
September 15th, 2006

A wedding invitation

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love

“It is the man who propose, because he likes women very much”. [ Sinem, 8 year ]

Or, in this case it should be:

“It is the woman who propose, because she likes woman very much”.

What am I talking about?

Today we received an invitation to a wedding between Mr Lifecruisers niece and her girlfriend in Adolf Fredriks Church in Stockholm City. A very nice church, which use to have wonderful choirs with children from a nearby music school.

The church is built in the 18th century and got it’s name after The Swedish King Adolf Fredrik, which laid the first stone.

At last we’re going to a wedding! We’ve been waiting for wedding invitations, since we have several youngsters around us :-)

It’s not until the 16th of June 2007, but still, it’s nice to have something so joyful as a wedding to look forward to.

Who doesn’t want to go to a wedding…?

So all we have to do now is:
- Make sure we don’t plan any trip that date
- Thinking out a really good wedding gift
- Buy a new dress (good excuse ;-)

Take a peek: Panorama view over Adolf Fredrik Church
(If it doesn’t start, try to reload the page)

All you need is Love :-)

Cruise list: Fruitful Spirit and Happy and Blue 2.

2 Responses to ' A wedding invitation '

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  1. Happy and Blue 2 said:

    Congratulations to the soon to be happy couple..

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I guess it is soon… The time passes so fast now when I’ve got sooo old ;-)

    September 15th, 2006 at 8:54 pm

  2. Fruitful Spirit said:

    Now that is a church! Just beautiful. We have two more step kids to be married and I am in no hurry for those weddings! Is that a pretty time for a wedding? Hubby said to tell you he has been to Stockholm and Motala. He loves your country and enjoyed his business trips there!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lifecruiser: We have a lot of beautiful churchs all over the city - and country. Yes, June is probably the most popular month for weddings over here. Beginning of the summer with often good weather. Not to hot. Aha, so hubby have been here hah? I’m glad that he liked it. Our town, Stockholm is a very beautiful city with a lot of water and green areas. I’ve only drive through Motala, it’s a small town. Mr Lifecruiser on the other hand, has been almost everywhere since he had a sales job many years ago and travelled over the whole country.

    September 15th, 2006 at 10:50 pm

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