February 20th, 2006

Lies for punctuality

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Quotes, Sports

“The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.”

[ Franklin P. Jones ]

That has happen to me a lot of times, as I’m very punctual of me. Have been anyway, not so sure any longer because people often get me to wait for them. I don’t like waiting. Who does?

Mrs Lifecruisers draws dressage horse
I once had an old friend, she was a pensioner. We shared a horse together and because of her skill, she was giving me private riding lessons too.

She was supposed to pick me up at the train station with her car and then we would drive to the stable. We decided a time to met. She never was there in time and she had the most fantastic stories about what have happened that had delayed her.

That wasn’t the biggest problem. It was the fact that she also should give me a lift to the station after the riding lesson and I had to catch a train to go to my work in the city - in time… Yes, as you have guessed, if I would have to relay on her, I would have been late every time.

So, what did I do?

I lied. Sometimes it’s necessary with a so called white lie. Instead of going through all that annoying stress mess every time, I told her that I had to make it to an earlier train than I actually needed. That way I was on the station about 10 min before the train should leave the station and I didn’t have to be stressed at all.

There are some people that just can’t be in time.

Sometimes it’s better to look for another, not so obvious solution.

February 18th, 2006

Locked doors for Politicians

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Quotes

“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.”

[ Doug Larson ]

I can’t even imagine how many politic blogs there are out here. Too many, if you ask me. That’s why I decided right from the beginning that there will be NO politic stuff in this blog.

Except that now I’ve broken that golden rule. Temporarily. I’m mentioning the horrible P-words.

Personally I don’t give a *fill in the word you want me to say* about politicians. They can say what ever they want and I won’t listen to what they say.

Why? (Isn’t that obvious…?)

You can’t trust them, they would sell their mother if they thought it would benefit them. They decide a lot of totally inhuman stuff that no normal, hardworking person, with some empathy and decency left, never ever would touch unless under gun threat.

They don’t play fair, gaining benefits for themselves and screw the rest. They tend to forget that it’s the rest that makes the world go around.

Oh, I forgot, they don’t give a *fill in that word again* if this world goes down the drain, because they won’t be around then….

No, I’ll stick to the more humane stuff - that’s worth more than a million politicians!!!

February 11th, 2006

Look out for the paparazzi

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes, Photo

“If you have many wifes, you shall not argue with them. Because the wifes will win”.

[ Poul, 9 year ]

Even if you’re only having one wife, that’s still true. *smiling big*

That’s why I’ve convinced Mr Lifecruiser to go out today, despite the fact of all the minus degrees we have here and that we have to break the hibernation of ours temporarily.

We have to test my new camera, you see. I think we shall take our other cameras with us to do some comparing between them of the shots we get! Could be interesting to see how much better the photos get.

So, if you’re out too, you’d better smile, because the paparazzis are everywhere…

January 31st, 2006

Moving Love

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“If you run in to each other in the street and the man says Pardon me and the women says You are welcome. Then it can happen that they move in together”.

[ Anna, 7 year ]

I wonder if her parents met each other that way or where in earth she did get that idea from? Looks like some people moves really fast!

January 25th, 2006

Promoting Love with Valentine

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes
Make Love
There is not enough of true Love in this world.

Valentine is an important part of promoting Love, but we will not forget that every day around the year.

Valentine is a great day - it should be like that every day!

There is so many ways that we can show our Love, not only for our partner but for all of our near ones. There is so little effort needed and the result are so huge.

We will never forget to say the magical words. It’s more important that the words are said spontaneous than the amount of times we say it.

No one wants to hear them like they’re reeled off like a homework, we’re trying to visualize our feelings from the bottom of our heart in to the words and in our eyes - or we don’t say it at all.

There is too much rage, hate and envy around us - why bother to waste our precious time and energy to something so self destructive? That’s only to keep ourselves in a hurting box.

We don’t bother about what all the others are doing, we don’t expect to get Love before we’re giving it ourselves. We have started to spread Love around us and we’ll see the results of it. It’s like a smile, if we smile to people they smile back.

There isn’t such thing as too much Love.

Sure, sometimes there is one or two that isn’t open for our Love, but that’s their lost. We can never force some one to feel Love, it’s just something that hit us!

Things said about Love that we just nod yes too:

“Love as you would die today”. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

“Love is stimulation for the heart during simultaneous local anaesthesia of the intelligence”. (Guitry, Sacha)

“Love is a irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired”. (Robert Frost)

“When Love isn’t madness it isn’t Love”. (Pedro CalderĂČn de la Barca)

“Love doesn’t see with the eyes but with the soul”. (William Shakespeare)

“If Love is an illusion - then to hell with the reality”. (Elsa Gress )

“The cure for all blunders, the cure for blindness, the cure for crime is Love…..” (Emerson)

“The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost”. (G.K. Chesterton)

NOTE: Pure Mood has put up an excellent contest for Valentine. Make sure you go there before Feb 4th and make your own contribute!

Do you have some other ways to promote Love?

January 17th, 2006

Love or milk

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“When you are in Love, you can not drink milk for five days.”

[ Simon, 8 year ]

That statement makes me wonder:

1. Doesn’t love last for longer than five days?
2. As I am a hedgehog I shouldn’t drink milk at all - how would I know that I’m still in love then?

