
December 14th, 2005

Photos in this blog

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Now we have exchanged our front page photos we had earlier against new ones taken on our journey in Paraguay and Brazil.

Nothing wrong with the old ones, but we like to see the new ones for a while - until we take new ones on another journey probably :-)

Every photo on this blog is taken by us (copyright Lifecruiser of course) or at least with our camera, sometimes we get help, for example when we are going to be on the photo both of us or when we were on the horseback in Paraguay.

You do know that we have the front page photo changes randomly every time you enter this blog?

Try it by make a click on the front page photo. There is five different ones to random with.

Cruise list: Mandy.
December 11th, 2005

Back in town!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Back in town again, since friday evening actually, but we had to sleep and rest a bit after our long journey before we could find the strength to write something here. Pheeeew.

We can not say that we like the weather we find here in Sweden… cold and moisty, rainy yesterday. We are freezing. Coming from 32 degrees celsius and with 29 degrees in the sea in Brazil - how could we….????


At least to Paraguay, we liked that part of our trip the most even though we did not have the sea there. The stay at the guestranch were a wonderful experience, hard to find the right words for it.

As you already guessed, it was hard for us to write during the trip, trouble to find internet connection and have the time to sit down and write too.

We will write all about it now, but it will take some time for us. It is so much to tell about this journey! And we have to sort our the best pictures to show you - we took almost 1000 pictures!!!!

So please have some patience with us before you nag on us that you want to read about it here….

November 6th, 2005

Flying to South America

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Been at home for two and a half week now, a long time ;-) Time to travel again!!!!

This time our journey goes to:

1) Paraguay, Asuncíon
2) Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
3) Brazil, Natal

The flight there will take us about 21 hours, pheeeww…. Hopefully we will sleep on the plane, because we are really tired. It is hard to get in bed in the right time in the evenings!

Our first stay is at a ranch with cattle and horses, where there probably is no internet connection. It includes a shorter trip to the famous waterfalls Foz de Iguazu.

The second stay is at a hotel at Copacabana in Rio with a couple of guided seightseeings, for 3 days.

The third stay is at a hotel at the very popular beach Ponta Negra in Natal. Where we shall relax for 14 days after all stress lately. They have 300 sun days during a year - do I need to say more…..?

Maybe we will come back the 9th of December as entirely new people :-)

We will try to post reports here during the trip.

Read our earlier post about the trip

Cruise list: Dawn, Deb, Jane, Captain Jeff, and Mandy.
November 6th, 2005

The ranch owner in New Mexico

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Probably you are curious about how the search for the ranch owner in New Mexico are going?

We have not had the time to write about it, because we have been extremely busy with the searches!!!

As you understand he is not found yet…..

We have contacted all kind of instances to get hold of him or some information about him: TV, Radio, Newspapers, Brokers that sells that kind of ranches, Websites of all kind - not only about horses and some more instances.

Today there is a newspapers classifieds Ad coming out in New Mexico about it, we will see what it can do to help.

It is a little bit difficult to leave our friend by her self now when we are going away, she has been really ill (a bad cold with fever) but is better now, thankfully - otherwise it had been awful to leave…

And she has get some connections there too now, so she is not totally alone any more.

Read about our earlier post about the search

October 21st, 2005

Paint Horse Ranch New Mexico!

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel, Odditys, Sports

Swedish women now in New Mexico seeking ranch owner with Paint horses!

Feel like doing something really good TODAY?

Serious help is wanted to find a newly started ranch with Paint horses with an owner named Tom somewhere in New Mexico. (He even has some kind of Laundry business at the side of the ranch).

She sadly enough dropped the details about this man/ranch, who offered a very good job with horses.

Do you know of this man/ranch or some instances that maybe can be to her help?

Please send a link to this website to anyone that may know anything!

This is a true story of a women with maximum unluck and YOU may be able to make the big difference for once in her unlucky life.

It is a serious request to help a person with an amazing personality, not just some crazy idea.

Can you support her with some information of any kind?

Maybe even sponsor a transport to perform the seeking? It may be by car or even by horse if needed!

Do you know of any newspapers that could be interested in a story about her seeking?

Any tips or other help is very much appreciated!!!

Please write a comment here URGENTLY, or use the contact form under the menu choice About.

She is running out of hope and money!!!

PLEA: Donate money today to sponsor her search, through PayPal to our emailadress lifecruiser at

Cruise list: Mandy and Miss ass lifec..
October 21st, 2005

Dental and mental business

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Odditys

Pheeeeeew. Not awake since we came from U.S. We have heard of the Jetlag feeling, but this is something more… We slept for about 22 hours the first night (?) @ home!!!! Then we could not sleep the second night at all, me with a terrible toothache.

Running around visiting our absolute favourite persons, the dentists and doctors. OK, I can understand that you do not believe us. Yes, we lied there, they are not our favourites.

We even have been able to stumble to the vaccination center to take the shots needed before next trip, more sleepy than awake, so we can only hope that we said the right things and got the right shots….

We are mentally very ill at the moment. (Do not say that we always are, this is much more serious than usual - promise - it is possible even though it sounds unbelievable!)

Tonight we have a birthday party to attend (Mrs Lifecruisers nephew), I hope they will get some sense out of us and not just see us like wandering zooombies.

