Swedish sex and sin
There isn’t any.
“SwedenThe Secret Files” by Colin Moon
There isn’t any.
“SwedenThe Secret Files” by Colin Moon
There is only once that I have thought that Mr Lifecruiser were so disgusting that I wouldn’t kiss him and that was during our honeymoon!
We were on the greek island Crete driving around and stopped at a nice restaurant to eat something. There really is some great food in Greece, but of course Mr Lifecruiser had to choose to eat deep fried octopus… I can’t stand octopus, neither the smell of it or the look. *feeling sick at the thought of it*
He had to make it even more disgusting by putting the whole mouth full of them, challenging me to try some of them. That was the only time I’ve said: “There will be no more kisses for a couple of hours at least, despite the fact that we’re on honeymoon!”
He thought I was hard at him, but that was really the only time I’ve thought he was disgusting. There were grease from the fried octopus all over his mouth…
For me, it was like some one participating in The Fear Factory. *shivering with fear*
No honeymoon lips for kissing!
Oh boy it’s the dirty day again. Our eyes are opened to how this home looks like. We haven’t noticed it until now. Or rather chosen not to see…
We can’t have a couple of new dusty pets. It looks like he has sort of spread his children all over the place now.
I think that we’ve been too good on practising one of our earlier mentioned housekeeping methods. Guess which one of them?
Or maybe we both was hoping that this young man would be saying the truth…
“When you are in Love, you get to sit down and drink coffee and watch a little movie. And then the other one have done the cleaning up”.
[ Henrik, 6 year ]
Hm… I think we’ll have to practise one of our other housekeeping methods… I’m not going to tell you which one of them. Have a guess again!
Googlism for a-team:
a-team is not a free service
a-team is not scared to use guns like your boy macgyver
a-team is always armed to the teeth
Today we have a special day over here…. Our engagement anniversery! We’re taking care of each other and our Love every day, but today especially.
Our engagementtrip the 24th Feb 2004 went to our beloved wonderful Gotland-Fårö. Gotland is a small island outside Sweden and Fårö is an even smaller island outside Gotland. We have to take the big ferry to Gotland first and then drive up to the north-north-east of Gotland to catch a smaller road ferry over to Fårö. It’s a vacation paradise on the summer because of it’s beutiful landscapes, birds, sheeps, weather and unbeleivable beaches. Mr Lifecruiser has been there every summer for about 27 years!
Fårö still is beautiful in the winter! We were standing in the sunset with a very strong wind (!) trying to make a toast and drink champagne without sand in the glasses. Experiencing mother natures power as well of the power of our Love, in the sunset, totally alone… It was so romantic *dreamy sigh* It felt that we were alone on the whole earth. Of course we did draw a heart in the sand too, with our names in it and everything.
When we were heading back to the car we had to take it carefully. It was gettting very dark and we had walked about 1,75 kilometers to reach the middle of the beach (it’s very long) and we didn’t have any flashlights with us. That was nice too, alone in the darkness…
Go and see a few photos by clicking on the menu Photo above and then choose the folder Engagementrip. They aren’t so good, but hey, it’s difficult to shoot in the darkness and with water and sand flying around and all the kissing that’s going on…
As you can see on the photos, I’m wearing a lot of clothes so there were no stripping on the beach… *lol*
So this will be todays post and as a surprise for you we’re gonna have our special field reporter Miss Ass. Lifecruiser writing another post here after this one!
Exciting hey???!!!
Our wedding photos from 28th of August 2004 is now added, but I’ve not done any comments to them yet. I’m not sure if I’m going to comment all of them, it’s a lot of work.
There is no photos of us before the wedding, sitting at home, eating lunch, unbelievable calm both of us… We were not nervous until we come to the chapel. Months before that I had been nervous, because of my habit of giggling hysterical when I’m not allowed to laugh. I did it on the rehearsal… Total breakdown.
The main reason for that was that I started to imagine things that could go wrong, because the priest had an artificial arm you see. I saw it in my fantasy, how it would come loose and fly all over the chapel, landing rough on some one. Sometimes fantasies are no good…
Of course I had to tell every one about my fantasies in advance, which resulted in that I couldn’t look at them in the chapel, because it would have started me to giggle (and probably them too) and I could definitely not look at Mr Lifecruiser more than very short moments. Which was a big pity.
Did I giggle in the chapel? Well, I managed almost through… Just when the wonderful words were said and I thought I’ve made it, the ring didn’t fit Mr Lifecruisers finger! I couldn’t get it on his finger, no matter how I tried and of course that made me giggle enormously! Help me, I managed to say and then I broke down totally, folded double. NOTE: the priest did NOT even smile a little. *heavy sigh*
We did get him to at least smile a little when we’re supposed to give each other a little kiss. The kiss was not little, it tended to be longer and longer, we totally forgot were we were… We woke up when they all started to laugh a little. Hm. That’s us in a nutshell. It comes so natural for us to show our feelings to each other.
The thing was that the priest had no humor, he was as boring as any person can be, but it was the only one that was free at that time to marry us. We couldn’t change date because all the other weekends we were away travelling. He was very difficult to communicate with so that made it worse of course.
Then when the music started that was choosen for the leaving of the chapel, Mr Lifecruiser didn’t recognized it, so I had trouble to get him understand that we should go out now. That didn’t help me from giggling either…. I had to drag him in the arm and it went faster and faster as we came closer and closer to the door, because otherwise I would have had a second breakdown in there. He was on his way to the wrong door too… Well, it was fun. Afterwards.
