
June 7th, 2005

African seaword

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“Every ship makes it’s own waves…”

(An african saying)

June 5th, 2005

I’m floating with the dream

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

Spain is one of the countrys in Europe that has the most sayings, which still is on peoples lips today. It probably started somewhere around the year 1605 with the famous Miguel de Cervantes novel Don Quijote.

Pedro Calderón de la Barca was a spanish dramatist who lived 1600-1681 and he sayed:

“Life is a dream…”

So: lets dream on and ENJOY our life!

May 24th, 2005

A drop in the ocean

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“Money don´t make you happy, but I rather cry in a Corvette Stingray than in a boring bus…”

May 21st, 2005

Unique waves

Posted by Lifecruiser in Wise words

“Always remember you’re unique in the sea, just like every wave are”.

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