If we are not back again, you will know for sure that we have been hospitalized in some mental hospital ;-)

Cruise list: Mandy.
October 19th, 2005

Home sweet home

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel

@home again! Pheeew! The flight went well except from that the seats in the plane from Newark to Stockholm with Malaysian Airlaines was created for shorter people so it was very uncomfortable. (The staff and service on the plane was excellent though).

And when Mrs Lifecruisers brother should pick us up at the airport with our car, the car broke down (!) and we had to tow the car to the car repairshop, which took us a while, yes. Serious engine problems, that will cost a lot of money to repair. *heavy sigh*

Where we tired? YES x millions!

That is why we have been able to sleep for at least 22 hours since we came home yesterday!!! Unbelievable! And we still are tired…. *yawning big*

There is a lot of things to be taken care of after being away for a month…

So I guess that you have to wait a little before we can write about our stay in the U.S.

CU soon again….

Cruise list: Mandy.
September 28th, 2005

Playing at The Niagara Falls

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel

There have been some really nasty thunderstorm here one night, it went on for several hours and it was raining one day. They said that it was the biggest for a long time now. Of course - I was here with my weather spell on me! *lol*

Other from that it has been quite good weather - if I dare to say that?! We have been taking daily walks an really just relax in the sun.

Went to a couple of shopping centers too, found some jeans and shirts but we are not done with the shopping yet! We must have some more clothes to put on us.

It has been really nice to visit all the relatives here, they all live very well here and are so nice to us. We get spoiled with a lot of good dinners, oh my, maybe we must shop for bigger clothes soon…

Yesterday we went to the Niagara Falls, by bus. They have this good offer, $25 for the trip and then you got a card with $20 to play in the casino and $5 to get some food. There were us and a bunch of oldies. We really did fit in the group…. *not*

We had to go up early in the morning so we did most of our sleep on the bus there. Did see some nice scenery on the way too.

Then we hit the Seneca casino there. That is a big one. Playing around in the Niagara area for sure. Did not win big though, did not play enough we think. You should see the pokerroom there, it was full of players.

The buffet lunch was fantastic, there is nothing to complain about there, so much different food and desserts to choose between!

And the Niagara falls! What can we say other than it was really magificent! Fantastic, some really great falls! It look almost unreal with that big rainbow over it. Maybe the treasure at its end was were the casino was?!

Our only concern was how to be able to take pictures from all angles when it was water dropping from all over. The wind brought a lot of waterdrops like it was raining.

At 56 metres (180 ft) high, the American Falls is slightly higher than its Canadian counterpart. Its crestline is 328 metres (1075 ft) wide. We never went over to the Canadian part which was a pity.

They say that The American Falls look spectacular at night, when it is lit with various combinations of coloured lights, so we want to go there some other time and stay over the night.

So we really recommend to go there, but to stay for a night and even go over to the Canadian side of it. Maybe even take the boat trip to really be able to see it close! That would be something!

Read about Niagara Falls here

Cruise list: Dawn, Candoor, and Mandy.
September 22nd, 2005

Arrival to US

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel

Well, what arrival we had…. The suitcases did not make it all the way to Cleveland! And with all my absolutely favourite clothes in it… Do I need to tell you that I was nervous????

But they did arrive a day later, pheeeew. Just two small items missing and that was chocolate, Marabous double nougats, which is dangerous delicious, which we had bought to Miss Ass. Lifecruiser. I guess she will survive without it :-) Maybe the staff in the security check thought that it was something else inside such as haschisch OR most likely, they just were in the mood for some really good chocolate. I do hope that they did eat it, what a waste otherwise!

The flights went really well, it did not feel like we were flying that long, but it was a little bit stressful in the Newark airport when trying to make it in time for the connection flight to Cleveland, pheeew. We had to run out of the airplane and all the way to the gate, so poor Mr Lifecruiser was totally covered in sweat, the poor man. He had to carry the luggage between the immigrant checking and the check-in desk.

The women in the check-in desk sent us to the extra x-ray control, unfortunately, the man there seemed to be surprised over that, so we think that it was the reason for our luggage not to make it with our plane. Maybe she saw how covered in sweat Mr Lifecruiser was and thought that oh, my god, what he is nervous…. :-)

Everything from that point has been well, except from that we do not have had the time (or the comp. connection) to post here on

For the moment we are staying in Mr Lifecruisers brothers son-in-laws house and we must admit that this is a very very classy hotel ;-) We can get use to this luxurous life…!

We do not feel strange about being here, we sort of fit in here, but in other senses not. (Do not make us try to explain that further!)

Ooooh, yesterday evening we got to smell the smell from a skunk for the first time in our lifes, interesting do not you think? *laughing* We did not see it, just smell it….and that was enough…

We also went downtown west Cleveland and took a drink in a bar at the waterfront there, watching the sunset. Very nice indeed. Actually, you know that B-word we can not say? It is still with us… I had to take a couple of whiskys to ease the tooth ache I have. (OK, I can hear you mumbling now that, that was the most lame excuse you have heard to drink whisky)

Cheers every one!

Cruise list: Mandy and Miss.Ass.Lifecruiser.
September 19th, 2005

Flying Swedes to US

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel

Mr & Mrs Lifecruiser is now flying to the United States, Ohio! Yiiiiihaaaaa!!!

Mr Lifecruiser goes to the USMrs Lifecruiser goes to the US

Not back home again until the 18th of October, but we will write from the US.


Cruise list: Chelsea, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, and Mandy.
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