
September 17th, 2006

The green simplicity diversity

Posted by Lifecruiser in Nature
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I often find that people miss the green plants in the gardens and only have eyes for all the colorful flowers. Some of them make statements like that they find green plants simple and dull.

The photo above is one of my absolute favorite ones, so “simple”, but yet so full of life and vibrant color. Actually I find nothing simple about this.

Every green leaf is a complicated creation. Every green plant is different from the other and that is like a new invention to me. It’s the wonder of mother nature and I can’t understand why people don’t grasp this more than they do.

They’re walking around with their eyes half closed.

You make the judgement: is it really simplicity?

[Click to enlarge the pictures]
holland 224haga butterfly house 001haga butterfly house 102haga butterfly house 115

♥ Join Green Thumb Sunday ♥

Cruise list: Lucy, Zingtrial, Fruitful Spirit, Teena, Dave, John, Mandy, Pam, and Kasia.

10 Responses to ' The green simplicity diversity '

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  1. Kasia said:

    No it is not simplicity. Or actually somehow it is. These forms are not overdecorated. And simple things are the most beautiful in my opinion.
    And green is my most favourite colour :-)

    Lifecruiser: I know what you mean… *lol* And green, well, at least certain colors of green, are one of my favorite colors too. Maybe because I have green eyes and fit so well in green. Yes, I’m vain :-)

    September 17th, 2006 at 12:43 am

  2. Pam said:

    Texture galore!! I am very fond of all the green. Great post!
    I played this week too.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Pam. I’ll pop over and see what you’ve got :-)

    September 17th, 2006 at 5:59 am

  3. Mandy said:

    I won’t join just yet, though I’m tempted. Flowers and plant photography are one of my favourite.. but I just don’t know if I’ll have time. We’ll see..

    Lifecruiser: You’re heartly welcome when ever you want to Mandy :-) It would be fun to have you with us!

    September 17th, 2006 at 10:49 am

  4. John said:

    I totally agree. In fact my garden is full of lovely foliage. I particularly love the varigated foliage or the deep reds like on some lilies. A beautiful fresh green is lovely and soothing on a warm Spring afternoon. Having said that, I’ve posted a bright coloured flower from a neighbouring garden this week.. oh well !

    Lifecruiser: Well, flowers are beautiful too, but we shouldn’t forget or completely miss the green plants :-)

    September 17th, 2006 at 11:17 am

  5. John said:

    Having trouble leaving a comment.. hope this works. Great shot… agree about the foliage, often more stunning than the flowers, in fact I don’t have many flowers as such in my garden.. more succulants, bushes and lots of lovely natives. Well done.

    Lifecruiser: Probably no problem, just the fact that I have comments moderation on, to avoid spammers which I’ve had problems with before :-) Thanks.

    September 17th, 2006 at 11:26 am

  6. Dave said:

    Up here on the mountain green is our favorite color. Not many flowers thrive in the shade. In the spring it’s azalias and rhododendrons and in the fall we get our color fix when the leaves change.

    Lifecruiser: That must be very beautiful, with all the green shade plants and then the azalias and rhododendrons blooming!

    September 17th, 2006 at 2:48 pm

  7. Teena said:

    Very cool! I tend to not keep “green” things around as I forget to water them :(

    Lifecruiser: Yes, they do demand some care. We don’t have much either, but that’s because we’ve been out travelling so much and plan to do so in the future too.

    September 17th, 2006 at 2:58 pm

  8. Fruitful Spirit said:

    Being an ex Floridian I love the shades and textures of greeen found in nature. That is all that is there most of the time! I think the leaves on the bush is as attractive as the bloom. And I love the textures that cactus brings us! Great shots all of them.

    Hope you are having a super Sunday!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-) I so totally agree with you. We have an election today in Sweden about our continued government, so we’ve been out voting, other from that we’re having a quiet Sunday. We hired some films to watch too. I never watch the TV, but films is OK when I can choose by myself what to see. I’ll pop over to wish you a super sunday back :-)

    September 17th, 2006 at 3:14 pm

  9. zingtrial said:

    I love green,and like growing green things He!He!He!
    nice posting
    Wish you well

    Lifecruiser: Green is a natural color, fresh :-)

    September 17th, 2006 at 9:32 pm

  10. Lucy said:

    Oh yes! I’m actually better at the “green” only plants than everything else. :mrgreen: But i understand your point. One of my favorites - the variated dogwood. I love them when they first bloom and how the blow in the wind. Then in the winter just the red twigs.

    You have beautiful photos.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Lucy :-) I’ve seen photos of the dogwood so I know that’s one of my favorites too!

    September 18th, 2006 at 3:18 am

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