
September 15th, 2005

Life Before Technology

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

For us OLD people who still remember how it was:

- An application was for employment.
- A program was a TV show.
- A cursor used profanity.
- A keyboard was a piano!
- Memory was something that you lost with age.
- A CD was a bank account!
- And if you had a broken disk, it would hurt when you found out!
- Compress was something you did to garbage, not some- thing you did to a file!
- If you unzipped anything in public you would be in jail for a while!
- Log on was adding wood to a fire.
- Hard drive was a long trip on the road.
- A mouse pad was where a mouse lived.
- Cut you did with a pocket knife.
- Paste you did with glue.
- A web was a spiders home.
- And a virus was the flu!

Cruise list: Mandy, Mama Mouse, and Easywriter.

5 Responses to ' Life Before Technology '

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  1. easywriter said:

    Oh no! I’m old :lol:

    This is really cute. Thanks for brightening my day!

    September 15th, 2005 at 6:09 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    We do think that maybe OLD stands for something else, it must be a shortening of…..?

    O verjoyed
    L aughing
    D ude / Darling

    But, hey what do we know, we have both Dementia and Altzheimers ;-)

    September 15th, 2005 at 7:51 pm

  3. Mama Mouse said:

    But what about when CD was just two letters in the alaphabet?!!! LOL

    Yes … I am old too …. TOO old! Well maybe not yet … but sooooon!

    September 16th, 2005 at 5:51 am

  4. Mandy said:

    Memory was something that you lost with age. I lost mine a LONG time ago.. lol

    September 16th, 2005 at 12:14 pm

  5. Mrs Lifecruiser said:

    Mama mouse:
    You can never be too old. If you get very old, you become childish again and then next stage is to heaven…. *smiling big*

    Ahh, I wish there was some kind of memory card to put in somewhere in my head, how practical that would be!!! I need a lot of them, it would be full…. (because I can not keep anything in my head so it have to be on the card!)

    September 16th, 2005 at 3:17 pm

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