confused and seems to be lost and unable to find it’s path home.

Possible places of interest: Any place connected with food. The fugitive is not dangerous as long as it’s not hungry. Eat’s anything (alive!) and listen to the name Mrs Lifecruiser. Accepts no leash.

The police suspects no crime. Please report to any police department in the Stockholm area if seen anywhere.

A reward has been offered by the owner to anyone who can capture the lost brain or leave a clue that leads to a capture.

Disclaimer: That is, if the owner can remember the finding - and in case of any brain damage the reward will be withdrawn.

Cruise list: Nicola, Irish Church Lady, Twisted, Dave, Kasia, Fruitful Spririt, and Happy and Blue 2.
August 14th, 2006

Monday Memories 9NoseRules

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health
Mrs Lifecruisers nose stuff in Natal    Mrs Lifecruisers nose stuff in Fuerteventura

Did I ever tell you about my 9NoseRules?

These pics above are actually very fond memories of mine. Of my runny nose. At least for Mr Lifecruiser, but he call me his nose picking wife

The left one is from our trip to Fuerteventura (Spain) and the right one from our trip to South America, at the beach of Ponta Negra, Natal, Brazil. This is also how I feel and look like today, except that I’ve been going bald too since that shot.

My runny nose has struck once again, the only difference is that this time we’re at home. It’s making sure that I’m parked here and can go no where.

I seem to catch a cold whenever we travel somewhere where it’s meaning that we shall relax in the sun, either that or strucked my bad weather curse. I can’t go away for a week, that would be wasted money, it must be at least 2 weeks. Then we can have a good time at least one of the weeks. Maybe.

Oh, how sweet the memories is from the time in my life when this nose wasn’t that runny. When I could catch a normal cold, without having this tissue issue to handle.

This is a very demanding, taking over control nose. It has taken over completely. I think it has delusions of grandeur. Instead of the little stream, this nose is thinking big waterfalls. How do you dam(n) a waterfall?

9 rules of my runny nose:

1. I’m in the flood mood.
2. I’m influenced by the Iguazu waterfalls.
3. Don’t try to dam(n) me or I’ll become a Tsunami.
4. Don’t remove tissue without proper precausions.
5. Special advanced tissue technique is needed to eat.
6. Don’t wipe nose with toilet paper and not with used one.
7. Don’t follow kiss prescription while having tissue issues.
8. Simultaneous use of tissues as drooling kit is allowed.
9. No need of nose blow jobs here, it just comes.

I’m 9ruled by my nose….

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Monday Memories-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Monday Memories code
Trackbacks, pings, and comment links are accepted and encouraged!
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Cruise list: Mrhaney, Mandy, My 2 cents, Chi, Mar, Kasia, Friday's Child, Norma, and Debbie.
August 10th, 2006

Thursday Thirteen Not

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health

13 - NOT - T13…

1. Mr Lifecruiser has a cold.
2. Mrs Lifecruiser getting his cold.
3. Best friend’s emergency ride to the hospital.
4. Mrs Lifecruisers sister very ill, taken to hospital.
5. No sleep for 40 hours, new staying awake record.
6. NOW we’re going to sleep. If we can….
7. Sleeeping and snoring.
8. Snoring and talking in the sleep.
9. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
10. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
11. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
12. Thursday visiting Mrs Lifecruiser’s fragile Mom.

Want to participate?
Get the Thursday Thirteen Code here

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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Cruise list: Marti, Kasia, Tnchick, Carmen, Nan, Colleen, Astrocoz, YellowRose, Happy and blue 2, Buttercup, Mandy, Nat, Geggie, Frances, Eagle Lover, Janet, Nancy, Lindsey, Something's Missing, and Barb.
August 9th, 2006

Wordless Wednesday Upsidedown

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo, Health
Lifecruisers WW upsidedown

UPDATE: I’m cheating by writing this, but I just wanted to say that the pic represent our lifes for the moment, it’s a bit upsidedown.

