Pushing all the right buttons
This weekend I have been a
totally surf freak. I confess, I
almost got addicted to surfing…
I just could not stop pushing
the buttons. “Hey, if there is
a button, surely I must push
it…” My arms is so tired, my
eyes reflecting the display
like a square, my mind so
tired, so tired. But yeeahhh,
I am in the top surfers league
in the blog traffic exchange
thing now. Hmmm…
So what? What now?
Done that part, now I can relax and just enjoy all the other nice things with the net. I must admit that it was kind of fun there for a moment. And yes, we got some more visitors to the blog - but is it the visitors that really gonna READ our blog? And furthermore: what visitors do we want for our blog?
So the benefit of it is that I got a feeling of what we really want with this blog - the same conclusion I am sure that the rest of you already has done - we just want to share our thoughts with who ever who happens to come across it and read it! As simple as that. No fuzz about it.
And face it: there are much more fun buttons to push ;-)
But I still wonder: What is it that drags me to the computer like a magnet all the time….?
Anyone who like to answer?