
February 19th, 2006

Miss Ass. daily horoscopes

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

I don’t know what special connection Miss Ass. Lifecruiser has, or if it’s some one she knows that writes her daily horoscopes she is getting, but they are scary accurate striking EVERY TIME!!! It’s just unbeleivable…

“Feel the need to escape from everyday life? That’s understandable. The stars say it’s a great time to get away from it all. If you’re able, grab a suitcase and run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit”.

That’s sooo her, she always grab her suitcase to run somewhere, seldom unpack it.

*shaking my head in disbelief*

NOTE: I’ve tried it, but I never got any interesting, accurate or striking horoscopes, just plain dull ones. So I unsubscribed. It’s no fun…..

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser.

2 Responses to ' Miss Ass. daily horoscopes '

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  1. Miss Ass.Lifecruiser said:

    What to say???? I din’t find the exit yesterday… *blushing*… the bags are packed!!!

    February 19th, 2006 at 6:21 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Blushing? Hmpfff… That’s never happened before and I doubt it will happen ever!

    No, I’m sure that you have your own secret reason to stay where you are….

    February 19th, 2006 at 9:50 pm

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