
March 22nd, 2006

Hit by the bird flu

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love
Cupido wounded by birdflu or what

I thought that I should wrote about my biggest fear for the moment. The Bird flu. It’s spreading around the world rapidly. But, I’m not afraid for my own sake. As long as Mr Lifecruiser and I’m together I can face anything.

No, what I wonder is if maybe Cupido is in the risk zone of getting it? That’s really worrying me.

Think about it, no more LOVE…..!!!!! I don’t want to experience THAT.

Do you think that masks and Tamiflu will protect him against it…?

Any one seen him lately?

Secret whisper: I’m afraid that if not the bird flu is taken him, forreign air forces have shot him down in fear that our earlier Make Love campaign would be too successful.

Cruise list: Skye, Walker, and TN Chick.

5 Responses to ' Hit by the bird flu '

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  1. TN Chick said:

    Oh dear, I hope the bird flu doesn’t get him… maybe he can dodge the birds and hopefully he doesn’t like bird crap. :)

    March 22nd, 2006 at 11:42 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Maybe I should design some really cool protection clothes for him ;-)

    March 23rd, 2006 at 12:48 am

  3. Walker said:

    Cupid would never catch the bird flu and there will always be love because cupid lives in two places. Half in soul of one person and half in the soul of another.
    Hidden deep where only the sweetest of feelings exist and could only be drawn out when both halves unite to make him whole to shoot that last spark uniting the two.

    March 23rd, 2006 at 1:52 am

  4. skye said:

    Wowwwww…I really like Walker’s response. May it be true :-)

    March 23rd, 2006 at 6:14 am

  5. Lifecruiser said:

    Me too Skye, but what on earth is he doing out on all the pictures you see of him then….?

    March 23rd, 2006 at 9:46 am

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