Thursday Thirteen Blogosphere
1. Things bloggers write can be misinterpreted - if you want to misinterpret it. I never take things bloggers write personally. Geeez. What I mean is: It’s all about having fun, have a nice time. So I don’t take it so serious. It’s called socializing I think…. *lol*
2. I think your posts or your lists are great, no matter what they are about. It’s because that is what YOU want to say on YOUR blog and I have to accept and ponder over that. I’ve learned a lot that way.
3. I accept comments like “Nice list”… That tells me something too - either you couldn’t relate to the post I wrote - OR you’re just hunting for links to your own blog - OR you’re blogging with your left hand while you’re changing diapers on your baby ;-). Whatever the reason is, I don’t care. We have blog freedom. In my mind anyway.
4. Mind though, that if you only leave that kind of short comments here, I might feel less interested in making comments on your blog. I kinda like the two way real communication, not just a brief whispered hello :-)
5. I wonder about all the lurkers. We have sooo many visitors per day on this blog, but why don’t they comment? Let’s presume that a certain percentage of them just don’t get our humor or aren’t interested in the subject in the post, but the rest of them? Are they just like Peeping Tom’s? Like to watch, but not act? Or too shy? Why? It’s so fun, why not join the commenters group?
6. Actually, I soooo wonder what our readers and lurkers are thinking about us and our blog posts. Some of you tells us by your commenting, but others? I’m so curious! Are they thinking that we are totally insane, crazy Swedes, funny, strange or just (*whispering in fear*)…. simply boring?
7. I’ve become blog addicted. The blogosphere has some kind of social magnetism that is very difficult to resist. I guess humans are born to socialize in one way or another and the blogosphere is the next best. Reality is always #1, but can be much tougher to maintain under certain circumstances.
8. I’ve met so many new friends in the Blogosphere. Outstanding people. Creative. Caring. Witty. Real writers. The best thing is that you get to know them from their inside. I love to read about what’s going on in other bloggers life - even if it’s only day to day things - it tells me about other peoples life. From their point of view.
9. We’re all different and should be accepted for the one we are. Just like In Real Life. There is no difference. We can’t all have the same opinions or have the same blog layout or whatever - how would it look like if we all thought the same about everything? *horrible thought*
10. Do you believe you’re a good blogger? I mean a good blogger person, not only a good blog writer? Good, then you can tell me what a good blogger is!!! (Ha got ya ;-)
11. Wanna be our friend? Piece of cake: Click here!
12. Open special Flash message to YOU from us: I Like You!
NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we ♥ LOVE all comments :-)
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!