We haven’t slept at all this night. My best friend, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser, went to the Emergency at the hospital…. Again. With a very dangerous skyrocking blood pressure. They have found some issues earlier on, but not really done anything about it other than taking a lot of tests and x-rays. She takes big, big doses of 3 different medicines to lower the blood pressure and yet this attacks still turns up….

It’s just not human to let anybody suffer like that. She was close to giving up this time, she can’t take it any more, so let’s hope they really does something effective this time. Send her to some real specialist for an example.

They have found that one of her adrenal glands is enlarged and they believe (guess?) that it’s because of a hormone disorder, but haven’t found out which hormone yet. Arrrgh, there are so many strange diseases nowadays!

Mr L is recovering from a bad cold and I suspect that I’m on the way to get his cold, but what is that compare to what she is going through and has for months now? Nothing.

Cruise list: Olwen, Tasra Dawson, Kasia, Lynn, YellowRose, Debbie, Wystful1, Michelle, Julie, MamaDuck, CJ, and ~ Stacy ~.
June 19th, 2006

Monday Memories Licorice

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health

Did I ever tell you about my LOVE FOR LICORICE?

My kind of sweets is not sweet at all. I have two favorites in the top, one totally healthy: olives and one not so healthy: salty licorice. The salter the better…

I remember once when I was only about 6 years old and going with my mother on a cruise. Of course, already at that age, my bad weather curse striked and we’re having a terrible cruise. The ship were having some kind of problem too, so it couldn’t go as fast as it should.

It was a night mare cruise. I was the first one to start vomiting, since I’ve only eaten licorice all the time and I guess the stomach had enough… After me, all the other persons on the ship started to be seasick - I guess the sound of me vomiting isn’t the easiest thing to hear when you’re feeling ill yourself.

I remember saying to my mother: I’ll never ever eat licorice again!

Usually it is like that, if you’re getting sick after eating something special you don’t want to see that again for ages. But what did I do? Incredible enough, I ate licorice again already on the return cruise! And I have been ever since.

I just LOVE genuine salt licorice, but it’s difficult to find the right licorice abroad actually.

Licorice is produced out of the roots of the bush Glycyrrhiza glabra. I have no photos of it, since I’ve never seen it in real life and this blog only shows our own photos or some gifs.

It could be fatal if you eat 100 gram of licorice per day for a long time, but as always these kind of amounts is individual. It depends on so many other facts too. The researchers advices is to not eat more than 50 g per day.

Some negative consequences of too much licorice:

- Headache
- High blood pressure
- Getting swollen
- Heart disorder
- Muscle weakness/ache
- Kidney influence

It’s the glycyrrhizin acid in the licorice that influence your salt balance, which influence a lot of things in your body. In controlled doses used (mostly in medicines) it can be healing too, for several diseases.

To be on the safe side I’m going to make the licorice habit more like a memory from now on and favorite the olives instead…

HerbMed about Licorice
Steven Foster about Licorice

NOTE: Sorry, we can’t visit your Monday Memories this Monday, but we’ll try to catch up when we comes back from our trip to Ireland :-)

Monday Memories code
Shelli’s blog
Trackbacks, pings, and comment links are accepted and encouraged!
Visit other participants

Cruise list: Mandy, The Shrone, and Debbie.
June 12th, 2006

Peek down my throat

Posted by Lifecruiser in Health
Mrs Lifecruisers Monday throat

Monday is not a fun day, especially not this Monday…

I’m going in to do a gastroskopi, they’re going to take a peek in the hungry monsters stomach through the throat. Who knows what they’re going to find there. Yikes.

That’s why there is no Monday Memories up, I didn’t have time to prepare it in advance or in the morning before going to the hospital at 9.30. We’ll see how I feel afterwards, maybe I’m writing one later. Who knows…

Who knows if I ever wake up again? They’re going to put me to sleep during the investigation. A light sleep. I hope. But I’ll never know if that’s the case, will I? *lol*

Hm…. I never wake up in my “normal” mornings anyway, so how can I tell a difference?

