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October 29th, 2005

Free phone calls worldwide

Posted by Lifecruiser in Money, Useful

Why pay for phone calls when you can have them for free? Answer: because you are dumb enough….?

There has been a hazzle to get hold of functional phone cards with good options, when Miss ass. lifecruiser and I tries to call each other now when she is in New Mexico, US.

As free Skype users since a while back, we suddenly remembered that they even have a good offer for calling out to real phones! What a difference! Much better than the damn phone cards! WHY did’nt we think of that before?

With Skype you can talk through your computer worldwide with other Skype users for FREE and with a good quality - better than the phone cards - usually with the same quality as your home phone.

All you need is functional speakers and a microphone (which is built in, in modern displays) or get yourself a slim headset if you want to talk more privat, that is what we have. If you prefer to talk the oldfashioned way: get a USB-phone.

You even can sign up for SkypeIn and SkypeVoicemail if you want the whole kit :-)

Or what about the Skype Zones (BETA) that allows you to connect with wireless from a lot of hot spots around the world?

Or the Skype Toolbar for Outlook that allows you to make Skype calls to persons in your addressbook in Outlook or even in emails?

Nice things to have too, uhhh?

Unfortunately miss ass. lifecruiser does not have a laptop with her…. Anyone who feels like going to New Mexico and donating her one….?

So we are going to get a paid account, SkypeOut ( at once!), beacuse we don’t want to be dumb any longer…!!!

Click on the picture to SkypeOut you too - or at least read all about it.

Cruise list: Cat and Sarah.
September 9th, 2005

Animal victims of Katrina

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Money, Useful, Pets

Finally, even we will write something about the Katrina disaster. It is so hard to get the words come out right. There is no proper way to say anything on the subject other than that we all feels the pain with the victims.

How ever, there is something we have missed in all the writing out there on the internet and that is mentioning of the other victims, the animals. They too suffer in this mess.

So we will instead urge you all to donate some money to save some of this equally innocent victims.

HSUS Katrina animal rescue

Cruise list: Mandy.
May 20th, 2005

The money wave

Posted by Lifecruiser in Money

Did you know that in the United States (1837-1866), almost anyone could issue their own paper money. How cool woudn’t that be, to have your own mug on the bills?

States, municipalities, private banks, railroad and construction companies, stores, restaurants, churches and individuals printed an estimated 8,000 different monies by 1860. If the issuer went bankrupt, closed, left town, or otherwise went out of business the note would be worthless.

You certainly would have to spread your money at different places - just like today you can’t trust even the banks.

Read more about money in Wikipedia