
October 3rd, 2006

Making Love Figures

Posted by Lifecruiser in Love

We have been together for 2 years , 9 months and 4 days.

Let’s figure out our real Love time. (Don’t peep in the end!)

Mr Lifecruiser and I met each other the 29th of December 2003. It was two days left of that year. During 2004 we had 365 days of Love together and so even 2005. For 2006 we have had 275 days of Love together with the 2d of october included.

That is a total of 1007 Love days together.

1007 days = 24168 hours = 1.450.080 minutes = 87.004.800 seconds of 100% Love.

Average time weekdays and weekends awake: 17 hours.
Average time weekdays and weekends not awake: 7 hours.
Time we slept together: 7049 hours. (wasted time ;-)
Total time awake: 17119 hours.

Time that we have spent together awake:
713,29 days = 17119 hours = 1027140 minutes = 61.628.400 seconds.

Time that a normal “Svensson” spend together with his/hers woman/man during corresponding period:

8 hours sleep = 5754 hours weekdays = 239,76 days.
10 hours sleep = 2877,5 hours weekends = 119,90 days.
Trips to and from work, working time + shopping = 10 hours = 7192,5 hours = 299,68 days.
1151,5 hours separated from each other, with friends, other interests = 47,97 days.

Total 1007 days:
Average time weekdays awake: 719,25 *6 hours = 4315,5 hours = 179,79 days.
Average time weeends awake: 287,75 *10 hours = 2877,5 hours = 119,90 days.
Total time awake: 7193 hours = 299,69 days.

Time that Svensson slept (together) hum, hum 8631 hours (wasted time!)

Svensson sleep 1582,5 hours more than us during a 1007 days period, which is 10,99 hours more per week = 1,57 hours more per day.

Conclusion real Love time:

In comparison with Svensson seen in a time perspective, the amount of time that has been spent together awake, we would have been together corresponding 7,1 years = 2386,59 days comparing to Svenssons 1007 days.

7,1 years Love intensified during 2 years, 9 months and 4 days!

And we have already skipped the 7 years crise ;-)

I Love You was said by us 20 times per day (probably underestimated) = 20140 times.

♥ If you then consider the fact that we have had sex….

♥ 2 times per day = 2014 times and Svensson 2 times a week = 287,71 times, who would you consider being the luckiest? *lol*

Cruise list: Kasia, Tricia, Gattina, Napfisk, Martin, Chi, Claudie, Debbie (Fruitful Spirit), Lazy Daisy, and Sandy.

10 Responses to ' Making Love Figures '

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  1. Sandy said:

    Have you figured the amount of TIME that you must have had on your hands to figure this all out??? SMILE!!! I hate math so this would have taken me years and years!!! tee hee!!! Sandy

    Lifecruiser: Oh, we just had to stop kissing for a half day or so to have time to do the math ;-)

    October 3rd, 2006 at 1:32 pm

  2. Lazy Daisy said:

    Girlfriend you crack me up! Next thing will probably be a pie graft!

    Lifecruiser: Don’t get us started… :-)

    October 3rd, 2006 at 2:23 pm

  3. Debbie (Fruitful Spirit) said:

    Ok I think you missed one of those sex times for this writing! :)

    Way too much thought went into this and you lost me after you counted the days!

    But I for one would be interested in seeing the pie chart as that is something I can use, I am more of a visual person! You know a picture is worth a thousand words, or something like that!:cool:

    Lifecruiser: You’ll never know, maybe we counted at the same time ;-) And Pie chart, mjaaa, that would be too easy for you! If it has taken us a certain time to count the figures, you might as well take that time to read it. *lol*

    October 3rd, 2006 at 3:24 pm

  4. claudie said:

    I think you and Mr lifecruiser you are really lucky! So many people count their money and you count your love! Love is the best thing in our life!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, we sure are :-) *dreamy sigh of happiness* We wish this kind of happiness for every one, how nice the world would be, so filled with Love…

    October 3rd, 2006 at 10:06 pm

  5. Chi said:

    Wow! That is a lot of love!! *s* Seriously, I think it is wonderful!

    Thanks for stopping by for a visit…I really appreciate it very much.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, we’re full of Love… *lol* Of course I must stop by and check how you’re doing :-)

    October 3rd, 2006 at 10:18 pm

  6. martin said:

    Love the blog post, what a lot of number crunching you have done!

    What is this ’sex’ thing by the way, it the same as having a poo?

    I am so innocent!

    Good night folks, me has drunk too much beer tonight!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, dear Martin, that’s a sexpack beer ;-)

    October 4th, 2006 at 1:07 am

  7. Napfisk said:

    I love this. I once calculated the 1001th night I was together with my former GF and organized an Arabian Night Special, complete with dinner and hotel. It was a night of love alright. These days I calculate other stuff, but I still like my stats all around.

    Lifecruiser: Ah, that was inventive of you too Napfisk, I love that :-)

    October 4th, 2006 at 7:20 am

  8. Gattina said:

    Please calculate in the same manner my 36 years of mariage. Thank you ! :-)

    Lifecruiser: Pheeeew ;-)

    October 4th, 2006 at 9:14 am

  9. Tricia said:

    Wow! That’s a lot of LOVE figuring. :) Sounds like you and the Mr are very lucky and very much in love.

    My husband and I have spent more time together than we have apart in our 17 years together (12 married in a couple of weeks). We met as jewellers and worked in the same building and were always in each others offices, and now (well I’m sick at home but he’s here a LOT) we both work in the same hospital so we either have time off together or work together.

    I know you have Chris and I beat (well for an almost three year period anyway!), but I think we are together more than most couple are too.

    Great post!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Tricia :-) I’m glad that you two can spend so much time together too! I know couple that hardly ever see each other and I really feel sorry for them.

    October 4th, 2006 at 10:07 am

  10. Kasia said:

    Love is all around!
    I am wishing you joy and peace of mind. And a lot of good laughter together. :)

    Lifecruiser: Ahh, thank you KAsia, I hope you two have the same!

    October 4th, 2006 at 3:09 pm

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