Please feel free to answer my questions - if you can!

January 11th, 2006

Good with girlfriends

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“It can be a good thing to have a girlfriend, because then you have some one to kiss and make children with. Otherwise it can soon happen that the country will be empty”.

[ Richard, 8 year ]

January 3rd, 2006

Ugly and dirty

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love, Quotes

“It does not matter that the one you are together with is ugly, because you can wash his hair and give him new clean clothes and he will be fine”.

[ Siri, 7 year ]

How cute…. ? Why not accept him as he is? Who says that anyone is ugly? Is it possible at all to think that the one you love is ugly?

For me it is the inside that counts, really. If the inside is good, then the person is beutiful in my eyes. As the opposite, if the person know too well that he/she is handsome, they always act like they know it, taking advance of it etc. Then I found this person just plain awful.

The most ugly persons I know is the ones that think that they are so beutiful!!!

Come to think about it, Mr Lifecruiser needs a haircut… No, it is not me that want him to do that :-), he has been talking about it for several weeks now. I think it is interesting to see how long it will grow before he actually does it. I like to drag my fingers through his hair… and make it stand straight out from his head. There is no chance of that normally. He looks so cute then, like a crazy professor.

Maybe it is because I always look that way myself in the mornings….?

Like Einsteins sister, then you know the hairstyle exactly. Wild is the best word for it. I do not know what I am doing in the nights that creates this tousled hair of mine. Hm…. Or maybe it is Mr Lifecruiser that is making it tousled…? Anyway, I could do with a haircut myself, but do I really need it now? We have gone into hibernation, there is not going to be more than a few people that we see. No, it can wait.

So, we will see which one of us that does the first haircut….

We have come into a certain amount of sloppiness for the moment, bearly coping with the normal daily routines, forgetting about showers, not have the energy to wash the hair, brush our teeth until late, there surely is more importent things to do first….?

We blame it on the awful, awful winter, with the awful, awful snow. We really are in hibernation. We have got som provisions, so we do not go out if we are not forced to.

I can persuade myself of anything, as long as I do not need to go out in the cold….

No, we do not need more shampoo… We will wash the hair more seldom.
No, we do not need more soap… We do not need that shower, we skip this day, we have not moved much so how did we get dirty?
No, we do not need more tothpaste, we can skip the morning brushes… or the kisses… no wait, that one is too damn difficult!

Yes, we can live without bread.
Yes, we can survive without the butter.
Yes, we can drink water instead.
Yes, we can cook soup on a nail.
Yes, we can nibble on what we have in stock.
Yes, we can read recipes to drool over in the internet.
Yes, we can survive on our love.

We are ugly and dirty.

*door closed*

December 29th, 2005

No 10 times marriages here

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love, Quotes, Food

“Every time you marry some one, you get a ring, so you can only marry 10 persons”.

[ Kristine, 7 year ]

In our case it is not necessery to have more than one finger, beacuse we are going to stay married - at least for 42 more years to come - and yes, to each other!

Why 42 years? Well, 2 years ago, when we first met, we just said for 44 more years, it just was totally natural for us.

So where does that leave us…? I am going to be 88 years old and Mr Lifecruiser 95 years old then.

What we are going to do after that 42 years? Then we will sit down in our wheelchairs at the elderly home and negotiate - for another 44 years!!!

Of course, at that age, we are not going to remember any bad times - if we had some - so we are totally stucked with each other and it is a lovely feeling indeed :-)

Here you can see what we are celebrating it with. (Only part of it…!)

2 years celebration

- 1 bottle of Dom Perignon 1996
- Whitefish roe on eggs
- A long sweet kiss

The rest is……… totally predictable!!!

Hot stuff, red alert, fire alert!!!

Cheers everybody!

December 17th, 2005

Sex in clothes

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“It is not always the truth they show on films, because some times they have their clothes on when they are having sex”.

[ Maria, 8 year ]

Children say so many wise things, dont they…..?

December 13th, 2005

Love tests

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“If you are together with very many persons, you could let them go through some difficult tests. Then you can see which one is best to send shopping and who gets all the things you want”.

[ Nikloine, 7 year ]

Mr Lifecruiser is outstanding on shopping EXACTLY what Mrs Lifecruiser want…. Maybe that is the main reason they are married….? What do you think?


- No, every one that visited their wedding, can not deny the ultimate love vibrations between the two that day!!!!

  They NEVER stopped kissing!!!


The guest couold not get any sense out of them, just the love vibrations and smiles….

December 10th, 2005


Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“You can not find any one to Love until you got a car, otherwise it is hard to find her”.

[ Alex, 7 year ]

November 6th, 2005

Heart in head

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“When you are in Love it feels like you have a heart in your head”.

[ Jeanette, 9 year ]

October 29th, 2005

Lost in Love

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Quotes

“The heart beats faster when you have been out playing football. When you are in Love you are completely gone”.

[ Allan, 8 year ]

October 19th, 2005

Quiet Love

Posted by Lifecruiser in Quotes

“When you are in Love, it gets all quiet inside you, so that the heart really can hear that you are in Love”.

[ Thomas, 8 year ]

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