
October 29th, 2005

Free phone calls worldwide

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

Why pay for phone calls when you can have them for free? Answer: because you are dumb enough….?

There has been a hazzle to get hold of functional phone cards with good options, when Miss ass. lifecruiser and I tries to call each other now when she is in New Mexico, US.

As free Skype users since a while back, we suddenly remembered that they even have a good offer for calling out to real phones! What a difference! Much better than the damn phone cards! WHY did’nt we think of that before?

With Skype you can talk through your computer worldwide with other Skype users for FREE and with a good quality - better than the phone cards - usually with the same quality as your home phone.

All you need is functional speakers and a microphone (which is built in, in modern displays) or get yourself a slim headset if you want to talk more privat, that is what we have. If you prefer to talk the oldfashioned way: get a USB-phone.

You even can sign up for SkypeIn and SkypeVoicemail if you want the whole kit :-)

Or what about the Skype Zones (BETA) that allows you to connect with wireless from a lot of hot spots around the world?

Or the Skype Toolbar for Outlook that allows you to make Skype calls to persons in your addressbook in Outlook or even in emails?

Nice things to have too, uhhh?

Unfortunately miss ass. lifecruiser does not have a laptop with her…. Anyone who feels like going to New Mexico and donating her one….?

So we are going to get a paid account, SkypeOut ( at once!), beacuse we don’t want to be dumb any longer…!!!

Click on the picture to SkypeOut you too - or at least read all about it.

Cruise list: Cat and Sarah.
September 16th, 2005

Blog Traffic Exchange Review

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

[ …. And the winner is…… BlogAdvance ! ]

Motivation: This sites members and staff together creates a very special atmosphere.

One thing that we have said from the beginning of this blog, is that we will be doing some reviews of things. Lifecruiser is a blog more based on quality than quantity, to put it simple.

We just pick out the things we like the most, even when it comes to blog traffic exchange sites. There even can be a slightly odd reason sometimes for why we think it is the best, but it is still our best choice.

That is even the reason for us to NOT jump on the bandwagon of all the advertising and affiliates business that, in our meaning, is totally destroying the blogs/sites. When the blog is full of ads, we just skip that page, do not want to read a line. We do not trust the content of the page.

So ads can do damage to your blog. Some ads are okey, but not too many. It do not feels trustworthy. Like they all have bought you. Or it is like not seeing the tree for all the forrest.

The last weekend we did quite a good work surfing trough six of the most mentioned blog traffic exchange sites. It was hard work, but we wanted to know, what it all was about.

Was it worth it to be a member of them? What could we gain? Did it increase our visitor stats? And a lot of other questions. Born curious as we are :-)

We came up with one winner in our eyes and that is BlogAdvance. The main reason for this is that we think that this is a site that really listen to their members and keep up a good level on the service. They are rather new - maybe that is the reason for the enthusiasm they have shown us.

They have had their well functioning member forum for a while and other blog traffic sites is now follow after and is creating forums they too. It is important that the members can reach each other and discuss or help each other besides the comments.

We also like the fact that BlogAdvances surfbar goes a little micro bit slower, because the over all meaning of it is that people actually shall READ your blog, not just surf by it to gain some credits!

They all have some different ways/functions, so you can not really compare all that between them, but as we said in the beginning: BlogAdvance have a special atmosphere that we did not find on the other sites.

One of them even had a bit infected atmosphere that was not nice at all. There seems to be some “grouping” as usual and it is a pity indeed. We have also found certain emails from one of the other sites staff a little bit unnecessary rough sometimes.

So, yes it is worth it to be a member, if it is the right one where you can feel comfortable and among friends.

We do not feel like it is worth it to be at all the sites, it is not that big difference in the visitor stat that it rewards the time (or paid credits) you have to put down on it.

Besides that, if you really shall get the most out of it, you should not only join as a member to show your own blog, you should participate through leaving comments and be an active forum member. There you have the real benefits of it! Getting hold of the other members experience and opinions.

You are most welcome in the gang - go there and introduce your self :-)


Cruise list: Mandy, Skittles, Red, and Deb.
September 9th, 2005

Animal victims of Katrina

Posted by Lifecruiser in Attention, Useful, Pets

Finally, even we will write something about the Katrina disaster. It is so hard to get the words come out right. There is no proper way to say anything on the subject other than that we all feels the pain with the victims.

How ever, there is something we have missed in all the writing out there on the internet and that is mentioning of the other victims, the animals. They too suffer in this mess.

So we will instead urge you all to donate some money to save some of this equally innocent victims.

HSUS Katrina animal rescue

Cruise list: Mandy.
September 6th, 2005

Earth quake and bad weather

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Useful

When out travelling around the world it could come in handy with this Earthquake Monitor - hey, it is not our meaning to scare you up, but it is good-to-know-facts!

