
February 17th, 2006

My wifes nose stuff continues

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Pets

Oh boy, do I have a icky wife… She continues to do her nose stuff obviously. No wonder I’m pulling my hair in frustration what to do with her and getting grey hair - the hair I still have left… Remember the earlier post about My wife is picking my nose.

She seems still to be consistent with the icky habit to put things in her nose. This morning she was pouring coffee in to her nose (I swear, it’s the truth!) and one of her eyes!!! At first I thought that she was just very hungry as usual, before I realized that she was in to the nose thing again.

At least, this time it was her own nose and not mine!

She states that it was like two antennas going up to her face from the coffee and it must be aliens trying to break in to her nose and up to the brain to suck out the content (good luck I say, there is nothing there for them!). Or maybe our net pet Basil that have turn in to some nasty big spider with other awful habits, like breaking in to peoples brain and eat them up.

OK, we are a little bit worried that Basil maybe isn’t the sweet little pet we thought, he has been lurking a good time now, maybe he will come forward soon and has been growing in to an enormous size. Maybe we brought him with us from Brazil….? The world’s most dangerous poison spider….? Getting really worried here….

So, no wonder that I’m tired all the time, think of what I have to live with, one monster after another!!!

Cruise list: Dave and Happy and Blue.

5 Responses to ' My wifes nose stuff continues '

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  1. Happy and Blue said:

    Perhaps if you bought her nose plugs you could get some peace, tee,hee..

    February 18th, 2006 at 1:30 am

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Yes, that’s a nice idea…. Hm, I wonder if there is any with flashing lights and neon colors….?

    February 18th, 2006 at 12:04 pm

  3. Dave said:

    My wife does that too! I just showed her the pics on your nose picking post and the coffee went up her nose also! She recognized the nose tissue, she also does the ear tissue thing.
    It’s nice to know there are people in this world as weird as we.

    February 18th, 2006 at 6:10 pm

  4. Mrs Lifecruiser said:

    Wow Dave, what a relief for me too to hear about you. As I prefer to say: I’m born crazy and I’m proud of it!

    Or is its the rest of the world that it’s insane and we’re the normal ones….???

    February 18th, 2006 at 6:49 pm

  5. Mrs Lifecruiser said:

    Oh, and thanx for the tip about the ear tissues!!!

    February 18th, 2006 at 7:42 pm

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