
November 6th, 2005

Heart in head

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Wise words

“When you are in Love it feels like you have a heart in your head”.

[ Jeanette, 9 year ]

October 29th, 2005

Lost in Love

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Wise words

“The heart beats faster when you have been out playing football. When you are in Love you are completely gone”.

[ Allan, 8 year ]

October 19th, 2005

Quiet Love

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“When you are in Love, it gets all quiet inside you, so that the heart really can hear that you are in Love”.

[ Thomas, 8 year ]

Cruise list: Mandy.
October 7th, 2005

One mouth

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Wise words

“You can only be together with one person, because when you are going to kiss, you only have one mouth”.

[ Niclas, 6 year ]

Cruise list: Jeff, Deb, ME Strauss, and Mandy.
September 25th, 2005

Sticky Love

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love, Wise words

“I know two persons that fell in Love because the man was dropping a chewing gum in the womans hair”.

[ Laura, 8 year ]

No - that was not us!!! How ever sticky love is suitable on our love, because we are stuck with it until death do us apart :-)

Sticky LoveOur thoughts from the beginning of this blog was to write something about Love too. It has been many fun things to choose between, so it has not been much of the Love stuff here - but in real life ;-)

Later we are going to tell you how Mr & Mrs Lifecruiser met each other and fell in Love - but you have to wait and really be longing to read that one… *teasing you a bit*

In the meantime there going to be a quote now and then instead. The quotes is cut from a book written by Grethe Dirckinck-Holmfeld from Denmark, “Kids thoughts about Love”, created from her interviews of Danish children age 6-10.

(We are just throwing this in, prepared in advance, too busy right now to write, but we will be back soon again!)

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, Mandy, and Jeff.
August 27th, 2005

Live every minute

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

”The humans that have got out most of life is not the ones that have lived a century, it is the ones that have lived every minute”

(Gabrielle Colette)

August 25th, 2005

Morning wake ups

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

To get the feeling of how we are doing this morning:

“Doctor, every morning when I get up and look myself in the mirror, I feel like throwing up. Whats wrong with me? He said: I dont know, but your sight is perfect!”

(Rodney Dangerfield)

August 19th, 2005


Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“People may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel”.

( Lifecruiser could have said this…)

June 28th, 2005

Value words

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“Word can be of great value, but still cost nothing”

(A spanish saying)

June 26th, 2005

Icelandic deepness

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“Not everything that is swimming in the ocean is good fish”

(A saying from Iceland)

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