
August 31st, 2005

My wife showing her tits

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

Mr Lifecruiser: OK, I will cover my flanks now. The battle is in full action! She is gonna get…

I must post this picture of my wife, to take some landmark back after she posted that beach thing of me.

- Remember, I am only defending my self! No one can blame me for that. OK?

This is a really naughty one - caught in the very act of showing her tits in public!

Mrs Lifecruiser showing her tits

- Yes, it is insane of her, but as you have noticed, I am sure, she is a freaking maniac. I mean, she must be, she is married and living with me…..

Cruise list: Mandy.

2 Responses to ' My wife showing her tits '

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  1. Mandy said:

    Hello there! I actually SURFED onto your blog, first time ever! LOL.. oh and no problems with the frames either :)

    I just noticed you have a link for Friesian, that’s my favourite horse! I’d love one, and hopefully (fingers crossed) I’ll have one in the next couple of years.

    Funny tit piccie btw! lol


    September 1st, 2005 at 10:59 am

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Nice that you finally got us up in BA surf script :-)

    I am not so sure if I am glad that you enjoyed the pic, I am a little embaressed that my husband has made my tits public ;-)

    About the Friesian Horse link: That’s mine (Mrs Lifecruisers) absolutely favourite horse too. After that The Andalusian comes….

    Lucky you if you can get one, I do hope you can!

    There is so many BEUTYFUL horses and I can’t have even one…. *heavy sigh* I have big problems with my back, leaving me with no option - I had to quit riding on a permanent basis :-(

    That is why I need Mr Lifecruiser to keep my back warm. *LOL*

    September 1st, 2005 at 11:12 am

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