So better to say a proper Good bye to every one now, you know I love you all and you better behave yourself or I will haunt you for ever… Come to think about it, maybe I’ll haunt you anyway, just for the fun of it. *laughing my crazy laugh*

Think about it, you having an own ghost, wouldn’t that be cool?

I already look like a ghost with my now very unique hairstyle after all the hair loss, so what’s the difference?

A billion good bye hugs.

Yours sincerely Baldie Hawn
(or maybe it’s Baldie Haunt now?)

I’m back! Safe and not sound - like always with other words. I’ll haunt you anyway, see it as a bonus feature, I’m feeling generous *lol*.

They said that I was looking gorgeous down there (not THERE, down the throat you naughty one ;-), I guess they never had peeked down a hungry monster throat before ;-)

I can’t say I liked it though and it’s nothing I want to go through one more time, because it’s still very uncomfortable with that strong anaesthetic they spray down your throat that make you feel like you have a big lump there without being able to swallow. Not to mention the sore throat you end up with afterwards…

It feels like I have tonsillitis when I swallow. They wounded me - I can see it and I still feel that lump in my throat I can’t swallow, plus I’m spitting blood. But I did wake up again. That I’m very grateful for…

Cruise list: Martin, Chi, Mysterious Lady, Viamarie, and Kelly.
May 28th, 2006

Mothers Day in Sweden

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Swedish, Health
Mrs Lifecruisers mother Lifelessions

Today it’s Mothers Day here in Sweden and we’ll be occupied visiting my mother. Sadly enough Mr Lifecruisers Mom isn’t with us any longer. I never had the chance of meeting her, but she was a wonderful mother as I can judge from the nice things I’ve heard of her. I know I would have loved her.

Since my mother is very fragile and beaten by life, there isn’t much she can do to make the day pass. She can bearly see anything, so she can’t read or watch TV and her hands is crooked so she is not able to use them any more. Her skeleton is literally falling apart from the inside. She can’t move around by herself, which makes her days pretty difficult, even though she gets a lot of help at the elderly home.

Of course us siblings are visiting her every day too, but obviously we can’t be there all the time. It’s a pity that she need so much special care, because that makes it almost impossible to take her home to one of us. It’s really sad and frustrating. I do hope that we can take her out a little when the weather is better.

The only thing she can do is listen to music. That’s why she is getting CD’s as a gift from us this year. It’s her favorite kind of music - the kind of music she have danced to in her whole life. I think she will be very pleased with these ones, something new to listen to and remembering her dancing days.

In Sweden the tradition of a special Mothers Day wasn’t started until 1919 and it was moved to the last Sunday in May instead of earlier as many other countries do. That’s probably because it’s easier to find fresh flowers to give to her in the end of May, it’s too cold earlier. We’ll see what flowers we can get here today.

A lot of mothers is still getting coffee in their beds in the morning with a cake and is taken out for dinner besides getting flowers. That’s unfortunately not possible any more with my mother. Another really old tradition is to make a drawing to your mother, that was what they did at the old days, but since she hardly can see it I won’t be doing that either.

Her condition is rather pending from day to day, so we’ll see how she is feeling today. What she can manage or not. She has been extra fragile lately.

As a little girl I always thought that my mother was the most beautiful in the whole world. I still do, because no matter that she’s old and having wrinkles now, she still is the most beautiful and caring person.

I deeply admire her enormous strength to survive and laugh despite all her disabilities. There really is no words for her struggle. She has struggled all her life.

Imagine to be in her shoes, not capable to do ANYTHING (and I really mean anything!) on your own - and yet she is so easy to get to laugh. She amazes me. I’m very proud of her.

I’ve helped her writing a blog (see the link in the bottom of this post), because I think it’s very educating to know how life can be when you get old. We can all learn something from older persons if we just listen to what they have to say. They have great wisdom to share.

