
February 9th, 2006

Promoting an older blogger

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Odditys, Useful
Mrs Lifecruisers Mom Lifelessions blog

We’re going out all day today, testing our car (!), shopping and visiting Mom Lifecruiser. So I will share another blog with you so you get something totally different to read in the meantime.

I don’t normally do this, but as it runs in the family, I would like to introduce you to my old mothers blog, Lifelessions.

There should be a lot more of older bloggers out there, it’s so educational to read!

Go to Lifelessions, the old chick blogger

Cruise list: Sisiggy, Dot, Mrhaney, and Dirty Butter.
February 5th, 2006

Gchart gets local time and blogs

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Useful

We hope that you haven’t missed the fantastic map service on the internet to look up other blogs in certain areas of interest or get to know the local time in certain places.

Just click some where on the map and you get the local time, international calling code, area code and some blogs from that area - can it be any easier?

There even are features for making friends, travel information and more, maybe not so interesting things….

Gchart gets local time or local blogs

February 2nd, 2006

Flickr debute for our photos

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Travel, Useful, Photo

At last, done with our Flickr Pro account!!!

We have a lot of photos to choose between so I suspect that we’ll have a lot to do for a long time ahead sorting out the good ones and uploading all of them to flickr….

The first ones out is from our journey to the guest ranch in Paraguay and Iguazu falls, after that it will be a few from Brazil and then from our other passed journeys too.

Take a peek at our Flickr photostream at their site OR by the cool photo badge (flash) in the right sidebar on this page. We have even added a menu choice “Photo” in the top of this blog, which will take you to our flickr photostream.

Enjoy our photos :-)

Cruise list: Happy and Blue.
January 23rd, 2006

Save webpages for ever

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

“hanzo:web is a new service that enables you to save and archive web pages, collections of linked pages and even whole sites on the web. The beauty of this tool is that you can access and browse these pages or sites even when the original site ceases to exist”.

Click here to go to Hanzo:web

NOTE: Web pages content can be BIG, so be careful with the option to save hole web sites if you only have the Free version with 100 MB/month…

It would be nice to save our old websites/blogs there. Hm, or maybe not….? How ever, it would be nice to save some really special websites there.

Not ours then :-)

January 20th, 2006

Need some nagging?

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Useful

There really is a lot of interesting sites out on the internet.

If you don’t have any one that nags on you, you can make some nagging by email on this site called Hassle Me.

Hassle Me service by email

January 15th, 2006

Event Calendar for your blog

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

This is a cool tool for the busy ones who has a slight case of altzheimers or dementia (or bad cases like us).

If you publish the Calendar badge on your blog, you get a lot of help from other people reading it and reminding you. If it is stuff you want to be reminded of, of course. Do not write about embarrassing things there. Or, come to think about it: please do that!

You can share calendar with a bunch of people, for example, the other maniacs you fool around with.

There is the option to mark the event as private or public, but we prefer if you do not mark all the naughty stuff you write there as private ;-) Do not be stingy, share your most private details with every one on the hole world wide web. Exciting yes?

There is a widget for your own computers desktop too, so you can sit in piece and quiet and write down everything nice that is happening in your life. Or nothing if you having a boring life. Then another feature is very helpful - when you are out surfing and see some cool event on other sites, you can add that to your calendar.

One of the most useful feature is that you can choose to be reminded by email for important events - if you remember to click that choice….

All your fans can subscribe to your Calendar with rss-feed. Need we say more?

All this fabulous stuff and more (for free!) with the excellent CalendarHub!!!

You can se how the badge is looking in the sidebar to the right of this page, between Categories and Monthly. If you click on the headline in the badge (Events), you can have a look at our calendar.

NOTE: It is a BETA-version, still improvements needed, but hey, it is free….

January 13th, 2006

Prejudice around the world

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Useful

Look up what people in the world are known for, and hey, if you do not like what it is saying about your country - do not blame us for that, blame Google!

A small request from this Swedes:

What the heck means with the word Austerity????? They say that the Swedes are that, but we do not even know what the word means… And we can not find it in the dictionairy!

Could someone explain it to us please, so we know how we shall behave to be really Swedish….?

In the meantime we will drink our coffee and carve our Viking longboats!

The Prejudice Map

Cruise list: Kathryn Beach and Happy and Blue.
January 13th, 2006

Extra tasty drink recipes

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

Had a really bad day?
Had a really good day?
Had an exhausting day and need to relax?
Need a way to make someone else to relax and have fun?
Need help to go to sleep?
Need some way to escape reality?
Feel an urgent need to mix drinks?

….Or just feeling plain thirsty?

Try out this site that we stumbled over today: Extratasty

January 5th, 2006

Our Cool Froogle wishlist

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Useful

OK, we admit it: we are really weird!!! (As you have not noticed that already *lol*)

Now we have created a Froogle wishlist with things that we do not need, but it would be cool if we had. This will make us geeks more cool. At least I think so… Not sure of some of the items though!

I am sure that you suddenly will feel an urgent need to buy us the cool stuff:

Lifecruisers Froogle wishlist

What do you think about them? We want to be more cool, what is your favourite of them? (Do not miss that it is more than 1 page!)

Cruise list: Happy and Blue.
December 27th, 2005

About Lifecruisers avatars

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful

If any of you are curious of how we look, you can just look at this avatars from yahoo - or take a peek under our About section in the menu above to see (and read) more.

Yahoo! Avatars full size under About    Yahoo! Avatars full size under About   Yahoo! Avatars full size under About

As usual, the pictures are a little bit (ok, not so little) flattering, but hey, allow us to be good looking at least for once in our lifes!!!

Do not miss the fact that the pictures can change from time to time.

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