
February 7th, 2006

Picking up interesting shit

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Pets

This is an event that happened when I was a dog owner a while ago, but it’s still in my memory.

I was visiting my mothers home and she were having guest from abroad. When she started to prepare the dinner, I was heading out with my dog to be able to rest in piece and quiet after the dinner. Two of the guests wanted to come with me for the walk to see a bit of the surroundings, so off we went. This was two elderly women which almost didn’t speak any english at all. I couldn’t speak their language and they couldn’t speak swedish.

I took them to see a small castle nearby, it has really beutiful surroundings too. After we had been out for a while I let my dog loose on a more appropriate place so he could do what he was supposed to do… He was running around a lot and at last he sat down and made his poo duty, but this was at a distance from us of course. My dog was very well behaved.

When he was ready I picked up my plastic bag because I’m very well behaved too and went forward to the poo pile. I put the bag on my hand, bent down to pick it up and realize that I have some one right at my side, very close. There was one of the ladys, leaning down really close to see the poo pile better, probably thinking that it must be something really interesting because I was picking it up…..

How do you explain to an old lady what you’re doing, when you don’t even speaking the same language? Yeah, you’re right, you don’t!

She was asking something about it before she realized what it was that I’ve done, but for a moment there I thought that she should ask to be allowed to see the so very interesting content in the bag…. Pheeewww! When she realized what I’ve just done, she turned a little bit red - you should have seen her face expression -and there was an awful silent moment. I couldn’t even say to her that it didn’t matter because she wouldn’t understand and she was too embarressed.

I tried to laugh away the awkward in the situation, but the two ladys never did laugh… I even tried to explain the situation to the others when we came back, but no one thought it was any funny.

I have a very strange humor, obviously!

Now I remember another interesting shitty story….

- Nah, I think I save that one for some other time!

Cruise list: Skye, Sisiggy, Rurality, Mrhaney, Martin, and Happy and Blue.

10 Responses to ' Picking up interesting shit '

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  1. Happy and Blue said:

    I found it funny.
    You should have handed her the bag and walked away..

    February 7th, 2006 at 8:32 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Ha ha, I like your suggestion, you naughty one :-)

    February 7th, 2006 at 8:34 pm

  3. Martin said:

    Great story!

    It reminds me of when I took my dog to the beach. Bandit is very clever at catching a ball and one day two coach loads of grey haired day trippers were leaning on the railings looking down at the dog and me and cheering whenever he caught the ball. There must have been about 400 pairs of eyes watching (sorry I mean 399 1/2 pairs, I remember one old lady had an eye patch!)

    Bandit then ran off and did his business and about 200 people turned there back on us with a look of distaste on their faces. They then turned back to see if I would go and pick the poo up, could I find it amongst all the stones and seaweed on the beach, no I could not.

    I spent about five minutes trying to find the poo under the watchful gaze from above; I then gave up and picked up a pile of seaweed pretending that I had found it.

    Luckily the tide was on the way in to wash it away but I can visualize all those old people saying “he didn’t pick it up you know”

    February 8th, 2006 at 11:58 am

  4. Lifecruiser said:

    Great story too Martin!

    I can really see their eyes at you…. Maybe you should have been taking a fee for watching…? Or make them bet if you should find it or not?

    February 8th, 2006 at 12:57 pm

  5. mrhaney said:

    this is a very funny story. thanks for giving us a laugh this morning. i needed it.

    February 8th, 2006 at 2:29 pm

  6. Rurality said:

    Pretty funny! I’m glad we live out in the country and don’t have to pick up after our dog! :)

    February 8th, 2006 at 2:58 pm

  7. Lifecruiser said:

    You’re welcome mrhaney, I’m just glad that some one else but me finds this funny….

    Yes, Rurality, there is some huge advantages of living out on the country and that must be one of the pleasant ones :-)

    February 8th, 2006 at 4:02 pm

  8. sisiggy said:

    We took our male aussie on vacation last year and his favorite dumping ground was the beach, which only I knew because I was the only one who got up to walk him. One morning, we walked to the beach, Topper did his thing, I picked it up and took a different route back to the rental so I didn’t pass a garbage can.
    By that time my husband was up and, upon seeing the bag in my hand, reached for it and said, “Oooo! Did you go out for donuts!”
    I let him have the bag…

    February 8th, 2006 at 10:14 pm

  9. skye said:

    Not only was it a funny story, but you have a great way with the telling of it.

    MrHaney sent me, but I’ve also been meaning to stop by from the comment you left on my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    February 9th, 2006 at 5:10 am

  10. Lifecruiser said:

    Ha ha, sisiggy, I loved your story about the donut bag, especially as you let him have the bag!!!!

    Thank you skye for your nice words, I’ll be over to you too soon again!

    And thank you mrhaney for sending people over here - and nice ones too :-)

    February 9th, 2006 at 8:27 am

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