It’s my mother that have made me to the person I am and I’ll never forget that, she’ll have a special place in my heart for ever.

Mrs Lifecruisers mothers blog Lifelessions

Cruise list: Kelly, Mar, Dave, Mandy, Napfisk, Dirty Butter, Happy and Blue 2, and Sisiggy.
May 18th, 2006

Thursday Thirteen Spa Joy

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Health



  We are so spoiled! Some one: please send us back there!


   First we were in heaven…. *lol*… in a nice room with candle lights. We were floating in herb baths in old wooden bath tubs with tickling bubble massage all over our bodys.


  Actually I think it was tickling a little too much. Especially for Mr Lifecruiser when I dropped my pillow outside the bath tub and was leaning over the edge to get it, with my naked butt in the air… *lol*


  Then we were in heaven again, but not together! Me with another woman and Mr Lifecruiser with another man! No, not like THAT, you naughty…. Even if we didn’t have clothes on and they were placing their hands all over us! Not tickling this time though. This was a pure classic massage. The next best besides Mr Lifecruisers… His hands are magic and they can’t beat that, but we were kind of beaten afterwards…


  After that treat, there is nothing that beat something for the hungry monster. They had very yummy Paninis with meat and good stuff in between, that made us drool enough to fill up the pool… because they were sold out, so we didn’t get any of those. They said that it’s sold out every day. So we ate something else. I have no idea what it was though since my mind was with the Panini….


  They also had a a terrific Thermal bath (with salt in it) and a giant Jaccuzzi which could swallow an elephant. Which we didn’t test either. They looked nice. We looked twice. Nope, we didn’t even dip a toe. It was kind of hard to be every where at the same time, but in our minds we were there too.


  Instead our feeth went to their own little spa and got some proper care with massage. Hello there happy toes -that was dancing out from there ;-)


  The feeth specifically ordered Coffee Latte for us, because at that time, our feeth was in better shape and definitely more awake than the rest of our bodys were. We were so relaxed that we were gone.


  They have this wonderful pool with old surrounding decor, a really lovely environment. You can swim there. But we didn’t do that either. Our feeth wouldn’t go near that for some reason. They have their own will that we can’t control.


  A male angel came and took Mr Lifecruiser away from my arms and into his arms…. From what I heard afterwards there was some tough wrestlings going on between them. We’ll see if he managed to shake Mr Lifecruiser enough so his spines and muscles is more loved from now on.


  When I had waited a little while without Mr Lifecruiser (yes, it was hell without him!), my little angel came and colored my whole view of things. From the moment she was done, I saw everything in quite another light. I was sparkling. Mr Lifecruiser didn’t think that it was his wife, so I had to convince him about that, so he didn’t go home with some other more beautiful woman there. Pheeeew. Thank god he really needs his glasses *lol*.


  Can some one take that silly smile off our faces…?



Cruise list: Leanne, Something blue, Ames, Mar, Eph2810, Jen, Lazy Daisy, Paula, Carla Ecland, Great Day, TLC, Karen, Mandy, Joan, Frances, Lyndsay, Chi, Wystful1, Terri, Kelly, Carmen, Chaotic Mom, Cheryl, Janice, Mrs. Cranky Pants, WendyWings, Undercover Angel, Momma Bee, Tess, Catherine, YellowRose, Sherri, Norma, Margie Mix, Pilar Tiang, and Wendy Boucher.
May 16th, 2006

Kiss prescription

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Health

Did you know that kissing is good for your teeth?

When you’re expecting to get a kiss, your saliva start flowing och gives the teeth a well needed shower, which prevents plack.

Just the thought of getting a kiss makes your mouth watering just like when you’re hungry and you imagine a delicious dinner. The saliva has a great deal to do with the fight against holes in your teeth.

You see, drooling isn’t that bad ;-)

So, we prescribes kisses at least every hour - start kissing!

Lifecruisers kiss prescription
Cruise list: Pewari, Mandy, Sharlet, Carmen, and Dave.
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