The wedding was hold in Drottningholm Palace (The Swedish Royal Familys home) Chapel, with the bridal party in the old Ljunglöfska Castle (colonial Portuguese-Spanish style mansion) afterwards. We had a white 1955 Cadillac drive us there.
We had 18th century clothes (in Swedish 1700-tal) , which was a total surprise for our guests, as we hadn’t told anyone about it. It was fun to wear something totally different! And it was so suitable for the chapel that was from that century and had a wedding at that date about 250 years earlier.
It was a small wedding with just the family and our closest friends, but it was so very nice. We had a trumpeter and guitarrist in the chapel, very beautiful. Then at Ljunglöfska we started with champagne and cheers of course, then we had a magician around and made some magic card tricks with the guests.
There was a lot of good food and speaches to us too. And then it was the heavy duty of openening all the wonderful wedding gifts… Wow, I didn’t think of that part before, what time it took!
After that the dance started. My husband is excellent on the Wienerwalz, worked like a charm, even though I was a little bit worried to stumble on my long skirt…. (Almost did!) Then it went over to more modern dance.
Every one seemed to be very happy with us, so there was a total success. It surely was a amazingly happy day for us. We couldn’t stop kissing, they almost had to break us apart.
I never thought I would say this, but my husband was straighten up his stayups (!) all night long, because they were sliding down all the time!
As we would have ordered it, it was a wonderful full moon that night, very romantic indeed. The moonlight was shining on the lake down below the balcony.
The night ended with quite an impressive fireworks (no good photos of it unfortenately) out on the lawn below the balcony at the seaside and right after that we disappeared mystical in the dark night. No one knew that we had rented the bridal suite there, so we just had to go over the lawn to be “home” and relax in the jacuzzi and have some romancy of our own….
Comment: Yes, we know that we should have had horses to transport us from the chapel, but we had to be practical, it had taken too long time to get to the dinner castle. We had to be realistic…
The question about being hot or not, really is a tricky one. What is it that makes a person hot?
Is it the common believe of certain criterias that makes us think in that way? Does it exist such a frase? I mean in some persons eyes it’s beautiful with a woman slender like a model, but others may want a women with more curves. There is so many different tastes.
On top of that there is a lot of other things that influence the impressions on us. OK, good looking can make us think that this person is really beautiful - at first sight. But what about if the good looking person is a really mean and selfish person? Is he/she still beautiful then?
Is the person hot just because he/she is trendy and maybe even a celebrity? Or is blond and have big boobs?
Can a person that don’t make a good impression at first sight, grow and become beautiful to you?
Is it really the truth that beauty lays in the beholders eye….?
What if that beholder takes a beer or two or three or four….and the woman he first experienced as plain ugly becomes more and more beautiful during the night? Is it still true?
What about opening our eyes and actually SEE people for what they are and not look at the surface at all? Maybe we will be surprised?
Hm… Maybe not soo good idea when come to think about it… Maybe Mr Lifecruiser suddenly will discover the reality of me and scream: - Help! I’m married to the ugly witch!! *running away*
Schhhh, don’t you dare to tell him!!! He thinks I’m a sweet princess….
We do hope that Cupido has visited you all and if not, he will come. Ouch, he could need some help removing that accidental shot, any one volunteering?
Hmm… Come to think about it, I wonder if Cupido will drop his pants if the arrow is removed…? Suddenly I got curious what Cupido has there, just as curious as every one is about the scottish men’s kilts. Surely there is nothing because he is the pure Cupido after all. Or what do you think?
Mr Lifecruiser and I have our arrows deep in our heart and not somewhere else. They are stucked there for ever and ever. We’re lucky. We just Love to Love each other. We never get tired of Love. We’re good at taking care of our Love too.
Think Love all day today and don’t stop for anything. Or write Love in your forehead, wear heartshaped lenses, clothes with hearts on it, what ever works. Just make Love.
We wrote a post about promoting Love with Valentine earlier here, which even contained a bunch of really good quotes about Love and they deserve to be read again.
♥ Happy Valentine hugs all dear ones - and the rest of the world!
“If you have many wifes, you shall not argue with them. Because the wifes will win”.
[ Poul, 9 year ]
Even if you’re only having one wife, that’s still true. *smiling big*
That’s why I’ve convinced Mr Lifecruiser to go out today, despite the fact of all the minus degrees we have here and that we have to break the hibernation of ours temporarily.
We have to test my new camera, you see. I think we shall take our other cameras with us to do some comparing between them of the shots we get! Could be interesting to see how much better the photos get.
So, if you’re out too, you’d better smile, because the paparazzis are everywhere…
I have a wonderful husband. He is not afraid of making fun of him self. I love him extra much for that. We have a lot of fun moments because of it.
This is a picture from our wedding party, where he was wearing his wedding clothes (from the 18th century) with stay ups!
He was forced to straighten them up all evening, because they kept sliding down all the time - and how sexy wasn’t that?! *lol*
I’m especially fond of the fun bows on his shoes, that really made him HOT. It doesn’t show properly on this picture.
No, I’m not going to publish any picture of me in stay ups - no matter what bribes you offer me….
“If you run in to each other in the street and the man says Pardon me and the women says You are welcome. Then it can happen that they move in together”.
[ Anna, 7 year ]
I wonder if her parents met each other that way or where in earth she did get that idea from? Looks like some people moves really fast!