We had booked a journey to Malaysia and the Philippines in Januari this year. We were going to stay in Malaysia for two weeks at a Golf & Spa Resort Hotel and really get spoiled. Then we were suppose to head for The Philippines and The island Boracay and stay there for 1,5 month…. *dreaming*

Now, it is a strange thing here. Mrs Lifecruiser seems to have some kind of spell put on her, beacuse where ever she goes - where the weather conditions normally would be good - she get bad weather. We do not know what evil she has done to deserve this, other from being a freak and a hungry monster we can not think of anything.

This time, what happened just before we should leave? Yes, you have guessed right, The Tsunami came. It smashed in over the same coast line in Malaysia where we should stay. Luckily for us, this time, we were not there yet, but this still ment that we did not get the pleasure of enjoying this trip! There was no way that we could go there and enjoy anything after seing all the news from the tsunami, pictures of the hit rolling around in our heads.

So we did stay at home and instead donated money to all the poor victims that were there.

Afterwards we did a check up with the facts of earthquakes and tsunamis in all that area and yes, it could be a risky area to visit, but then of course: how could you ever know in advance about any disaster???!! Ever so often the nature beats us. Just look at the Katrina disaster now.

You will never know where nature hits, but you can not go around and thinking about that all the time either. We must do what we came to the earth to do: just LIVE the best way we can.

We maybe will go there another year instead, The Philippines seems so very beutiful. We have friends that use to go there every year, for many years now, that is how we became interested of going there. They have only good things to say about it!

Another strange thing is: when we go to places where we NOT expect the weather to be fine, it has been better than it use to be… For example when we went to London and Iceland it was surprisingly fine weather there! Even when we were in Scotland it was not as bad as it could have been.

But we still wonder: will there be bad weather on our next trip? In that case maybe The US should put up an early warning systems for visitors with a spell on them….?

EARLY WARNING! Lifecruiser is coming to the US, Ohio the 19th of September!!!!!

Cruise list: USA Posting and Mandy.
September 5th, 2005

Poker prevents Altzheimers

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

If anyone is wondering WHY we are playing around so often at pokersites, here is the answer…. *LOL*

“Several recent studies have shown that mental and physical exercise throughout life may significantly reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s.

Mental exercises such as crossword puzzles, brain teasers, chess, or card games help keep the mind working in top shape. This helps build what is called a cognitive reserve. Formal education also helps build a person’s cognitive reserve. In fact, each year of education reduces a person’s chances of getting Alzheimer’s by an average of 17%. Scientists believe this is because people with a large cognitive reserve are better able to adapt to neurons that are killed by the disease. The more neural connections you have, the longer it takes for the disease to make a significant impact.

It’s important to note that mental exercise cannot do much help once Alzheimer’s has already set in. A person must have a lifetime commitment to learning in order to build up their cognitive reserve. It is probably not possible to completely prevent the disease in genetically susceptible people, but it is possible to delay the onset by long enough that it will not occur in the person’s lifetime”.

[Cut from]

Cruise list: CaptainJeff.
August 24th, 2005

Feel like dancing?

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Useful

  A good way to get to learn people (OK,
  we admit that we mean women or
  men) is on the dance floor.

  What else opportunity can you find
  that so fast allows you to get really
   close to someone?

  OK, maybe not so close as in this
  picture, if you do not know the
  person very well ;-)

If you can not dance, why not learn….? It truly is fun.

Move your butt out of the sofa and get in shape!

Take lessons in this online tutorial

August 16th, 2005

Unusual encyclopedia

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Useful

Well, well, what do we have here….. An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural on the internet - if you are thinking that your life is too boring maybe?

Take a look in to the mysterious

August 16th, 2005

Explore Google Earth

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Useful

Wow, what a cool application, we stumbled over Google Earth today which truly is amazing!

We just love to be able to zoom in to places that we are going to travel to.

As they say them selves:

“Dive right in - Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips.

Do not miss that you can search for example: “hotels near picadilly circus” among other searchterms.

Be sure to read the help information, you get a lot of very useful tips there!

Go around the world with Google Earth

Cruise list: Matthe louis.
July 1st, 2005

The best webhost?

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

Found this excellent webhost, it’s a pity that we’ve already have paid our current one for a long time ahead… *mumbling something grumpy*

All this is included for $6.95/month:

- WordPress Auto-Install
- 4 GB disk storage
- FREE Domain Name
- 2500 POP / WebMail addresses
- 100 GB/mo transfer
- Host 6 Domains on 1 Account
- 50 mySQL databases
- Free Control Panel
- 24/7 Network Monitoring
- 99% Uptime Guarantee
- Mirrored Storage Backups
- No hidden fees
- Voted Best Support in 2004

Thinking of changing our own….

Read more about it

June 25th, 2005

Birdie nam nam

Posted by Lifecruiser in Useful

Now when we have been reading in the fish database, we also want to know what’s going on in the sky, so we found a website that could provide information about a lot of bird species for us.

There is always something new to learn, the nature is fantastic!

Online birdguide

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