
December 19th, 2005

Adult naughty favourite song

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love

There is this old song that we can not resist. We just love it, our absolute favourite.

Hey, it is always a good thing to be good friends ;-)

It is really sweet, but never the less we must warn you that it do contain adult words:

Listen to Dear p*nis


Cruise list: Deb.

2 Responses to ' Adult naughty favourite song '

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  1. Deb said:

    Oh hey! I just noticed your banner changes! Go me!!!

    I love the song Dear Penis. Anyone who doesn’t know the words is obviously too damn young.

    December 20th, 2005 at 12:26 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Some day there will even be a photo from our trip in Australia - in the future - there…

    *singing loud*

    December 20th, 2005 at 2:01 pm

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