
June 2nd, 2006

Children clothes tour

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys

Our Friday went by hunting for children clothes in Stockholm and surroundings, something for my niece’s daughter that’s having her 1 year birthday party tomorrow.

Despite the fact that we have had some baby booms, there weren’t many stores specialized on children clothes to find. The one that were, had a very small assortment. Too small for this little girl anyway, because we got orders not to buy anything pink or too girlie, she is going for the more cool fashion style.

And what did we find every where? Yes, pink girlie clothes!!! So this task wasn’t among the easy ones, but you know how stubborn I am, so eventually I hunted it down.

Imagine a dark little beauty with brown eyes walking around with these clothes! She’s going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older….

I took pictures of the gifts to, wrapped up and ready to give away. Some patterns she may like. (Click on the pictures to enlarge)


Blunder: In the gift in the middle is a white, very cute little bathrobe with a hood, but I was too fast and wrapped that one in before I had taken the photos…. So you have to stay curious of that one!

Cruise list: Skye, Napfisk, Sisiggy, Happy and Blue 2, and Martin.

5 Responses to ' Children clothes tour '

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  1. martin said:

    Hello Folks!

    Just got back from a weeks camping and had great fun with all the kids!

    Happy Birthday to your niece’s daughter and what lovely clothes, what a lucky girl she will be.

    Oh well, I am off to sleep in a real bed tonight rather than the hard blow up bed I have been sleeping on this week!




    Lifecruiser: Welcome back Martin, sounds like a blast - if you haven’t had the same cold weather as we have had with a lot of rain… I can imagine what a nice feeling to be home and sleep in yur own bed! Nightie…

    June 3rd, 2006 at 12:41 am

  2. Happy and Blue 2 said:

    I like the writing on the cuff of the pants.
    Good choices and great wrapping..

    Lifecruiser: Yes, that writing made it more cool…

    June 3rd, 2006 at 3:59 am

  3. sisiggy said:

    What they meant by “nothing too girlie” was “anything that will blend with apple juice stains,” in which case, great job!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, the stains will match perfectly ;-)

    June 3rd, 2006 at 4:13 am

  4. Napfisk said:

    Wow, these are some cool finds! More of a treat to the grown-ups perhaps than the child. Beautiful nonetheless. She’ll be very proud of these!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I think my niece were more pleased than her daughter. She was more interested in the toys she got from others. And the wrapping itself of course, as always with kids :-)

    June 4th, 2006 at 6:26 pm

  5. skye said:

    Can I be your great niece, MrsL? Loved the clothes you picked out!

    It’s hard keeping up with all the trends. I was out shopping with my 10 year old niece this afternoon, and all she wanted were these extra long silver earrings. I think that’s mostly because of this girl Jenna, who she seems to think is “all-that” when it comes to fashion. I wish I had a Jenna growing up…lol.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it really is hard to keep up, sometimes I feel so OLD ;-)

    June 5th, 2006 at 3:33 am

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