Cheers for Friday
In Swedish: Skål för Fredag!
It’s foggy outside this evening… and obviously even here on the inside… *lol*.
We decided to cheer for the fact that it’s Friday. Seems blurry to you? It is!
Swedes do have problems with the alcohol - it’s too expensive! We pay bloody high taxes, so no wonder that we love to shop tax-free…
We can only buy alcohol in special stores, called Systembolaget. Not in ordinary stores. Well, sort of, very light beers, but not wine or anything else.
Have a toast with us! What can we offer you to drink? Champagne? Campari? Martini? Whiskey? Mixed drink with a colored umbrella?
C H E E R S. . .
[ H I C K ]
Oh, and you better hurry up with your orders while we still are able to mix your drinks properly - if you don’t like surprises…