
February 25th, 2006

Time to call in The A-Team

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love, Wise words
Mrs Lifecruiser clean as A-Team

Oh boy it’s the dirty day again. Our eyes are opened to how this home looks like. We haven’t noticed it until now. Or rather chosen not to see…

We can’t have a couple of new dusty pets. It looks like he has sort of spread his children all over the place now.

I think that we’ve been too good on practising one of our earlier mentioned housekeeping methods. Guess which one of them?

Or maybe we both was hoping that this young man would be saying the truth…

“When you are in Love, you get to sit down and drink coffee and watch a little movie. And then the other one have done the cleaning up”.

[ Henrik, 6 year ]

Hm… I think we’ll have to practise one of our other housekeeping methods… I’m not going to tell you which one of them. Have a guess again!

Googlism for a-team:
a-team is not a free service
a-team is not scared to use guns like your boy macgyver
a-team is always armed to the teeth

Cruise list: Sisiggy, Walker, and Miss Ass.Lifecruiser.

7 Responses to ' Time to call in The A-Team '

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  1. Miss Ass.Lifecruiser said:

    I’ve just been on the phone with Mrs.Life..Guesso what?? She was sitting down and had coffee… Do I have to say any more?????

    February 25th, 2006 at 2:52 pm

  2. Miss Ass.Lifecruiser said:

    Oh my Lord!! The A-Team!!!!! I really hope You didn’t mean ME!!!! A.A!!
    Because I don’t have time for any cleaning up…sorry…. !!!!

    February 25th, 2006 at 2:59 pm

  3. Lifecruiser said:

    I had a feeling in my left foot that you should say something like this…. hrmpffff….

    This home is now SHINY clean…almost to clean for us ;-)

    February 25th, 2006 at 10:55 pm

  4. Walker said:

    Gezzzzz You had to remind me about house work. I live in a 3 bedroom house alone with 2 cats and I have no idea how it gets so dirty.
    I used to be a cleaner for years and after that job I hated cleaning.
    Thats my excuse for not vacuming today :wink:

    February 25th, 2006 at 11:01 pm

  5. Lifecruiser said:

    Oh, you know Walker, there has been a lot of excuses here for soooo long now so now it was just a must to do it. The A-Team solved the problem, they just swept the whole place away ;-)

    February 26th, 2006 at 12:01 am

  6. sisiggy said:

    You could saddle our furry pets (and I don’t mean the dogs…). Every now and then someone takes it into their head to corral them up and usher them out. I suppose we should do something about their reproductive systems and then we wouldn’t have this problem. Like live in a tree.

    February 26th, 2006 at 12:48 am

  7. Lifecruiser said:

    Oh my, I hear that you may have a whole stable there sisiggy… Maybe you should consider to employee some grooms….Or, hey, what about a race? Then you could have people bet on which one is going to win! Think of all the publicity! Wow!

    February 26th, 2006 at 1:17 am

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